The Hatch is dumb

The Hatch is one of the worst aspects of the game, and is bad for both sides.

For killers, they get denied a kill.

For Survivors, they get left for dead by their last teammate

Adding to this, the hatch is very biased in how it operates. Did you find the hatch first? Great, you close the hatch/escape and you win. Right? If you are a killer, no. You see, when you close a hatch, the gates get powered. Now, if someone is camping a gate and the hatch is too far away, you lose. Other times, the survivor should just give up because the gates and hatch are so close to each other, meaning that they have no hope to escape. Put simply, the hatch is just plain RNG, rather than any skill being involved for either side.

The Hatch itself was just a band aid for the problem of survivors stalling games and even then it still does not solve the problem. What I hate about it the most from a killer perspective is that it forces me slug, something that I don't like to do as I consider very boring and very unfun for survivors, and just because I am stabbing you does not mean I need be rude about it. And even if I do slug, the last survivor could still just be waiting by the hatch, waiting for his friend to bleed out.

So what is the solution? For a simple solution to the gate problem, just make it so that there is a 15 second delay after the hatch closes and make sure that gates spawn at a consistent distance from one another. For a more complex for all of the problems, maybe try reworking the entire last survivor vs killer experience to make it more fun for both sides instead of holding W and listening for the hatch.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546
    edited November 2020

    We're just going to see more band-aid type fixes for the hatch... EGC was a good fix to one problem but now the playerbase knows how to go about skipping EGC and still getting kills/escapes

    My solution would be to start EGC as soon as the last gen is completed and have 3 minutes to open the gates and leave or get the final kills

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    Do not remind me of those times. They were dark times. Times in which infinites ran amok, were survivors reached heights unreachable heights. Do not remind me of those dark, dark times.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I agree that hatch is extremely annoying in the fact it is just pure luck, you either get lucky or you get fcked no ifs ands or buts about it. I do think hatch is fine for the most part though, keys need to be nerfed (a cast bar and sound notification) and they just need to re-add hatch grabs back and I think it will be fine.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Hatch is a pretty dumb mechanic and the source of some frustration. People slug for the 4k because of hatch and killers sometimes feel robbed because even though the survivors played badly they still get another chance to escape. It's a bit weird because the game also needs this mechanic to make sure it actually ends and survivors don't hide all game.

    I feel like it should be reworked in a way it still keeps its purpose but also removes the annoying parts. Easier said than done though.

  • jzizzle765
    jzizzle765 Member Posts: 14

    Yup keys need to go. I've had 3 games today alone where the survivors 3 gen themselves and left via the hatch instead of finishing. Sad part is that the keys were found in match too. I either avoid lobbies where someone is bringing a key in or I absolutely tunnel anyone that brings a key so it doesn't get used. Either they should go or maybe only let the person with the key through the hatch. Theres already enough second and third chance perks for survivors to be another that's a free escape after they keep messing up

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    I have been trying to tell people this for months. The hatch is imperfect as it is now. Why not try fixing it or replacing it with something better?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Is it? It's basically like tossing a coin or rolling a die to see if the last survivor escapes or not. Fitting for the casual game DbD is, perhaps, but maybe a little unfair for the loser of the RNG standoff.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2020

    I think it can be kind of dumb at times but also, as killer it is pretty satisfying when you play well enough as that the solo Q teams break down and start playing for themselves. As survivor, when my team are being completely potato, all going down at once, farming eachother off hook, etc, etc; I like having the option to just let them die.

    Key Features

    Survive Together… Or Not - Survivors can either cooperate with the others or be selfish. Your chance of survival will vary depending on whether you work together as a team or if you go at it alone. Will you be able to outwit the Killer and escape their Killing Ground?

    The only real "Or Not" comes from the hatch honestly. Maybe leaving someone during the EGC instead of getting them yourself. So I like having it in the game.

  • Heckabecca
    Heckabecca Member Posts: 10

    Survivors should die if they play poorly. There's no reason to give them an RNG win. Remove the hatch.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    So you should automatically die if you load into a game with bad teammates? It's not like DBD is a game like League or CS:GO where you can put a heavy team on your back. You can try, but the killer always has the option to just....ignore you.

  • Heckabecca
    Heckabecca Member Posts: 10

    Why is that the killers' problem? Why does the killer get punished? Because you're a biased survivor main who often incorrectly believes you're the one carrying the team?

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Because not working with your team is a feature of the game. The hatch is still a risky escape for the survivor with a significant chance of death. It's hardly punishing for the killer since you can pip all the way to rank 1 with 3 kills and nearly max bloodpoints every game. The reward for a 12th hook instead of 11 hooks is a difference of less than 500 points I believe.

    Assuming anyone who disagrees with you is a "survivor main" is laughable, and probably means you are not worth debating with.

  • cheyennelala
    cheyennelala Member Posts: 3

    I dont get why people can use the hatch with a activated pig trap on.

    Or why I have to hunt for survivors only to find them all piled up on the hatch waiting to jump down as soon as I get near, when I start applying the pressure.

    As a killer I am supposed to play with some sort of etiquette of not camping, tunneling, or slugging.

  • Heckabecca
    Heckabecca Member Posts: 10

    Yeah, that's what people play the game for. Bloodpoints. Not victory or fun. An arbitrary number on the screen. I'm sure you'd be satisfied with all survivors escaping every game as long as you got enough good boy points.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    If you actually played the killer for a long time, which you clearly have not, you would know you can slug for it (if you even know what slugging means). If you have trouble finding the last survivor you can equip whispers, which you might not have at tier 3 yet because your killers are still baby ranks.

    A 3k is a killer victory as defined by the games ranking system and points system. A 4k is icing on the cake. I don't waste my time slugging for the 4k, you can if you want.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited November 2020

    As someone who players those games. No, you can't. A single player can lose you the entire game in league of CS:GO, but a single player can't win one for you. And in those games, matches can last upwards of an hour long. In DBD, if you get a crappy team, it means you are stuck in a game with them for 5-10 minutes. Much more reasonable if you ask me.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Because you clearly HAVE to slug. You aren't entitled to a 4k, and if you slug for it that's YOUR choice, no the the game FORCING you to slug. I think that the RNG is good for the game, since it means that you aren't ever GUARANTEED to escape as survivor, or 4k as killer until its already happened. And also as a solution to the gate problem: whispers. Best tracking perk in the game, and tells you what gate the survivor is at.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    How does the killer get "punished"? A 3k is still a win.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I disagree with that. Assuming you are significantly better than everyone else in the lobby, you can single handedly win CS:GO by just killing everyone 1v1. I have won games of Apex legends solo after my team DCd or died early. Go watch Shroud or other really good FPS players dominate entire lobbies almost by themselves. I feel like that should just go without saying. Especially a game like call of duty where if you are melting faces you get killstreaks to slay even harder.

    League of legends? People smurf with 95% win rates from bronze to challenger. If that's not carrying, nothing is.

    DBD? If you are significantly better than the killer and are survivor, there is literally nothing stopping them from just going and killing your team. If your team is bad? They waste resources fast, and those are shared by you as well. All you can do is generators, and if they are dying too fast it doesn't matter how many generators you do because you will never complete them in time.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    You obviously don't play league then. A single player cannot get strong enough to win an entire game. Sure, maybe when someone who literally is paid to play the game plays against the worst 20% of players. But in even gold ranks in that game? yeah, no it isn't happening. With CS:GO you are limited by what you can do significantly. If you have 1 player with the bomb, and the run in and get caught out, the bomb is now in a terrible place, and you might as well call that a round over.

    I'm not saying it is impossible to 1v5, or to do well in league by yourself. But, it is significantly more difficult to win by yourself, then it is for someone to single handedly lose you the game. Because snowballing in those games is far more important than most. It's like chess, if you blunder a knight or bishop, you may as well resign when playing at anything other than casual level.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited November 2020

    I will say that regardless of your beliefs though, hatch is poorly designed. It encourages the last 2 survivors to hide, instead of do their objective so that the other one can get caught and they can get the hatch.

    It also encourages the killer to slug 1 player and leave them on the ground, giving you 4 minutes to hunt the second survivor. This leads to extremely boring gameplay for everyone involved. The fun of DBD is interaction between the killer and survivor. Not everyone hiding for several minutes. Sure, hiding can be an aspect of the game, but generally only is in short bursts., but this isn't a "hide and seek" game at it's core.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I peaked at platinum something in league like 8 years ago. You can literally go on youtube and watch people smurf from bronze to challenger while barely dropping any games, because they stomp their lane so hard they snowball the other lanes as well. They literally breeze through gold and platinum, making the platinum players look bronze. It's only in high diamond where I see them start to slow down at all. If you don't believe me, go look it up yourself. I'm not arguing with you when there is ~tons~ of video proof to back up my claims that can be found with a simple google search.

  • jzizzle765
    jzizzle765 Member Posts: 14

    Had a match on swamp that the last 2 survivors hid for 15 minutes not doing gen not moving or anything. Having the potential to escape via the hatch without completing the gens promotes this kind of play and it's counter productive.

    I personally don't have any problems with the hatch after the gens are done cause that can actually be a fun/tense little bit of gameplay but having it spawn or activate before then especially when they can open it early with keys is just dumb. I lost 3 survivors 3 times today alone, swf group 3 gened themselves twice and I guess the 3rd group just had enough of the big bad clown and just bounced. Sad part is they didn't bring keys with them they found them in game.

    How is that fair to the killer? It's like if you playing cod or some other competitive game and the other side just decides leaves before the game is complete and counts as loss to you even though they were the ones left early.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    With that logic you would agree NOED should be removed as well, right?

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    You know this is not going to happen, right?

    I remember someone from the team saying the hatch, as it stands now, means hope for the survivor and... as long as the survivor is alive the game will still provide some kind of hope of escaping. And for me that's fine as it gives people reason to keep playing.

    I still see this game as a horror one, not a competitive game (even though I know many people rather face it that way). And having this kind of hope (that might even be crushed) is part of the fun, at least to me.