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I hate The Pig

As a rank 14 survivor, The Pig is my least favorite killer next to Ghostface. Stealth mode is my worst enemy and the fact that those two can creep makes me never want to match with them.

I hate The Pig so much in fact that I switched to killer and played as The Pig. I wanted to see what it was like. Now I love The Pig. Now I main The Pig. Now I AM THE PIG.

But in all seriousness, she's a lot more fun to play AS than she is to play against. I'm obsessed. Any tips for a Peppa noob? Build suggestions?

Thanks y'all!

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  • Member Posts: 120

    The only real part I hate about her are the Jigsaw traps. I know the devs say like oh "Her traps aren't meant to kill" well if they actually weren't meant to kill then she wouldn't be able to see the Jigsaw key boxes. I see pigs camp those once a survivor has been trapped and just down them if they go for the save.

    In theory I see what they mean, that survivor has to go unlock the trap in 60 seconds. In practice, the pig can just prevent them from it and kill them

  • Member Posts: 710

    I went through the EXACT same phase

    And now im a pig main in the red ranks lol

    Have fun with the killer :)

  • Member Posts: 188

    I use to hate stealth killers but you'll get better. I used to have such a hate for ghostface, I mean he can 1 shot you and have no terror radius???? But then if you listen closely you can hear his loud ass boots and also to stalk you he has to be in sight so if you know its him or suspect it is a stealth just keep an eye out. Then his only power in chase is to m1.

  • Member Posts: 402

    Don't worry man you'll get better and eventually you will destroy her. If you want a pig build you could use either ruin undying combo or something like corrupt,pop,stbfl,sloppy,monitor,whispers,surveillance,surge,bbq,thrilling tremors. You can make your choice really ;)

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Thats basically camping a hook and wasting too much time, especially if the survivor goes to another box and unlocks themselves. And I believe the time is 180 seconds, so camping potentially makes it that you can lose all gens.

    When I do play Pig,if I'm 99% sure someone is at a certain box I'll head there if it's on route, otherwise it's a huge time waste on a killer that struggles with a slow start.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Spine chill is the best perk to deal with stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 330

    Can't agree more! It's great to use as a training tool against stealth killers if nothing else if you aren't confident. Not to mention it can save you in the the split-second situations where that extra speed makes a difference.

  • Member Posts: 843

    I'm the other way around, I frickin hate playing as her I'd rather get captured by the doctor for 20 minutes irl but going against her I'm like whatever

  • Member Posts: 613

    well get good pig sucks hard just use spine chill for sneaky killers

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Sheesh! Was gonna say that you’ll have to change the title of this discussion or no snoot boopin‘ for you😄

  • Member Posts: 11

    Do people even boop anymore? I snuck up on this Dwight and he pointed but he didn't boop. I didn't kill him but I wanted to. For lack of boop.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I wish I could play more against the Pig. She is one of the Killers I see the least when playing as a Survivor.

    One thing to keep in mind is that Pig has a lot of really bad add-ons. Any add-ons that affects Skill Checks or inflicts a status condition onto Trapped Survivors are not worth using. Her best add-ons (read: her only good ones) involve either adding more traps, making them better at stalling, or speeding up the process of an ambush.

  • Member Posts: 236

    I'm not the best at this game, I can admit that straight up. I love playing pig, I only get like 2k with her, but she's fun and Saw is my favourite franchise. I've played against 1 pig in the year I've played this game and they whooped my team good.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    On the flip side, as a killer try and get into the habit of not looking directly at a generator you are heading toward as much as possible since Spine Chill is a popular perk. Side step and moonwalk toward it to reduce the amount of warning they’ll get from the icon. As you get close to a generator that’s being worked on use your ears more than your eyes to listen for the sounds of them actively working on the generator, as long as you hear them clicking away on it you can just sidestep toward it without even looking at it and know that the survivor is still there. Combine that with approaching generators from positions with objects blocking the survivor from seeing you directly and you can ambush even Spine Chill survivors while Undetectable.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I play Pig by constantly crouching but not using ambush. Don't need to use ambush. Approach from behind buildings and objects for gen grabs. I put my traps on moment I down someone but you can be patient. Save them for later.

  • Member Posts: 483

    I like Whispers with Monitor and Abuse. If Whispers is off I'm not crouching around the entire map for no reason trying to sneak up on gens. Monitor and Abuse lets me wait a little bit longer to crouch as I get closer to a gen before they'll hear my TR. Tinkerer is good too, when it goes off you're undetectable so if you wanna sneak up on them you won't have to crouch and lose even more time on a gen that's almost done

  • Member Posts: 773

    I love the Pig. Can't please everybody.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    On Pig, Whispers + Monitor and Abuse is very *very* powerful. Whispers tells you when someone is within 32m of you and M&A puts your terror radius at 24m which gives you 8m to keep walking towards the gen and crouch so the Survivors never hear you coming.

    Also, if the Survivors don't know you're there, don't use ambush. Uncrouch and stab. Two reasons for that. First if they have Sprint Burst and you try to ambush they can run and make you miss. Second if they really don't notice you, you can potentially get a grab if you just stand up and M1.

    If you want to learn potentially way too much about Pig, here's a 1 hour long video guide made by the best Pig main I've ever seen.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    If she’s snootin’, get a boop in!

    Most killers are playing intense slaughter matches these days, but I always try my luck at the snooty boop👉🏽🐽

  • Member Posts: 794

    If you're going to main Pig you must accept snoot boops.

    It's the law.

    Otherwise, have fun!

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