Even if bhvr added a casual mode, would that stop survivors playing sweat builds

Pretty self explanatory title. We talk alot about how dbd should add a casual mode. Entirely agree with the idea. But do you guys think survivors will stop playing sweaty builds. Cause from all ranks there are sweaty/ trying too hard survivors that run the usual suspects, ya know, ds, dh, adrenaline etc, in ranks that they would have no reason to run those builds in. I wanna believe survs will run something like detectives hunch or healing builds but from my experience I lack faith in survivors creativity.
If casual modes in actually competitive games are any indicator, it'll actually be a bit of a coin toss as to whether or not the sweaty players will go into the casual free-for-all where they can steamroll a bunch of people trying to have fun and thus pollute it so much that ranked is less sweaty, or... No, that's mostly just what happens.
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i mean i run detective hunch,we'll make it,bond,and iron will
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While in all likely hood there will still be sweats being sweats, having a ranked and casual mode would help balance things out. Most ranked players who are actual try hard would probably stay in ranked to fight against skilled players while a minority tries to troll in casual matches.
Casual would balance out queues and probably wind up with people doing weird or for fun builds(I have a few stupid builds i came up with that I wouldn't run in the current climate)
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Some Survivors will continue to run "sweaty builds"
Some killers will continue to run "sweaty builds"
Some survivors will run new builds to "practice"
Some killer will run new builds to "practice"
The biggest reason to have a casual mode is so players can play the game without worrying about rank or MM... But having a casual mode isn't enough at this point
Maybe disabling ranks (for now) and re-making the ranking and MM system
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That’s why I say it’s a stupid idea.
Why would any Killer play competitively? Every killer knows Red Ranks is horrible so why play competitively when you can play casual and have fun?
What’s stopping a “Sweaty 4 Man” from playing casuals?
Why even play competitively? You get nothing out of it.
If Behaviour added a casual mode and ranked mode, they’ll have to make competitive mode attractive by adding rewards. But even then this game is not competitive or balanced around competitiveness.
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I mean that logic doesn't work in other Ranked games. Most of the time the Ranked players WANT to play ranked, since they like challenges. Sure some players will always go casual just to steam roll, but in all games with a ranked feature this isn't usually a problem. (Possibly because ranking up in other games is a very arduous task, so it takes a lot of work in order to do it and they encourage grinding rank)
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I don't see why you can't try meme builds and play casually in matchmaking? Rank is only good for achievement. Once you get it, you don't really need to play sweaty anymore.
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Other Games like League of Legends, Apex, Fortnite, Dota, Gears, Overwatch etc. You are rewarded for climbing up in Ranked E.G. Gold = A Cool Emblem, Plat = A cool Emblem and Skin etc. For Dead by Daylight, you don’t get anything, plus Rank Reset hits every month so behaviour has to come up with a reward for every month.
All the games that I have listed are competitive, and Dead by Daylight is not.
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I still think that casual mode will be 10 times more toxic than whatever we have right now. Ppl will complain that some1 is trying too hard or some1 isn't trying hard enough. Or who cares it's casual mode so I'll just teabag my downed teammate. In the end, if you want to play the game and succeed without really trying you're better off just asking the devs for a DBD bot mode, which can double as a practice mode.
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If by casual mode, there were no keys or moris allowed, then yes.
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Why did you have to start this with ‚Survs will be sweaty‘
we all know that there are those kind of players on both sides that would just try to make the other side as miserable as possible, especially in a casual mode. This doesn’t have anything to do with survivor vs killer at all.
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The ranked mode IS the casual mode in this game. They’re one and the same. Getting to high rank in this game is absolutely no achievement because a monkey could do it by grinding enough games.
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No. If it doesn't have restrictions (on both sides, obviously) it might just attract the worst kind of """sweaty""" players - the ones that do it specifically to make people angry. Why wouldn't they if casual mode has a higher chance of getting opponent(s) that aren't prepared to deal with it because they're doing something memey and wacky?
But the entire mindset of blaming players for being "sweaty" for using stuff you dislike in game is a bad mindset in general.
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Are we still complaining about meta builds for survivor when 95% of killers are running Ruin/undying/Tinkerer/BBQ on literally every killer right now?
I think including adrenaline alongside DS or Unbreakable is silly as those perks reward failure and Adrenaline rewards good gameplay.
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Why would there be a difference to what we have now?
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There kind of already is a casual mode, in that you can do a custom game with four friends.
It might be interesting if there were a vanilla mode -- no perks, items, or add-ons for anyone, which would eliminate some of the stuff people find annoying. But I don't know if enough people would play it.
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Typical toxic META build... How many second chances do you need!?!
Someone will probably have an issue with it though... You'll see, they always find a reason to argue.
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I mean, the only difference in a casual mode would be not having ranks? Because if so, I for example would not change my perks for that. I don't really care for ranks, but I want to get the most bloodpoints I can and my perks were chosen because I think they help with that objective. Casual or not, the end is the same, the survivors want to survivor, the killers want to kill everyone. I might be wrong, but I don't see it would change a lot if a casual mode was introduced.
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What about sweaty killer builds then? I always see people complain about survivor sweat builds but usually it's okay for killers to run Undying+Ruin+BBQ+Infectious or some variant of that.
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Personally, this is how I see it:
Most of the casuals and meme lords with go to the casual/unranked mode. There, they can expect one of two things: other casuals/meme lords, and sweaty players practicing for ranked. This is not exclusive to any multiplayer game. One of these 2 things is how I use Quick Play in Overwatch. This ensures that the casuals know generally what they are going to get as opponents, and can make their building accordingly.
In ranked is where ALL the sweaty tryhards will go. Queue times for this would be longer, but in exchange, EVERY match is fair and against opponent(s) of similar skill, and can create their build accordingly.
Like games such as Overwatch, Valorant, TF2 etc, there is nothing stopping people from tryharding in a casual mode, and this is fine. However, there should be a place where you know "hey, I'm 100% gonna go against sweaty survivors/killers", or "hey, this game is probably gonna be laid back, might even get some memesters". Trying to enforce casualness is just not casual, and it kind of ruins the experience.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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there's a problem with that: you need friends.
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Assuming killer sweat builds dont exist at all, even though half the games I face are sweaty killers
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You’re acting like killers don’t do the same thing.
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Yeah because only survivors are sweaty.
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To you guys saying “killers are sweaty too” the killer meta responds to the survivor meta, also its way more likely to find 4 survivors running similar builds then finding all spirits/freddies running 4 of the same layout
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The game is casual. Rankings in dbd only matter in your head. Rank won't lock you out of any content at all or give you any rewards. And then there is custom game already.
I feel that most times when people ask for a "casual" mode what they really want are easy games. Players want to play with people worse than them so they can win more, which is very silly on a pvp game.
You are free to use any build you want on the current matchmaking. But you get to choose how you play, and not how everyone plays. "Sweaty" is anyone that plays the way you don't want them to. In a "casual" mode, that would not change at all.
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I wouldn't mind a casual mode. Would give a lot more breathing room to try out new builds and not having to worry about the sweat that comes from both sides