Nice "Killer Cuddling" Patch

Don't you need killers to play as a survivor? Shouldn't survivors want killers to have a good time so they can actually get lobbies?
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Radiant said:
We will still teabag and make killers dc
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Not really, that was a much needed QOL change. The only people who are gonna complain are people who play survivor and nothing else15
Keep buffing killers and nerfing survs is only making them weaker and weaker.
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Radiant said:
Keep buffing killers and nerfing survs is only making them weaker and weaker.
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Killer Cuddling?
Is shirtless Myers finally out!? Can't wait to snuggle up to that hunk of man15 -
Since i play both roles i'm happy about the change. Tea-bag all you want D-bag.
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What's the big deal, it only effects events and stops the Sabo trolls. Good choice by the devs0
Patch made sabo relevant, longer times before chasing again via healing up.
Its fun on both sides, this should absolutely not be a "im survivor and i cant survive" cryfest.
Extremely sad to see the entitled posts, makes survivor playerbase look bad.9 -
This is what I hear from the OP : “I’m going to ignore Sabo buff, hook spacing balance, slugging getting nerfed, camping getting a punishment (like Survivor Mains have been moaning to get for years), ect. All because I’m a bias Survivor Main who likes to tea bag and BM and be a pice of crap, while I beat off to my lords and gods OchiDO and Noob3 bullying Killers.”10
Radiant said:
We will still teabag and make killers dc
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4 seconds more healing is the end of the world apparently6
Survivors got buffs this patch too not just the killers. This was a QoL patch for both sides.
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DS nerf, REAL gen prolonging, SWF separation, etc. There's a laundry list of things that need to be dealt with to put killers on even ground. If 4 extra secs. to heal up is that soul-crushing to you, I feel for you when/if actual buffs/nerfs come. You and those like-minded are why this game is so toxic... and that's why you'll get tunneled (I would say camped, but they nerfed that, too, so...) until you D/C on the shoulder.
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@AgentTalon said:
Don't you need killers to play as a survivor? Shouldn't survivors want killers to have a good time so they can actually get lobbies?Nah its fine.
Let them bully more killers such that queue time increases for suvivors. This is the only time when devs take real action2 -
Keene_Kills said:
DS nerf, REAL gen prolonging, SWF separation, etc. There's a laundry list of things that need to be dealt with to put killers on even ground. If 4 extra secs. to heal up is that soul-crushing to you, I feel for you when/if actual buffs/nerfs come. You and those like-minded are why this game is so toxic... and that's why you'll get tunneled (I would say camped, but they nerfed that, too, so...) until you D/C on the shoulder.
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I am honestly sorry for you guys... you're getting weaker and weaker with any patch and update.
You now totally depend on perks and addons, and no killer power is strong enough for you: invisibility, insta-down, wallhack, teleport, projectile hits... name one.It's almost a year now that all the patches have seen a constant removal or nerf of survivors abilities and buff of killers, and this patch has another long list of killer advantages:
- longer healing times + higher penalty for statuses,
- longer run needed to fast vault (not all windows will be fast-"vaultable"),
- shorter hook time,
- smaller swamp maps,
- rework of jumps and hooks in survivor advantage points,
- no more Spirit sound while phasing,
- better hidden totems,
- better aim needed for flashlight,
- noed insta-down at all levels,
- lower footsteps sound for invisible killers.
And, oh, right, you all play with lag advantage given from the fact that you're the host of the game.
The result will be the same: killers will become weaker and surv will get used to everything (as they did with previous flashlight changes, to do gens with active ruin).
It's what science calls psychological adaptation and learned behaviour.
Hope to teabag you babies soon
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Radiant said:
I am honestly sorry for you guys... you're getting weaker and weaker with any patch and update.
You now totally depend on perks and addons, and no killer power is strong enough for you: invisibility, insta-down, wallhack, teleport, projectile hits... name one.It's almost a year now that all the patches have seen a constant removal or nerf of survivors abilities and buff of killers, and this patch has another long list of killer advantages:
- longer healing times + higher penalty for statuses,
- longer run needed to fast vault (not all windows will be fast-"vaultable"),
- shorter hook time,
- smaller swamp maps,
- rework of jumps and hooks in survivor advantage points,
- no more Spirit sound while phasing,
- better hidden totems,
- better aim needed for flashlight,
- noed insta-down at all levels,
- lower footsteps sound for invisible killers.
And, oh, right, you all play with lag advantage given from the fact that you're the host of the game.
The result will be the same: killers will become weaker and surv will get used to everything (as they did with previous flashlight changes, to do gens with active ruin).
It's what science calls psychological adaptation and learned behaviour.
Hope to teabag you babies soon
stop crying10 -
@Radiant said:
We will still teabag and make killers dcTo quote Mushu ... I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover?
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By "gen prolonging," I meant anything to prolong the game in a meaningful way (other objectives, buffs to other perks to help slow down gen progression so not every single killer has to use 1-of-4 on Hex:Ruin day in and day out, etc.). The main idea is this: 4 secs added to healing is a step in the right direction, SO far from game crushing, and hopefully not the last thing we see, since so many necessary changes were overlooked -- yet again -- by devs.
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What about removing exits?
So you have all the time you need to get you 4 kills0 -
I love that you felt the need to make your pointless toxic thread on both the forums. Next step is Reddit?
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How about removing hooks?
So you don't have to come on here and boost your fragile ego with one-line toilet posts furthering the growing community assumption of childish survivors in need of a fresh developer teet?0 -
Mad they'll have to throw every pallet in the map to 2 sec-heal behind in order to get back to full now. Just drop DS for Botany Knowledge and you'll be all good
Boom, minor inconvenience solved and you can get right back to that all-important tea bagging.
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Though I am not wild about the healing nerf, or the window nerf as a survivor, I do like them as a killer. I'm more afraid that the attempt to limit aggressive survivor play will do a lot of harm unless stealth play gets a boost vs aura reading killer talents.
That said, I think there is only one very bad adjustment in this patch, and that is the swamp changes. I've played 7 matches in swamp today as both killer and survivor. Every one of them was a 4k. The killer (I used Shape, Pig, and Trapper) can control that map with absolute ease now. You can see both exits from either the boathouse, or the Pantry. I have amazing view of the whole field for stalking with Shape when I'm on the boathouse.
As survivor, we could hardly avoid the Dr.s aura when he had extended aura perks. All you saw all match was screaming all over. He just needed to move around the middle and pick targets. Nurse was an absolute joke. Hag owned the map with absolute ease. She was able to camp three hooks while keeping an eye on doors.
The big problem is generator placement. They are way too condensed now. I was able to pick 5 gens to monitor with ease as Pig, Shape, and Trapper. A couple of well-placed traps limited movement outside of my zone. I was surprised at how easy it was.
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@Peanits said:
Completely ignoring the sabotage and hook spacing changes I see.I found the hook spacing to be more helpful than bad. Especially on Coal Tower map. There were a lot of blank spots before that left you without an option to carry a survivor. Now, I always have a hook within range.
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Warlock_2020 said:
Though I am not wild about the healing nerf, or the window nerf as a survivor, I do like them as a killer. I'm more afraid that the attempt to limit aggressive survivor play will do a lot of harm unless stealth play gets a boost vs aura reading killer talents.
That said, I think there is only one very bad adjustment in this patch, and that is the swamp changes. I've played 7 matches in swamp today as both killer and survivor. Every one of them was a 4k. The killer (I used Shape, Pig, and Trapper) can control that map with absolute ease now. You can see both exits from either the boathouse, or the Pantry. I have amazing view of the whole field for stalking with Shape when I'm on the boathouse.
As survivor, we could hardly avoid the Dr.s aura when he had extended aura perks. All you saw all match was screaming all over. He just needed to move around the middle and pick targets. Nurse was an absolute joke. Hag owned the map with absolute ease. She was able to camp three hooks while keeping an eye on doors.
The big problem is generator placement. They are way too condensed now. I was able to pick 5 gens to monitor with ease as Pig, Shape, and Trapper. A couple of well-placed traps limited movement outside of my zone. I was surprised at how easy it was.
Agree about pale rose. My survivor game went into a 3 gen patrol, wasn't able to get around it, since there was more than 3 bunched up.
I think chopping the map was fair it was larger than it needed to be, but needs some tlc for gen placement\chase areas.0 -
what a classy bait thread by someone with no concept of balance. reported to jesus.
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@Warlock_2020 said:
I found the hook spacing to be more helpful than bad. Especially on Coal Tower map. There were a lot of blank spots before that left you without an option to carry a survivor. Now, I always have a hook within range.Exactly, let me update:
- hooks evenly spread to perfectly cover each point of each map,
- longer healing times + higher penalty for statuses,
- longer run needed to fast vault (not all windows will be fast-"vaultable"),
- shorter hook time,
- smaller swamp maps,
- rework of jumps and hooks in survivor advantage points,
- no more Spirit sound while phasing,
- better hidden totems,
- better aim needed for flashlight,
- noed insta-down at all levels,
- lower footsteps sound for invisible killers.
Seems legit patch
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Radiant said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
I found the hook spacing to be more helpful than bad. Especially on Coal Tower map. There were a lot of blank spots before that left you without an option to carry a survivor. Now, I always have a hook within range.Exactly, let me update:
- hooks evenly spread to perfectly cover each point of each map,
- longer healing times + higher penalty for statuses,
- longer run needed to fast vault (not all windows will be fast-"vaultable"),
- shorter hook time,
- smaller swamp maps,
- rework of jumps and hooks in survivor advantage points,
- no more Spirit sound while phasing,
- better hidden totems,
- better aim needed for flashlight,
- noed insta-down at all levels,
- lower footsteps sound for invisible killers.
Seems legit patch
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Teebag all you want, nobody cares. The fact that you are doing it when standing at the open gate or a safe pallet where killer can't hit you just shows the level of your immaturity.
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@Radiant said:
It's what science calls psychological adaptation and learned behaviour.Hope to teabag you babies soon
wat? don't adaptations have to do with reproduction and natural selection? i.e. they're learned over generations.
I really hope you don't believe your success in DbD will determine your ability to reproduce.
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apropos said:
@Radiant said:
It's what science calls psychological adaptation and learned behaviour.Hope to teabag you babies soon
wat? don't adaptations have to do with reproduction and natural selection? i.e. they're learned over generations.
I really hope you don't believe your success in DbD will determine your ability to reproduce.
Well im up for the challenge then.
Or we can wait out till @powerbats and @Orion are done breeding the next generation of DBD players.2 -
@ChesterTheMolester said:
Well im up for the challenge then.
lol, name checks out.
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So much salt I think the shaker broke. If this was the last change we would see to this stuff I'd understand, but everything will get reviewed again at some point. Adapt for now and give the devs some constructive feedback they can actually use.0
Dudddd said:Lowbei said:Radiant said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
I found the hook spacing to be more helpful than bad. Especially on Coal Tower map. There were a lot of blank spots before that left you without an option to carry a survivor. Now, I always have a hook within range.Exactly, let me update:
- hooks evenly spread to perfectly cover each point of each map,
- longer healing times + higher penalty for statuses,
- longer run needed to fast vault (not all windows will be fast-"vaultable"),
- shorter hook time,
- smaller swamp maps,
- rework of jumps and hooks in survivor advantage points,
- no more Spirit sound while phasing,
- better hidden totems,
- better aim needed for flashlight,
- noed insta-down at all levels,
- lower footsteps sound for invisible killers.
Seems legit patch
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There's lot of good changes for both sides and bug fixes, I see nothing wrong with it unlike some on both sides who see anything that benefits the other side as cuddling.
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T bag=tunnel/camp... not dc1
ooohhh im so scared...
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@Radiant , learn to play this game properly sweetheart. That means STEALTH.
Or keep teabagging all you like, you know it just makes hooking you all the more delicious.2 -
@Terrortot said:
Patch made sabo relevant, longer times before chasing again via healing up.Its fun on both sides, this should absolutely not be a "im survivor and i cant survive" cryfest.
Extremely sad to see the entitled posts, makes survivor playerbase look bad.
" Both sides are equally childish and toxic huur duur "
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@Radiant said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
I found the hook spacing to be more helpful than bad. Especially on Coal Tower map. There were a lot of blank spots before that left you without an option to carry a survivor. Now, I always have a hook within range.Exactly, let me update:
- hooks evenly spread to perfectly cover each point of each map,
- longer healing times + higher penalty for statuses,
- longer run needed to fast vault (not all windows will be fast-"vaultable"),
- shorter hook time,
- smaller swamp maps,
- rework of jumps and hooks in survivor advantage points,
- no more Spirit sound while phasing,
- better hidden totems,
- better aim needed for flashlight,
- noed insta-down at all levels,
- lower footsteps sound for invisible killers.
Seems legit patch
Could you elaborate on the shorter hook time?