I’m beyond caring about a DC penalty when survivors are trolling other survivors.

After a string of already frustrating matches I load up in Midwich, on the upper floor, near the stairs that lead to the dead end.
I went up there to check if there was a totem I could cleanse. A Nea decides to body block me in. I didn’t have the patience to wait any longer than a minute (due to my frame of mind) before quitting. I don’t care about the penalty because I shut the game down after that point.
I really don’t care if it ruined THEIR fun. In fact I really hope they were a SWF and the killer still went ham on them, and the other 2 survivors raged on comms at that NEA for being a troll to me and causing me to do that.
I’m really quite fed up of other survivors intentionally bullying other survivors for their own sick n twisted amusement.
I guess they got bored of bullying killers.
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Yes, some players are just dicks. Had a Kate bodyblock me until the killer found us (had 3 crows already). In the after game chat, he said it was because I had ruined him looping the killer in the shack... but I just had passed running nearby the shack. Also had a match against an afk killer, when I was opening the gate, the other 3 surrounded me and we all died in the egc.
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I’m just tired of it.
No amount of MM locked is going to stop me from leaving when it doesn’t effect me anyway because this behaviour just causes me to stop playing.
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In Dark Souls, if you invade someone's game as an enemy (a.k.a. you start to PvP), some of the enemies in the area could be blocking your way.
The game allows the invader to pass through enemies after a few seconds of walking against them.
We could really make use of that in this game: After a second or 5 of continuous pushing against a fellow Survivor allows you to pass through their collision, and only their collision.
Once you're out of their collision, it's turned off again.
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There needs to be something.
If eating a DC penalty, or turning the game off is preferable to:
- recording the match.
- Editing the clip.
- Uploading it to YT.
- Going to DBD website.
- Filling in a report.
- Providing a link to the clip.
Then that’s a problem.
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I wish if a survivor is body blocked by killer/other survivor after 10 seconds they could pass through.
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Yesterday I duo queued with a friend and we got put together with another duo. The match started and we all spawned together. Dwight instantly started fast vaulting the same window 3 times and then jumping into a locker a couple of times before he ran off (his friend was already far gone by that time). Me and my friend got chased the whole game long, while working on gens when either of the 2 of us weren't in chase until the very end of the match. Then right when the gates were powered the killer got Dwight as me and my friend opened the gate - we were both on death hook at this moment and decided to immediately leave cause we were like "fck em". They were hiding most of the game, didnt unhook or heal us so we left em to die.
Sadly the killer decided to bring them both to the exit gate so they could escape. In post game chat the 2 antimates really had the balls to complain about me and my friend leaving them to die, saying suff like "it's just a game", "we were just having fun" etc. Even the killer defending the Dwight when I explained why we left and said "he probably didn't knew or it was just an accident" like sure they didn't - in RED ranks.
I really don't mind sacrificing myself for team mates if they play like an actual team but people like those two I will just leave behind, sorry (not sorry).
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I hate crap like this too
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Springwood, I start to find a Gen to work, there was a house nearby (with garage down to 2 ways basement).
Gen was blocked by Corruption, I & Feng started to look around in basement if there were totem or chest. And there was a Hex, I reached to Hex first by 1sec (consider 1sec is 4m distance). Feng start to drop the pallet in basement, fast vaulted left and right. Slinger came to us, I was able to avade him and get out of the house. Feng down right in the basement
Feng instance DC.
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Literally just had this happen to me. Had a wraith that wasn't playing. Just cloaked in the corn field. he followed me around as I did bones then lead me to one against the hail bailer (i think) or one of the large machines in the corn fields and so I did the bones and he blocked me. And stood there the rest of the game about 5 mins. I had 3 crows. My friend had 3 crows (he was pointing and waiving the killer too hit him or heck off) A rando had 3 crows.
But I can't DC because PeNaLtY.
He could have killed me, hooked me, moried me. I wouldn't care. fair enough, nice trick. But to body block and just waste my time and everyone elses? Taking the game HOSTAGE?
Thanks Devs... Fun times. Wait 10 mins for a match, get a toxic killer, get game held hostage for 5+ mins. Die. Depip. Load into lobby. Wait 10 mins for a match...
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Not only you have to do all that, but you won't have any feedback and will never know if it means anything or no.
I totally understand you. I quit too.
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Yeah, and not knowing if they're actually taking action against the perpetrators even after all that.
Fun times.
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humans are dicks, gamers are mega super dicks
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Same, quite frankly..
My most recent match, I had a Nancy lead the killer to me mid chase after slapping them with a pallet.. After not having any distance or reliable loops nearby, I was put in the basement..
After my friend unhooks me when I reach 2nd stage from 1st, which already has me fuming, guess who leads the killer STRAIGHT to me again..
I never DC'd so fast in my life.. XD
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Had a blendette who purposely bodyblocked me in the corners so I couldn't move anywhere. I didn't dc, but she certainly made me wanna choke her to death and help the killer with his job.
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I have had this happen to me once and I initially thought that it was a glitch where the person had gotten stuck because I've seen that still occurring occasionally. However, as soon as the killer showed up the other person ran off. Lucky for me, the killer downed them instead of me. I never realized that some people insist on just being garbage people trying to ruin the game for everyone else.
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The dc penalties aren't doing anything right now. I played as hag yesterday for the first time in a while, only played 3 matches and had a combined total of 7 rage quits. If someone is really not having a good time, a little 5 minute slap on the wrist isn't gonna stop them from disconnecting.
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I just bought this game about a month ago and already I have a testimonial. I usually play 2-3 matches a day as Killer, sometimes 0. Already at least 3 times that I remember have been toxic experiences playing as Survivor.
For example, yesterday I duo queued with a friend at Midwich and within the first 2-3 minutes I had cleansed 2 Hex totems when a Feng Min started following me everywhere, running zig zags behind me while I was sneaking. I hid in a locker before the Killer entered the room we were in (Spine Chill) and Feng waited until the Hag entered before opening my locker right in front of her. Somehow both of us escaped with only injuries but a couple of minutes later she found me again, almost done with a generator I was working on with my friend. After finishing it I tried to sneak off (I'm not the best at looping yet so I only do it when I'm forced to) but she proceeded to once again give away my position and I was tunneled soon after. I don't mind tunneling, I think it's a perfectly legitimate tactic that has it's flaws but after I died I spectated... and got pretty frustrated. Our other teammate, another Feng Min, was tunneled and then our BFF Feng started hiding in a locker where she stayed for 6+ minutes. The Hag passed it 3-4 times and did NOT notice the crows. I get games with new players quite often but these games with bullies who body block and purposefully do all these other things take the cake.
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I think I had the exact same Wraith. Appeared to be farming, would lead to bones, then bodyblocked at the last bones tucked in the bushes in Springwood. Died to EGC.
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I stopped caring about DC penalties after I got stuck in an animation and the game continued past the end of the EGC timer forcing me to eat a DC ban
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That first guys a dbag. Those other 3? Practical DaVinci's of modern comedy.
(Dunno why that quoted twice.)
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I don't understand people who do things like that.
Loaded into a game with a friend, had the Bill disconnect right off and the forth person, a Kate with Bonded, chase my friend and I around the map doing everything she could to draw the killer to us or try tobody block us in. Refused to let us do totems or even attempt gens, would jump on our gens and miss skill checks to set us back.
My friend and I, upon the killer finally showing up, ran to the Wraith and hid behind him, confused the poor guy so bad, he finally got it when he realized the Kate was chasing down which ever one of us he wasn't on and killed her and then let us farm and leave.
She was so pissed he ruined her fun and didn't kill us instead of her. It was great.
Sad part my friend was streaming at the time clipped and sent that in and we have never heard anything back.
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Something similar happened to me, I was at Yamoka estate and this meg head decides to trap me by a generator. The huntress found us and killed the meg, she let us go :)
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This is exactly what's pissing me off lately. I play solo all the time and I'm either waiting to then have this crap.
I just want to enjoy a game I downloaded and this ######### is far from fun
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I had a 3 man swf try and body block me (solo) all match.
After the first few hits killer realised what was going on and basically ignored me and went after them the whole game.
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Possibly because like me, they’re sick of BS and switch the game off anyway.
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Oh, so my post is removed for promoting DC but this is fine. lol
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Because I’m not promoting it. I’m simply admitting that I did it. It was wrong that I did it, but I’m also not prepared to put up with horrible, bullying behaviour either.
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I completely agree 1000%
I had some aholes yesterday too. One match they stood on a roof pointing away while I was on the hook. Until almost second phase. Them they all came and started to unhook me. Looked as so they wouldn't be grabbed. This went on for like 30 seconds until one did unhook. Of course the killer tunneled only me. Then I got rescued again only to be tunneled again. I had another match where i encountered a hole framers and I quit the second one. I'm so tired of these toxic players and teamers. I have been playing this almost a year everyday and I have been looking for other games. As a killer I am ONLY matched against teams of 4 obviously on comms. Mostly toxic but even then it's still irritating. Magically popping gens in under minutes. The same tricks I try as a survivor that fail are granted to them( like infinite looping, "missed hits" Downing but still able to do hatch or unable to close it) they always wait at gates to be downed and refuse to exit other wise. The players are bullies and toxic and its making me not wanna play anymore either. Everyone cries about DC but there are reasons people disconnect which refuse to he dealt with.
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When I play killer I try to get the ones that are sabotaging the game. I had a game where everyone was trying to screw over another player. Okay, they made some mistakes and I smacked them for their own mistakes. But at least they struggled! So would get off. I managed to hook and sacrifice everyone else. I downed the player again, carried them around until I found the hatch. Dropped them, closed the hatch and then picked them up and took them directly to the gate, which they opened and bowed and ran out.
Turned out this player was rank 20. The ones I got were ranked 12, 15, and 7. I had a good laugh about it. I've had players try and screw me or my friends over. And it's not cool. But they were body blocking this person, I had seen it and I'm like oh hells no! My daughter was cheering me on as I got each one. I had 2 of them send me nasty messages after the game and had to bait the trolls a little. The one I let go sent me a that I you message. They seriously thought I was gonna sacrifice them. I was like nope. Had to fill you with hope so you're extra tasty for the Spider God to chew on.
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Survivors that bully other survivors someday will die. I try to focus on that fact to relax.
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Kinda the opposite for me, I was trying to film a video as Legion to make jokes about being an edgy teen in a bunny suit. Stupid me was rendering another video at the time which made OBS go very slow (I have a plug-in now for that to stop) but I think my lag was obvious to survivors, but I continued with playing. I had two survivors stand behind me and push against me, any time I tried to turn they'd turn with me, so I went to find the other 2 doing gens. They still psuhed against me and I actually said I wanted to DC, maybe it's a tactic that I haven't come across yet I dunno, they were ranks 8-3 and I'm 18 (I know ranks don't matter, but they have higher skill levels clearly).