Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

New Killer Ideas

the I have 2 killers in mind for the new Hallowed bright update coming up

1.The Plague doctor- his ability idk yet maybe something that poisons the survivors and could affect the way they do gens or healing like if someone tries to help u get healed they can get effected by it as well since its a plague probably not the gen idea since that would make it op his weapon would be a cane since that's what suits his image. Now for the story line they could make one up or they could use his scp story. One perk he could have is if he has successfully Plagued someone it could give their location away or like I said before if someone tries to heal them they also get Plagued as well

2.Ghostface/scream now this character could be called The Ghost or The Stalker now his ability could be to called peoples phones like off rainbow six but the survivor would have to answer it quickly or it keeps ringing which would show there position, like when a gen is done and has that circle around it but it could also show the exact position which could be a perk so say if they don't have that perk on it only shows it in beeps like it rings for a little stops rings a little stop just so it only shows the position in little bits each ring. Now hes use many weapons in movies before but he cant use the kitchen knife since Myers already has that but who know they use similar weapons for hillbilly and leather face but they could use a hook for him . For his story would be pretty simple just grab one for one of the movies.

Now these are my ideas would appreciate if you guys would be willing to share some of yours...


  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    Okay since it's been awhile let me brush this off a bit.

    Since we're just throwing ideas out and no one really commented. I'll give you something a little interesting.

    I would like a scarecrow or a pumpkin head. A supernatural killer of some sort that can utilize his environments to his benefit.

    If you're talking about the update coming out then you're kill it would have to be plant themed.
  • jmonslayer
    jmonslayer Member Posts: 20
    I would like a Chucky killer. Started binge watching the chucky films and thinking about it would be interesting if they could make him a killer in dbd. He would need some specific interactions with things. But would be harder as the killer because you would be so low to the ground. To compensate you could give him a neat ability?
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @jmonslayer said:
    I would like a Chucky killer. Started binge watching the chucky films and thinking about it would be interesting if they could make him a killer in dbd. He would need some specific interactions with things. But would be harder as the killer because you would be so low to the ground. To compensate you could give him a neat ability?

    I think a doll would be cool and creepy. He might have trouble hooking though....They would have to bypass that mechanic.

    I think a twins/triplets child killer would be cool control one at a time and the rest stand around staring, sending a telepathic notification if they see someone and maybe even stabbing at nearby survivors. You could change which one you control, sort of like Vikings on HotS.

  • jmonslayer
    jmonslayer Member Posts: 20

    I think a doll would be cool and creepy. He might have trouble hooking though....They would have to bypass that mechanic.

    I think a twins/triplets child killer would be cool control one at a time and the rest stand around staring, sending a telepathic notification if they see someone and maybe even stabbing at nearby survivors. You could change which one you control, sort of like Vikings on HotS.

    You could easily bypass the hooking with a step stool in front of the hooks which much like the Billy boxes with the pig give away what killer it is. I think it would be neat
  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939
    edited October 2018

    I want Springheel Jack. Hold down ability, release to jump HIGH into the air. Landing directly on survivors downs them.

  • UnluckyTadpole
    UnluckyTadpole Member Posts: 5

    What if there was a spirt controlling the doll then if they needed to hook a survivor or pick him up he would just pop out of thin air

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    I have not put this together 100% but this is what I have so far. So far we have just about every type of killer you can think of except for one. I think we need: The Vampire The map could be inside a castle, or out side a castle, or some ancient vampiric ruins. While in Mist Form: The Vampires power allows him to go into his mist form, while he is in his mist form The Vampire has no Terror Radius. The Vampire can move very quickly and phase through objects such as pallets but cannot attack while in his mist form. His mist form will make him appear as if he was a cloud of fog. Offerings such as: Faint Reagent, Hazy Reagent, and Murky Reagent will make The Vampire very hard to see while in his mist form. Echolocation is disabled while in Mist Form. While in Mist Form, The Vampire cannot see scratch marks, but can see pools of blood. While in Physical Form: The Vampires power while in Physical Form grants The Vampire Echolocation, in which will send out a 360 degree pulse equal to The Vampires Terror Radius every 30 seconds. Survivors found by Echolocation will be revealed for 3 seconds. ( Only their location will be revealed, not their aura.) Perks like: Stridor, Bloodhound, A Nurses Calling, Agitation, Distressing, Shadowborn, Spies From The Shadows, Enduring, Iron Grasp, and Sloppy Butcher, would be very immersive for Vampire gameplay. The Vampires Mori could be called: The Kiss Of Death in which would be the classic vampire bite on the neck. The Vampires add ons could reduce the amount of time it takes to enter, and exit, the mist form but reduces his movement speed while in Mist Form. The Vampires add ons can also increase how fast the Echolocation pulses are sent out while in Physical Form. The Vampires Height is: Tall The Vampires Max Base Speed is: 4.6 The Vampires Base Terror Radius is: 32m Well this is all I have for now but if I think of anything else I will update my post.

  • ur_ex_wife
    ur_ex_wife Member Posts: 19

    Why isnt this already a thing?

  • b100dmoney
    b100dmoney Member Posts: 2

    I was thinking about a new killer and Hannibal Lector came to mind. His sleek psychotic persona would be such a nice addition. His weapon would be a steak knife or a kitchen knife but personally I think a steak knife would fit better after hitting a survivor he would then stick the knife in his mouth and clean it. His look would be the classic blue jumpsuit.

    His ability would be centred around the fact he was an amazing doctor and a cannibal. I was thinking of something like he gains bloodlust 100% faster and for each tier of bloodlust all of he’s action speeds are increased by 20%. The second part is if he gets the survivor into bloodlust tier 3 then they either get put in the broken state for 2 minutes or they get exposed. His ability would be very good at high ranks making insta-heals useless and ending chases fast but not stupidly fast like nurse.

    The names of his abilities would be (Clarice), (favs beans and a nice chianti) or a big amarone but I think chianti because it’s better known and finally (It’s always very important to try new things)


    Clarice: you gain bloodlust tier 2 for 16/20/24 seconds after putting your obsession into the dying state. It will automatically go into tier 3 if chasing a survivor when the time runs out. After putting your obsession into the dying state the obsession is changed to the furthest survivor from you because Lector likes a challenge.

    I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti: The hindered status affect is given to a survivor for 6/7/8 seconds after being hit because DR.Lector knows where it hurts.(this goes along with the name because the liver is associated with smoking which would lower you stamina and in hand speed).

    It always important to try new things: having 1 survivor injured gives you a 2/3/4% speed boost. Having 2 survivor injured grants the killer 6/7/8% decreased cool-down on successful attacks. Having 3 injured gives the exposed affect to all survivor for and it lasts for 20/25/30 seconds if the survivors all heal while this timer is going down it is disabled, if 1 survivor is still injured the exposed effect will last till the time runs out. Having 4 injured will reveals survivors locations this effect lasts 30 seconds and is disabled if all survivors heal.

    I think he would either have put them into the broken state and move at 115% speed or he would put them in the exposed state and move at 110% speed at tier 3 bloodlust.

    For anyone that doesn’t know each tier of bloodlust gives every killer a 5% speed boost and it would take Hannibal Lector 7.5 seconds to go up each tier so 22.5 seconds to get to tier 3.

    His add-ons could be gain bloodlust from the obsession faster, attacks cause Haemorrhage, mangled, exhaustion, blindness and deep wound. Survivors he hits gets the broken effect in tier 2 and a purple ass-on for tier 1 . If getting the exposed effect at tier 3 bloodlust was OP then it could become a purple add-on. Finally an crazy OP add on that lowers you movement speed to 90% and each tier of bloodlust takes the normal amount of speed to get(15 seconds to get each tier) you Mori people you catch at tier 3 which means you moving at 105% like tombstone Myers.

    The perfect Mori would be scalping them and eating there brain or tearing out there throat with his teeth but it would probably be him cutting there throat with a knife. Just look at the animation of the saw traps. 

    Jodie foster would be a great survivor but she hated doing the movie and I feel like whoever has the right would just use Edward Norton instead from Red Dragon.

    I would like to here everyone’s opinion because I put a lot of effort into this and I’m genuinely interested on what you have to say. Please judge the killer and the add-ons separately, I don’t want someone screaming it’s OPPPPPPP in the comments just because 1 add-on or perk is to strong.

    I did this because I really like the idea of bloodlust and I think they should capitalise on it by adding a killer with it. 

    I’m done no more promise. Plz say what changes you would make to. 

    Height: tall

    Lunge: long because it just needs to be 

    Speed: 110% or 115% unsure.

    Terror radius: 32 meters 

    He is stealthy in some movies like Hannibal but I’m a bit sick of stealthy killers so I decided to not make him stealthy and because I liked the bloodlust idea so much.

    This is the Antony Hopkins Hannibal Lector and no I’m done if I make this longer no one will read it so c'est tout.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    I had an idea of the mascot killer:

    • human sized and wears a mascot costume with huge head (damaged and wearied out);
    • uses pre-recorded audio song instead of a heartbeat, and makes phrases during actions, like hitting people, grabbing them, picking them up, or using an ability. His phrases are spirited and cheery, but recording device sounds like it's broken and always chows words, makes crackly sounds, changes speed of phrases;
    • for weapon he uses blades, attached to fingers on palm side of a hand. His attacks look like tagging move. In memento mori he "thinks" that he tickles the survivor, dealing dozens and dozens of slicing injuries until survivor finally dies;
    • (bonus/optional for better immersion) he's delusional and suffers from "pyro vision": tagging and tickling don't look dangerous to him, and hooking action doesn't seem violent, screaming is replaced with laughter. From time to time at according moments he has "moments" when he sees things for real, but for a short period;

    His ability allows him to get into a locker and get out from another one of choice every 30 seconds. He makes a loud sound, like "Howde!" or "Here I am!" when he does so.

    His map is abandoned amusement park.

  • May_Be_AFK
    May_Be_AFK Member Posts: 46

    I'm still hoping for a chameleon type killer that could pose as survivors.

  • xyzdx
    xyzdx Member Posts: 66

    New Dead by daylight killer the broodmother


    Spider web block:killer puts her hands together starts weaving a web (takes 4 seconds to create) upon finishing will throw a ball of webbing that will hit and create a wall of webbing. if a survivor runs into it they will be stunned and will have to get unstuck. if a survivor runs into it the killer will be notified. survivors stuck in the web can be helped by other survivors or can get out by themselves.

    Spider egg:Killer creates a ball of webs and then throws it on the grounds creating an egg. if survivor gets within a certain radius and a small spider will pop out (unless the survivor is sneaking) and attacked the survivor. the survivor will have to make three skill checks if they fail they will be put down one state (can't be put below injured by this ability) if they succeed and the spider will die and then they can continue.


    Spider infestation:Upon using your ability it create a small area where a swarm of spiders will be for 5/10/15 seconds and attack any survivor caught in it

    Hex:web entanglement

    every time you hit survivor with your ability they get a token and a web will slowly form around them. a survivor can have 4 tokens every token will slow them down by 5 percent each token.

    Sixth Sense:Everytime you hit a survivor reveal all survivors within a 10/15/20 meter radius

    Mori: grabs the survivor with both hands then spins them around rapidly covering them in a cocoon of webs from their feet all the way to the bottom of their neck then we'll bite their neck off eat it then roar .

  • xyzdx
    xyzdx Member Posts: 66

    New Dead by daylight killer 

    the experiment


    Portal ambush:there will be an oval sprite constantly medium distance away from the killer when the killer presses their active ability button they will break through a tear creating a portal and swipe three times if they hit a survivor they will stop attacking roar then will immediately it get out from the portal

    Teleport:after you complete the portal ambush ability they will be a portal sitting there permanently you can have up to 4 portals on the map while next to a portal and looking at another one you can teleport between them between 4 seconds survivors can come up and destroy the portals or use them themselves.


    Distortion: when is survivor starts to see an aura distortion activates for 5/10/15 seconds and will stop them from being able to see the aura then will have a cool-down of 60/55/50 seconds.

    Bloodlust: this perk activates when you start a Chase bloodlust will take twice as long to activate but you'll get twice as much speed from bloodlust

    Hex:Hunter: The Killers terror radius is reduced by 5/10/15  and will make less noise.

    Mori: hit a survivor twice ripping off the survivors arms then walks backwards a bit before teleporting with a portal and ripping a survivor in half

  • xyzdx
    xyzdx Member Posts: 66

    If you saw my other two post yes I have put a lot of thought into this

  • Courtney97
    Courtney97 Member Posts: 1

    this is a bit late but I was thinking of the same thing, my initial thought was THE THING from the movie (same title the thing) I don't know if you have seen the movie but the monster would be a interesting fit for this idea. Since the thing can shift into anyone with almost no suspicion.

    ( literally made an account for this site to reply to this comment and share this idea) 

  • BunBunFeng
    BunBunFeng Member Posts: 1

    I dont think it would be a bad idea if they add Succubus as a new killer. Although they have Oni which I suppose is a demon like killer I think it would be cool to have a female demon type like Succubus.

  • willhauck7
    willhauck7 Member Posts: 1

    Just an idea, idk if anyone will see this.

    Killer: The Speed Demon

    Ability: Speed Synthesizer: 

    The Speed Demon is able to gain speed by stopping the survivors from completing their objective.

    The Speed Demon’s base movement speed is 105%

    For each pallet destroyed or generator damaged, gain a 1% movement speed.

    For each survivor hit, gain a 2% movement speed.

    For each survivor hook, gain a 3% movement speed.

    For each survivor sacrificed/killed or generator completed, gain a 5% movement speed.

    For every chase lost or missed attack, lose a 1% movement speed 

    For every stun or flashlight blind, lose a 2% movement speed.

    Base movement speed can not go below 105% or above 135%.

    After reaching 115% speed, you lose the ability to see scratch marks for 5 seconds after hitting a survivor.

    The Speed Demon’s terror radius changes depending on his speed. 

    From 105-115, your terror radius is 16 meters.

    From 115-125, your terror radius is 28 meters.

    From 125-135, your terror radius is 32 meters.

    Special Ability:  Speed Striker

    You excess speed makes you more deadly

    Once your speed passes 130%, press and hold the Active Ability button to use Speed Striker. The Speed Demon’s terror radius changes to 40 meters and all survivors suffer the Exposed status effect for 40 second. After Speed Striker is over, your movement speed is lowered down to 110%.

    When Speed Striker is activated, all survivors see your aura for 4 seconds, and you are unable to see scratch marks.

    Iridescent Add-ons:

    Swift Mercy:

    Your movement speed starts at 99%, once you get you movement speed up to 135%, you may kill a downed survivor by pressing your basic attack. When you kill a survivor, your speed goes down to 100% and can’t go past 130%.

    Quick Start: 

    Your movement speed starts at 110% and can go up to 140%. You can only use Speed Striker once per trial.


    Everyone Deserves Death:

    Unlocks potential in one’s Aura-reading abilities.

    This perk activates when two or more survivors are hooked at the same time.

    While active your terror radius is changed to 36 meters. Anyone survivor in your terror radius has their aura revealed to you.

    When revealed a survivors aura, you gain a 2%/4%/6% movement speed

    The perk deactivates once there is less than two survivors hooked.

    Any perks or add-ons that increase/decease your terror radius do not stack.

    Hex: Run Into The Dark:

    This perk activates once a survivor has entered the dying state. The perk will deactivate once there is no longer any survivor in the dying state.

    While active all other healthy survivors obtain the Deafened* status effect. Any survivors who have the Deafened status effect will repair, heal, sabotage and vault 2/3/5% slower.

    The Hex effects persist as long as the related hex totem is standing.

    *New status effect: Deafened. Sounds are 80% more quiet and could be heard from 16 meters less. Sounds include generator repair, generator or pallet damage, footsteps, terror radius, and any sounds made by killers abilities (such as the Wraith’s bell and the Death slinger’s gun.) Also loud noise indicators are not shown.

    Speed Steal:

    The lack of speed of others make you want to go faster.

    For every exhausted survivor, gain a 1.3%/1.6%/2% movement speed.

  • AKM
    AKM Member Posts: 1


    The Anarchist


    Spawns in game with 5 pieces of paper that are on fire that are automatically put in the area of 5 gens. If these papers are ignored and not taken down while working on a gen the paper in the gens vicinity while make the gens repair speed tremendously slower, but if one of the papers is spotted once the survivor takes it down it will give a notification to the killer along with a quick blip of where the paper was. Once a paper is taken down the killer will get a new piece of paper that they can put where he/she wants around a 5 meter area of a gen.


    CLOSE EYE - Makes the Gens skill checks become moderately more difficult to perform and will have random tremendously difficult skill checks throughout the repair if in the killers terror radius.

    CLOSE QUARTERS - The killer performs actions such as movement speed, weapon swing recovery, and vault actions faster for 6 seconds while in a building or an in-closed area this perk has a cool down of 60 seconds

    PAIN LOVER - If the killer gets blinded, gets a pallet dropped on them, or anything that injures or stops the killer he will be filled with joy and a random survivor will become his obsession, while the obsession is being chased the killers gains a slight speed buff Intel the survivor is hit and if the obsession is hit while the exit gates are open the survivor will go down two life states, but if the obsession manages to escape no other obsession is chosen but the remaining survivors auras are shown for 3 seconds