If you play Deathslinger, how tired are you of the hate you are getting?


There are more broken killers, but I haven't seen the amount of vitriol Caleb is getting for any of them. And it just gets exhausting to play a killer you enjoy, try to play fair (so NO tunneling, no camping, no noed, no mori, no slugging) and yet you get all sort of crap from survivors just for playing him.

Has anyone left the community because they are not allowed to play a certain character, deathslinger or otherwise?

because if yes, this community has a massive problem...



  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I didn't played him much, but I massively leveled him up while 4th year anniversary. So I have 100+ ghastly gateau offerings. It means I have to main him eventually. My profile is ready for -reps!

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Yeah ignore them play who want. You get hated on for being any killer.

    Don't give them free pass on mistakes or not play a play you could pull off that someone gonna consider dirty

    Show em what you can do. If they complain just ignore.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    It's your game just as much as it is theirs. Play with whomever you want, and turn off messages, you'll be happier that you did.

    And kudos for getting good with Deathslinger. I just started playing with him, and being expected to compete while you practice is brutal (especially with a gun with no reticule!).

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I play slinger occasionally and haven't noticed any more hate than usual?

    I get far more hate on Freddy than any other killer lol

  • TheBigBingus
    TheBigBingus Member Posts: 97

    i play slinger on and off, and for me its either i get zero hate, or all 4 survivors are seething and foaming at the mouths with how angry they get. i donit understand though, slinger has lots of counterplay!

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    i say they have a lot of things thay can do to not be shot like not run in the open and trying to move aroud objects

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited November 2020

    Funny thing: the barbs on the spear double as crosshairs when you aim. I found that out only recently. like the two horizontal ones.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Survivors that will demean you or talk ######### to you would do it no matter who you play or how you play. Best thing you can do for your sanity is turn off post game chat or whatever option you need to turn off to not get random messages if you play on console.

    I loved Deathslinger before Blight came around, I played him constantly and whenever survivors said anything at all about it, I just told them to go and hold m1 in a corner. If they don't like it, theres 21, soon to be 22 killers in the roster and they can find something more to their liking in the next game. They have 0 business telling you what characters you can or cannot play.

    Pay no mind to them and play the game to enjoy yourself.

  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    I main deathslinger as in I almost only play him. People mad cause bad what else can I say also I play survivor a bit more so this is coming from me

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Every killer that has a realistic chance to catch a "strong" survivor quickly gets hate so I guess Deathslinger mains are just as used to whiny/salty hate as people that main other strong killers like Spirit, Pyramid Head etc.

    I wouldn't worry about it if I were a Deathslinger main.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    "Slinger has lots of counterplay" You mean holding w, m1 and throwing pallets instantly? Boring for both sides.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    The problem is so many ppl play him its ridiculous. I don't wanna spend 10 minutes queing as survivor just to play an m1 simulator.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    I think people just whine about facing any killer that isn't the potato and can counter their tbagging in the gates (I've seen people raging about Caleb dragging them back for it lol, I find it hilarious). I don't see any problem with him, I find it even more fun that you have to be cautious about his shots and not just run around, trying to gain distance.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't really get any hate, to be honest. Most survivors I go against are under the impression that their skill mattered, which is great for everyone I guess, and most people on the forums seem to recognise me as one of the biggest "Nerf Slinger" people despite him being one of my mains whom I also suck at.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Why should you stop playing a character just because some entitled survivors told you to do so? Doesn't make any sense. Be more assertive.

    Deathslinger does not get any hate from my experience as well. Not nearly as much as Spirit or PH

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Lol I get no hate at all.

    I get a DC when someone fails at Dead Hard, but thats about it.

  • NotTheCosmo
    NotTheCosmo Member Posts: 25

    I still can't understand why i should be punished if i have good aim...

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    it's not that. it's simply for playing the character cause some people seem entirely convinced that if you play caleb you must be an utterly despicable person and 'deserve' the hate. I dunno why people are like that. I'm happy for all of you who didn't get any hate for him

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
    edited November 2020

    Are you using Monitor to hide your already broken TR even further? If yes, then you get all my hate. It's totally busted that DS with Monitor can get close enough to spear you without you hearing ANYTHING!

    Post edited by CaulDrohn on
  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I don’t hate, I rather enjoy facing the easier killers to beat.

    Play what you want, however you want. This is a game after all, don’t let people try to Hex: Ruin your fun.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited November 2020

    I have a bit of an 'rp' build if you want to put it like that:

    Whispers, Bloodhound, Murmur and either Tremors, DMS, Lightborn or BBQ in the 4th slot. (BBQ just for BP, as I have yet to manage actually SPOTTING a survivor's aura with it...)

    And I honestly agree with M&A being a crude perk to use on Caleb. It's on the same nope-tier for me as noed on any killer with a build-in insta-down

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Mate if i play tryhard spirit, survivors will complain if u play random build clown they will also complain, some ppl are just bad at the game, like 80% of the playerbase doesnt know how to play.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    No, because Ghost face still has to get close to you, even if he marked you. And you can hear his cloak when he is really near, similar to Myers breathing. It gives you some late warning, if you are observant, potentially avoiding a grab. Compare that to DS with Monitor on maps like Yamaoka. He can spear you totally out of the blue, shooting through bushes which totally obscure him.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    That really sounds much more enjoyable than the usual Monitor, STBFL, Double Reload Speed builds. About BBQ, I also have games where I don't recognize any aura the whole game. If someday I do not need the juicy BP anymore, I' ll switch out BBQ for Tremors on my killers.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    :D I mean, I usually run reload add-ons on account of missing more shots than I'd like to... (I also still get all giddy when I managed to land a particular fancy trickshot)

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    From 17-18m away, meaning that you're going to break the chain if there's even the slightest bit of debris, and if there's not then you should have seen him and it's kind of your own fault in the same sense that it's your own fault for having Ghostface round a corner, pop the 99 and stab you in the space of half a second.

    And if the Slinger is shooting you from somewhere you cannot see him, that also means he cannot see you. So that's one hell of a Slinger.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited November 2020

    I played him quite a bit when he came out and enjoyed him for a short while.

    As a killer - I got bored of him pretty quickly, much like Pyramid Head. I think the lack of back and forth between the survivor and the killer is what turned me off of them. Practically guaranteed hits aren't fun nor challenging to me. I don't feel like I've achieved anything when the survivor couldn't have possibly juked my shot as its so fast even an AI would be limited by the survivors chunky hitbox. You can do some cool shots like inbetween trees on farm loops or the holes in the shack wall but I will probably never touch him again outside of killer rotations.

    As a survivor - I absolutely abhor playing against him as I know that unless I get lucky and theres a nearby LOS breaker and an undropped pallet then I'm practically screwed. Even if there is a pallet an it might not save me as the shot is unreactable below 12 meters. It's not as bad as Spirit who just turns the entire chase mechanic into a joke (awful, awfully made killer) but its close.

    He's a strong chaser with no map mobility so you have no choice but to genrush him which is extremely boring.

    Then theres the fact that literally every Slingerr, much like Pp heads all play the same.

    Same perks same strategy. Sneak in for that first hit and immediatley shoot.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Yeah. I mean, a lot of slinger mains hate coldwind with a passion, cause, by all means, the best you often can do is shoot into the corn and hope for the best.

    However, the struggling is the one thing I'd change about Caleb. in the sense that it should be clearer as to how to struggle against the chain effectively.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Even if I break free, thats still a health state lost (given I was healthy before, of course). Breaking free is another issue for me. I guess I'm just too bad, but I somehow never get free out of it, even with debris nearby. I just will not stay behind the debris but being pulled around it somehow. Don't know how the killer does this, don't know how survs prevent it when I play DS myself.

    Sure if a GF does that it's similar, but I still feel the GF scenario is way more fair than the DS scenario. Emphasis on feeling here. It's perfectly fine for a stealth killer ot be able to come near unnoticed, thats whats his power is about. But DS is no stealth killer, he has a smaller TR and totally f*cked up TR music, which gets worse with Monitor. If Monitor would be a true stealth perk (meaning granting Undetecable), I guess I wouldn't mind, but it isn't. So all in all, a non-stealth killer using a non-stealth perk to get near stealth-like abilities, on top of having a ranged attack, feels just heavily cheated for me.

    The slinger will know with perks like discordance / surveillance, or just using game sense (a highly contested gen). Also, "incomplete" LOS blockers like bushes work in his favor when he is close to it, allowing him to watch / aim through the small gaps, but prevents you from seeing the other way around when too far away (just pixels then).

  • BongRips4Wraith
    BongRips4Wraith Member Posts: 87

    "Why are people so upset when I turn the 5 player game into a single player game?"

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Well this is interesting I am taking my bubba to P3 now but only need 11 levels. I choose my next character to use based on if they have BBQ. DS has it and was thinking he would be the next one I do lol. I have it on a few other P1 characters but I don't think the survivors are going to like me using them much either (Clown, Oni, Spirit). So my hate is coming but I'm king of used to it with Bubba. So many people use him in a toxic way I think they assume every time they see him they are going to get camped. I got tons of messages for utilizing the basement the other day. I hooked 1 and never when more than 10 meters from shack. I didn't hide in basement but if I'm going to haul you down there cause you got downed by it might as well use it. Also camped a meg for 1 health state but got bored and left I really don't know how thats a normal Strategy for people. I killed her at end and it ended up being the final Meg face I needed. Thank you for dealing with me that game Meg :)

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    I can't see Slinger being too broken. I don't really see why people are calling for nerfs, or anything else. He's strong in chase, everything else.. He is weak. Sadly, anyone who's played Slinger can really say that. The hate sucks lmao. He shoots, misses, reloads.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    he and the nurse take to most skill to play i am a csgo player (global elite) so my awp skill translate really well to him so i get shots easy af

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I don't mind playing against Deathslinger, I don't understand the hate he gets.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    seeing survivors complain about a mid tier killer will always be hilarious... Man I hate that guy I just stomped into the ground. he is not cool. He was so easy to beat I hate him.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited November 2020

    I think I've found your problem.

    Monitor and Abuse is 100% a stealth perk. It allows you to get closer to the survivors before your Terror Radius informs them that you are there. Sure it doesn't go all the way and give undetectable, but it is 100% a perk that makes your killer stealthier than they would otherwise be. M&A is a stealth perk much like how Whispers is still a tracking perk in spite of not revealing any auras. That's part of why Oni has a tendency to run it. He needs his first hit asap, and the only stealthy perk that doesn't have a trigger is... a pretty good answer for him.

    Deathslinger is the closest thing we have to a ranged stealth killer and probably the closest we'll ever be to having one. There's currently only 3 killers in the game with ranged attacks: Huntress, Pyramid Head, and Deathslinger. Obviously Huntress and Pyramid Head are not stealthy. 40m humming and 32m TR say no. Deathslinger though... he actually is. At base, he's got a TR of 24m and a range of 18m. There's only 6m of distance between when you can hear him and when he can shoot you which translates to 1.36 seconds of warning... and he actually has 2 add ons that shrink his TR further while aiming.

    I honestly think that your expectations are just a bit off. M&A and Deathslinger are in fact both stealthy. Do they get to the level of full on undetectable? Well... no, but for a lot of applications they practically do because Caleb has range. Also... Deathslinger is not even the only stealthy killer who appreciates having Monitor. Not gonna lie, Pig with Monitor and Whispers is way stealthier than one without.

  • modernhighlander
    modernhighlander Member Posts: 27

    Admittedly, I am a killer main.

    However, I don't think I have ever been killed by a deathslinger that wasn't camping me. I think that he is a really fun killer to play against personally and nobody that I typically play with really echoes the hate that you're talking about.

    Deathslinger has plenty of counterplay.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Eh, it's annoying seeing everyone say "no counterplay" without being bothered to learn to play against him. There is also a threat of him being nerfed because people are bad.

    Plus I saw a certain streamer make fun of a slinger player because he plays slingers in tournaments. This was done to his 1000 viewer chat. Then asked chat how much they hated slinger and chat responded in the usual way.

    Great to see we have some very nice streamers for the game who totally don't stir toxicity in the community for simply playing a killer.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Hate I subsist of the hate the salt feeds my ego and fill me with the pleasure of having performed so well that a person goes out of there way to complain and moan.

    If you think dadslinger has no counterplay you need to pick up an fps and get use to movemet and cover mechanics this is the core of dadslingers weakness. Basic looping dosent work and understanding what loops work and what dont is paramount to survival.

    The fact he get more hate then spirit or hag is baffling to me. Then again being outplayed and crushed by an opppnent who can predict your movement line up there shots correctly. Maybe it should come as no suprise.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I don't know how in gods name you got to the conclusion that DS is on the same level as Nurse. I would argue the fact that DSs shot is unreactable at most ranges reduces his skill ceiling, as the little counterplay (if any) survivors have means that the DS player has to put way less thought into their shot then, say, a Huntress or a Nurse blink. They have to take into account the survivor dodging with the travel time and account for it. Deathslinger doesn't outside of his max range.

    Also, anyone can aim at the survivors ass and get the hit 100% of the time if they know how the survivors hitboxes lean when running left and right.

    Heck, he came out when I used to be on console and even on a controller with no aim assist I was hitting 95% of my DS shots even through windows or inbetween trees.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The vast majority of FPS don't have the crazy large/inaccurate hitboxes that DBD has. The devs have even commented themselves that DBD wasnt designed for ranged killers and the hitboxes reflect that. Heck, look at Huntress' hatchet hitbox. I wager a fair number of Huntress players coast by purely on the inconsistency between the hatchet size and actual hitbox. Not even including latency muddying the hit detection further.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    You cant turn off chat on xbox. Theyre the worst survivors on there because theyre able to spam you before the march is even over with party invites and messages, potentially ruining your experience because of their poot sportsmanship. I just wish they werent allowed to see your gamertag until the match is completely over

  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32


  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    As deathslinger it is probably really annoying to get a bunch of hate