Can we talk about struggle state?

I am currently annoyed with how sensitive struggle is, because it starts to hurt your finger and I will be struggling and randomly die even though I didnt stop, I think we should make struggle better.
This is actually the only legitimate complaint I agree w.
I'm so tired of hearing about perk/add on nerfs.
But struggling is actually a load of bull. Especially when u play multiple games in one day, I'm already tired from wiggling and now I gotta spam a button?
And I end up dead by the time another survivor gets to me and they think I'm a piece of x becuz I killed myself and put pressure on my team.
If I just spam the button to some degree, the game should recognize that, and no pressing at all. My character shouldn't die becuz I missed 1 or 2 button out of sequence.
Old ppl and ppl w arthritis probably couldn't play this game.
Plz change this.
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Are you using M&K or a controller?
If you are using a keyboard, keep in mind that you don't need to mash the struggle key as fast as you can, as long as you are constant with your speed. No need to tire yourself out unnecessarily. Perhaps try using your mouse's scroll wheel. I find doing so more comfortable than tapping on my keyboard. Also some people have mice that lets them unlock their mouse scroll, if you happen to have one that's an idea.
If you are using a controller, I like remapping struggle to the D-Pad, but that's just a personal preference.
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Oh also the Devs should buy me a new controller.
My controller keeps breaking from wiggling and struggling. And my character gets killed.
There is a reason I don't play motion controlled games like the Wii or the Kinect.
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The trick is to not mash. A gentle tap once every second or so is actually enough. If you do it too fast it sometimes doesn't register.
Either that or bind it to your mouse wheel
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It's one tap every 0.4 seconds, Almo confirmed that in a thread a while back. Do not tap once every second or you will die.
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Aah ok thanks for the exact numbers now i don't have guesstimate as much
All i knew was that you really don't have to really buttonmash
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I like the struggle state mechanic. It's a struggle to keep pressing quickly for a prolonged period.
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I don't mind the struggle mechanic per se, but I do wish there was another option as I have damaged wrists. Both of them.
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The struggle mechanics is impractical for those who have damaged their wrists, which I've heard others complain about, and us older players. I have died early simply because I missed a beat or hit the beat too early - it's ridiculous! This struggle needs to be eliminated as people have been complaining about it for years. As a survivor, I don't mind being killed, it's part of the game but to die because the beat was off by a tiny fraction is no fun.
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Behaviour asked a few months ago about changing the space bar struggle to use skill checks like Pyramid Head’s cages. I’m not sure what if anything ever happened with that, hopefully they’re still considering it or working on it since skill checks are definitely more interesting and fun than just pressing Space over and over (or holding down a macro button or using the mouse wheel if you rebind it).