Be great to name and shame!!

Traciiee_1974 Member Posts: 18
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Played for quite a bit tonight and have played against some serious ######### (killers and team).

I play solo on switch which doesn't have chat so I'm so frustrated that I can't say what a prick some people have been and would just like to say I'd love a name and shame for body blocking team mates and killers being bellends. Should have reported a few but for what? Nothing gets done.

I'm not the best player. Haven't really been playing that long but this past month all I've had is crappy team mates and egotistical killer. Oh quick question..... does slashing the crap out of a survivor on a hook deminish life or give points to the what to me just looks like a twat of a killer .......


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Naming and shaming quickly becomes mob-mentality abuse where people just band together to bully their bullies without actually thinking about whether or not their bullies actually bullied anyone and/or are unredeemable people.

  • Traciiee_1974
    Traciiee_1974 Member Posts: 18

    Meh s'pose. So frustrating though 😐