The Oni and everything relevant to him

Fellas. I almost exclusively play Oni, so I was wondering your opinions on him? How do you usually play against him and try and counter him? Anything you think should be changed? I just love the killer both design wise, mechanic wise and lore wise! I'd love to hear your opinions and discuss with you, both survivors and killers!
I found him interesting to face since am a Oni main too and I'm always thrilled to see how they would use their power in certain tiles to get a Demon Strike, but most ones just don't even try which saddens me
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I agree! Most people i've seen don't bother with people at jungle gyms, but i've practiced lots and i've found a few clever ways to get strikes in. like if they're heading for the window you can start a dash sideways and curve enough to make it around the wall and you can get a hit in with the good flick!
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I think there should be a hard limit on how much blood is in the level at once.
Even if everyone healed up, there's still piles of blood everywhere that never degrades. At least I've never noticed it in anything less than abundant in my games.
His tracking using blood becomes less effective as a result as well. But he's full blown berserker at end game regardless.
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Fun fact, there is a cap on the amount of blood that can be in a level, it's 100 orbs. but ive actually never thought about that! i actually think it would be fair to nerf the amount to about 70 orbs. that might tone his endgame down a little bit!
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I love playing as Oni too. When I face them as Survivor my strategy is similar to how I play against Doctor oddly enough. I hear the terror radius and book it to the other side of the map and power through gens switching back and forth as needed. If I know he has his power up and is headed my direction I get in a locker and wait for him to leave or get distracted so I can get to the other side of the map.
Playing as Oni my strat is running Monitor, BBQ, Surge or Pop, and Sloppy Butcher. Use Monitor to help get me my first hit then chase that person until I have my power up and get the down. After the hook I pop into fury and know exactly where to dash to provide the most pressure. Surge works great because if I can get the down right away the gen is regressing without me having to smash it and waste power time but sometimes pop is more beneficial. Sloppy helps get my power up faster because for some reason people still insist on bringing self care and that extra healing time just means more of those tasty tasty blood orbs.
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interesting counterplay! i find that stealth can be an issue if the survivors don't group up, and lockers force him out of his power, so that can be smart if hes trying to slug multiple people at once. if i could make a suggestion, try running monitor and abuse and infectious fright! those 2 perks make oni a monster to go against. his terror radius is actually incredibly quiet, and monitor makes it actually surprisingly easy to sneak up and get that first hit, and it combos with infectious so you can find multiple people after you down someone with your power! i run those 2 perks with BBQ and pop, i think its his best build!
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Oni is the perfect killer if you ask me. He is extremely strong though he has to earn it, he is extremely fun to play and fun to play against without feeling oppressive. The only problem I have with this killer is his Iri Family Crest, this add on is how it even go on to the drawing board let alone past it is beyond me.
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i think both of his iri addons need a rework. i think the family crest should be changed so that a successful strike reveals the auras of survivours within a 20 meter radius for 8 seconds, and renjiros bloody glove should be changed entirely. my idea for that one is that it creates an obsession, and the obsession drops blood orbs even when healthy, but at a reduced rate. maybe 2 orbs every 8 seconds when healthy and the normal rate for injured. just an idea though!
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Appreciate the tip but I absolutely loathe infectious fright because I absolutely loathe the slug. It's boring when one decides to crawl away and never be found and as Survivor it's boring to be the slug and in both roles I'd really rather not have to waste a perk slot (Unbreakable or Deerstalker) to deal with it. I've found, by playing both roles fairly equally, that there are some perks that just become crutches. Spirit running Stridor, Nurse/Oni/Meyers/Bubba with Infectious, Doc with Corrupt, NOED+Bloodwarden combo, DS+UB combo, any exhaustion perk, etc. So I try to avoid the crutches, with the exception that I usually run Lithe on Survivor. Hell even spine chill has become a bit of a crutch for me lol.
But yeah, Monitor and Infectious on Oni is strong as hell and definitely makes up his best build, I just prefer to chase. Hag is my main so if I want to play a fast brutal match I run her with my gross Franklin's/3rd Seal/Monitor combo lol.
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fair enough man, some people just don't like slugging, and that's perfectly fine. sloppy and surge are a great combo on him so I'm sure you'll do fine. anti heal builds are pretty fun, and they play right into his power. that's why I like Oni, theres a few different ways to play him, and you aren't forced to play the best if you wanna win!
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Definitely, he's a killer that doesn't require min/maxing to be viable
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absolutely. that's my definition of a perfect killer. one that doesn't need addons, perks, or a specific playstyle to be strong, but requires skill of the player. and they've gotta have counterplay, which oni has.
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I don't play him that often but i really enjoy going against him, as long as they don't have top knot which i think should be removed.
Counter is all about finding those little spots where he cant hit you, ducking in corners, throwing him off etc.
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Aight here we go with my unpopular opinion:
I hate the Oni.
I hate playing him. His mechanics are clunky and annoying, his movement makes me nauseous, he's an M1 killer at the start of the game, I do not like him. At all. I get very very angry and then I break things because I have some serious anger management issues and then everyone's upset and I go play Freddy instead.
Though it's mostly because of his movement.
I don't like facing him because everyone always uses Infectious so if your teammates are pepega you're gonna be found out of position due to trying to stealth (the best counter to an Oni in his power) and because pepega teammates will literally feed him his power within 2 seconds by getting hit then dropping Shack pallet.
The best counter to Oni at the start of the game is just don't get hit. Why are you trying for some epic 720 jukes for your YouTube montage I just want to play the game could you the not please?
Yeah, I hate this killer. I hate playing him. I hate facing him. I hate his design. He's not as hot as everyone makes him out to be.
Pyramid Head is infinitely better in terms of design and playing as him. At least with competent teammates you can neuter Oni's power until like 3-4 gens are done, so that's the only silver lining.
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i think topknot should be nerfed, and the base dash speed should be buffed to compensate. make the base dash 1.75 seconds and make top knot reduce it to 1.40 seconds.
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I like going against and playing as the Oni, he is really strong and does have lots of counterplay.
The counter with the biggest success rate probably is just hiding behind objects where he can't flick, also LoS blockers are very good against him, windows counter him slightly too, spinning could confuse them and miss you.
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man, that makes me sad to hear. personally i don't think his movement is clunky at all, i think he plays quite smoothly. i get it tho, hes definitely not for everybody. if you ever go against him, another good tip is to split up, get as far away from teammates as possible. grouping up instantly wins oni the game.
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Bruh im out here trying to do a solo gen in the corner of the map and hide its not my fault the baby Meg patrol be sprinting over leading the killer to me like
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absolutely. nothing confuses me more then when someone does a weird play where the crouch behind a door and i yeet right by them. i think the only counter that is better is just prethrowing pallets at the start of the game. if you can get 2 or 3 gens done before he gets his power he's basically screwed
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haha that one made me chuckle. yeah, annoying teammates basically lose the game for you against oni, i get why that's annoying. i try and play nice with oni when i play, i don't use topknot unless i wanna test something on a certain map which i use an offering for, and i try not to slug for the 4k when its clear there's a huge skill gap between me and the survivors.
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I don't think oni needs a nerf at all. He's strong but has counter play. He needs to be godlike at the end because at the start he is literal trash.
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I would rather topknot staying the same but made a purple. It's the only thing that makes him even potentially viable vs top tier survivors, and even then he is only like 4th-6th best depending on who you ask.
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Yeah ive always liked oni and his lore, gameplay and whatever.
Honestly im surprised ive not gotten into him as much. I grew up play dynasty warriors, samurai warriors, and kessen so ive always loved those sort of things. And i mean absolutely loved it, it what made me love history so much bc i wanted to learn everything there was to learn about those time periods.
My oni is only prestige one, for some reason i never sat down and tried to learn him. Maybe i should play oni more, alot more. I love the kitana, big bonk stick, the big mad, the built in tracking.
Ive been more of a jack of all trades good at most killers but havent been a main of anyone for months now, when i was a myers and legion main. I know im rambling lol
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I´m a huge fan. Played him a bunch through August and early September, now back at it again playing him basically exclusively. I´m currently trying to get really good at him. P3 all perks, not using addons till I feel I got him down on a high level.
Currently it´s a huge difference depending on Survivors faced. The really good latenight rank 1 teams give me a hard time, but not so great teams get FUBAR really fast.
I´d kinda like seeing more leniancy while using his power, but on the other hand the strict limitations are what keeps him from being OP, so idk ^^
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You know what they still need to do: fix that flicking bug Oni has during his Demon Strike. I have legit lost entire chases because of this bug it is so disorienting and hurts my head.
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Which bug? The one that prevents u from using your power? Or a different one.
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Love going against him and playing as him
Super fun to play and viable at high ranks.
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Pre drop pallets and play super safe. Oni only get his power if survivors makes a mistake aka give him a hit in the early game.
If Oni still havent got a hit and its like 3-2 gens left. Its game over, you have no power and the game is almost over
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Playing against oni is super fun honestly.If he's good,then you are in for an extremely thrilling game (which i absolutely love).
Unfortunately nobody seems to play oni and even if i see one it's an unexperienced oni :(
When i play him i only use my power when the survivor is outpositioned,because short loops and jungle gyms (especially long wall jungle gyms) counter him pretty hard.
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Oni flings your camera around extremely quickly in what appears to be a random direction if you use demon strike. I just assumed it was some kind of bug with aim dressing.
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That is why I think topknot needs to stay, and if it must go the base charge needs to be reduced to 1.5s. I love oni, he is my main, and I want him to remain viable vs top tier teams.
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Topknot is way too strong now.Especially if you consider that it's a green addon without any downsides at all
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I struggle as him and against him... cause I have little to no experience Playing him or going against him
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I don't think there should be. It's the survivors who determine how much blood there is in the trial, based on how fast they heal and other things like that, now you can make the argument, that perks like sloppy butcher and that make it hard to heal. But that's their job and it synergizes well with the power. Overall the amount of time it takes to heal is still in the survivors hands.
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There already is a hard limit on how many blood orbs can be on the map at any one time (it's 100 orbs).
It's a pretty generous limit though; I think that's enough blood for Oni to fully build his power about 2.5 times off of just those orbs.
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fair argument! i think a rarity change could be a good idea, or maybe turn one of his purples into another dash time decrease addon, and keep the green one. of course, they couldn't stack because that would be broken
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oh my goodness thats a bug?!!? i thought it was just my mouse being broken!! holy hell i feel a lot better now, thanks for telling me!
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yeah, the limit is very generous, i think it should be decreased, but not by a huge amount.
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I don't mind getting crushed by Oni's in most cases. It usually feels fair and deserved. I enjoy playing him, but I suck at turning well enough to counter loopers.
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I don't own oni but he is one of the most fun killers to play against and I don't see a problem. He starts off super weak but then becomes a huge snowball machine.