Come see: entitled survivors getting rekt

I just had this match.
At least two rank 1 survivors queuing with a low ranked friend aiming to get low ranked killers to bully.
They looked like noobs (no skins/itens) and then in the last second (:07) changed to key + map combo.
Absolutely dirty, right?
RNGesus rewarded me with Azarov's.
Get rekt scrubs. Not even 8k BP.
Also: devs, can we talk about perk variance?
6 -
Cringing heck, what a post lmao.
For what it's worth I queue solo red almost all day and constantly get survivors above rank 10, I don't get the point in this post, the whole queueing with low rank friends to get low ranked killers hasn't worked for a year yet people keep clinging to it for some reason.
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Ok, you ranted and had your win. Try to play the game for fun sometimes too, ok?
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Franklin's tells me they didn't quick switch.
"They looked like noobs (no skins/itens) and then in the last second (:07) changed to key + map combo.
Absolutely dirty, right?"
*plays slugging Nurse with Infectious Fright and Knockout*
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I mean, its a 4k with just 17k bp.. hint hint
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Devs: No, the perks are fine. We're reworking clown.
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Wow, at the last second they changed.
What a stroke of genius of you to have Franklins equip just in case this sort of shenanigans was to take place.
You really showed them camping them in the basement.
Did you get the yellow first then wait for the red ones to come save.
That truly was a masterclass of red rank killer gameplay.
13 -
If he's able to get all 4 survivors on those hooks at the same time...its highly likely the team started swarming and there was no reason to ever leave the area. Id hardly call that camping. There was at most 1 minute and 30 seconds time difference between when he got the 1st guy on hook and when he got the last...
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okay so you got up against a swf and decided to stoop to their level instead of just leaving and finding a new match, but instead of being smart you decided to post it on forums under a cringy title whilst only being able to muster 17k bp. You are really an entitled killer who believes every swf is a bully squad and ruin peoples fun. Not only that but instead of being the better person you posted it to a forum acting like you've erased swfs and saved the killer mains from bully squads. Not only did you stoop to their level, but you've become entitled yourself by bantering about being able to win against a swf.
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It does tho. My friends aren't at my rank only one is close and the other is green rank. Or when I play with my girlfriend, regardless we always get yellow or green rank killers
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What a beautiful sight that last image
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I approve this post. Toxic killers are just having fun, who cares if the survivors aren't? The devs are enablers of the gen rush hook and bait meta.
(the definition of a toxic killer is playing the objective how they choose to and not playing as requested by cry babies so that they can win)
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Firstly, Toxicity isn't "killers having fun" it's using builds and playing in a way that's unfun to play against
Secondly, 1 killer vs 4 survivors, the fun of the 4 survs immediately outweigh the fun of the killer (and no i'm not saying to let survs escape but just to play in a was that's fun and fair to survs and yourself)
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I don't have much comment on the OP's post one way or another, but I assure you that Smurfing has been working the past two weeks. I introduced my gal to the game and she kept pulling Red Ranks as a Yellow. I told her she couldn't be. Then I watched and tracked her games. Out of the eleven I tracked only three were Rank appropriate for her. She pulled (3) Red Ranks w/one weak Rank twice, (2) Red Ranks with weaker Ranks three times, and (1) Red Rank with an entourage of weaker Ranks three times.
I was floored. This is statistically significant. I'm a Red Rank Killer so I was oblivious to the problem until she showed me. I can assure you that I didn't run into this when I was in the Brown or Yellow Ranks. She said it started about two weeks ago, she thinks when they did the big Patch/Update. Whatever protection there was against Smurfing is off. I just hope the OP's post means they turned it back on.
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Very well played lol wish I could understand what they were saying.
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The only funny part about this post was the fact they were yelling at you in foreign in the post-game chat.
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4 basement hooks on one screen, nice catch :D.
You have Franklins equipped, did you expect some last second switch or are you running it regularly?
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17k as camping killer. Franklins just in "case" they swap. What a genius. Good job.
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A lot of salt in here. That's why casual players like me are playing less and less.
Going against red ranks SWF squads using voice comm as a LVL 16 killer is sooo fun. But they're not toxic. Just afraid to play against someone of comparable skill LVL.
There, let the hate and insults commence.
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Kinda cool basement
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Smurfing definitely works. I get nothing but noob killers when I queue with my lower ranked friends.
Its been like this for almost a year now. Have you not played with any low ranked players recently?
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One of them is basically complaining about camping, and said "camp your mother's a*shole"
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I love how people are trying to make you feel guilty or bad for 4k in the basement. Good lord people, congratulate the man and move on. People play this game for all different sort of reasons. Our bully nurse here plays to bully overconfident survivors and wanted to share the tale of their glory. I'll raise my glass to that. *cheers* Merces. You did what you wanted, killed as a killer in a ruthless and savage way.
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My god people are hilarious lol I wish I could've got that salt
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Can't deny that seeing a full Basement always gives me some joy.
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But isn’t that a good thing though clown is the worst killer in DBD isn’t that a great thing?
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Yea sure, but can we watch a video instead of some screenshots? For context. For all we know you were camping the basement, then yea, they have the right the complain about it.
Also if they "switched last second to map and a key" why did you have franklins? Imo smells like bs
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The general policy against face camping in the basement especially is to just do gens and leave the match. Either way it's a lose / lose as nobody ends up getting any bp or shards because the match finishes so early as there is nothing that earns bp in this scenario. No chases, no pallet stuns, no sabotage or evades. Just basement face camp with a dash of tunnel. Quite sad really.
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4k and barely gets 18k bp, just shows that everyone probably died on their first hook. Just another sweaty, slugging nurse player.
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Right? I would be too embarrassed to brag about only 17K BP with a 4K.
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1) Playing to win is not toxic. Also that's not what toxic means. Otherwise everyone is being toxic since anything benefiting your side is unfun for the other. Unfun =/= toxic.
Toxic: T-bagging, clicking flashlights, trapping a survivor in a corner, hitting a survivor on the hook.
Not toxic: Doing gens, flashlight saves, camping, tunneling.
Unbalanced, but not toxic: DS, Gen times/rush, second chance perks, Iri heads huntress, moris, keys, playing Spirit/Nurse/Freddy.
2) Everyone's fun is equally important. This statement is just entitled in favor of the survivors. The killer should have as much fun as anyone else in the match.
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Ikr, I ran into a duo where one was rank 1 with 7k hours and the other was clearly of the exact same skill level and yet were rank 20 and clearly didn't have any teachables. They clearly intended to bully baby killers, but unlucky for them it didn't work.
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Youre just as bad as them. As a nurse main, i take pride in not stooping to swf level by bringing unfun perks like infectious on nurse. See, this wasnt an accomplishment, and don't call them entitled when you are also playing shameless.
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LOL if I am playing killer, then my fun comes before theirs. Same goes for if I am playing survivor. I dont care about the other team getting a participation award.
If they want to win, come get it. If they want to get baited (killers and survivors) then so be it, but dont cry in the end game lobby when it doesn't work just because the opposition didnt play along with your silly plan and you found it unfun.
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You're wrong about them teaming up to try and get a low rank killer. If they did the Yellow rank would've been host and they wouldn't have encountered you. They definitely were teamed up, just not trying to Smurf. I can atleast respect them for choosing to stay in the red ranks instead of ruining the lower ranks.
(Im a yellow rank killer and I very often like 90% of the time deal with red or purple rank people smurfing with all the meta perks and I haven't unlocked anything meta yet so I hate when they do thay)
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Franklin's is on my basekit Nurse. That's my standard build.
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How embarrassing, what were really looking at here is an entitled killer main.
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Can't agree with you. Infectious has a very clear counter which is to not cluster around Nurse's TR. Infectious is especially good against altruistic survivors who like to stand in killer's face.
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I cannot lie...."RNGesus" made me smile :)
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And they got rekt by a player using one of the worst killers in the game, no less. Yeah, they were as entitled as they were bad.
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Hey, 1 Survivor didn't run DS. Must have been a FTP noob.
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Who fking cares omg. 4K is nothing special these days. And you are entitled as well, posting that pointless screenshot here just proves it.
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Actually, that's not true. I played last week against a bunch of rank 2's and the third was rank 19 and was significantly weaker. I thought nothing of it, but perhaps that was a ploy all along. I was rank 10 or 11.
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This isn't Reddit, dude, you can't make a reddit post on the forums
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Infectious is still playing shameless. Just because they are in your TR doesn't mean they were being over-altruistic. You stoop to swf level by bringing that perk.