Why don't survivors just use hatchets?

They're literally right there and there's 4 of you guys like come on.
I feel like most of these types of questions can be answered by invoking "Because the Entity does/doesn't allow it."
It's the Entity's world after all.
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Because they don't want to end up unintentionally married to the Huntress.
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Yeah but that's just really lazy. Although we could just leave it at game mechanics.
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also, having held a hatchet, those things can be heavy, and the ingame ones seem to be on the heavy side. I think, by all means, only david might be able to proper lift one.
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I remember in one old stream the devs said that when survivors are in a trial they are in a "dream state", doing things like talking and jumping don't come across their heads. Or they literally can't use them, just like the other killers, probably only the huntres is able/allowed to grab.
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The hatchets are made of a sturdy rubber so they need someone strong to throw then for them to do any damage. They have a small chip in them that makes a metal sound when they hit a wall.
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They've gotta have those thick russian arms to really throw them
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I feel like they could but the entity makes it a point to not select survivous who know how to/have the will to fight back. A pallet, for example, isn't that heavy. You could hold the whole thing and use it as a battering ram. Or the various scrap around the map, or the tools from the tool box. An improvized weapon could be near anything. The Entiy simply dosn't choose people who are competent in improvised weapons. Like Macgyver would never be choosen since he could use the genarator and scrap and build a danm rail gun or something. XD
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I love this ngl 😂😂
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and they they should be able to just straight-up fight a killer like ghost face or Legion
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The entity is a party-pooper. :(