General Discussions

General Discussions

Why is the killer's client still recording the hits?

Member Posts: 194
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

I stopped playing a few months ago, just when they were going to implment "server-side based hits", what happened?

I play with 40ms of ping and it seems absurd to me that a killer with 200ms of ping can hit me from too many meters away.

How hard is it to fix your game?

It is too noticeable when the killer ping is high and when it is low.

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  • Member Posts: 1,903

    Latency is not easy to fix. VPN players introduce latency that people can't understand so they all blame behavior and say they can't fix the game just as you do. what's funny.... they can only make your 40ms equal to the highest known latency so if they have 200ms, they can increase yours to 200ms artifically but there is NO way to reduce 200ms latency to 40ms latency. it's just impossible. now if it's program latency not network latency (which is what you call "PING") then that can be fixed. so learn a bit before you complain since it's not program latency they can only make your experience worse unless you're the highest latency in that match in which case you're good.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    In short:

    Because the Hit Validation system the devs currently work on isn't ready yet

  • Member Posts: 194

    Oh, maybe they should ask Fornite, CS GO, Overwatch (game already dead due to taking so long to fix issues, like DBD), Halo, Warzone ... just about any game.

    It's really ridiculous, we've been dealing with this problem for a year now and they can't fix it?

  • Member Posts: 617

    Pretty sure all those other games use an entirely different type of hit detection to start with, one that's designed to be used with guns and projectiles.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    You do know what shooters are a different ball game when it comes to hit detection right.

  • Member Posts: 359

    Yeah, they are harder to deal with. The fact that DBD has problems with this, with simpler mechanics should be concerning to you.

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    The thing is, DBD was build as P2P. They switched to Dedicated Servers years afterwards (which, in retrospect, is a mistake IMO, because it did not really fix anything but caused a lot of new problems like Powers/Perks not working, vaults being broken for a long time, no option to back away from laggy Killers since you only see your own Ping) and first wanted to have the Hit Detection Killer-sided.

    This will stay, but there will be a sanity Check done by the Server. When they first implemented it, it had some problems (e.g. Huntress was not able to hit Hatchets in close range), so they removed it. There was a 24 hour-Test a few weeks ago, that went quite well.

    IMO they should at the Killers Ping in the Lobby until they re-implemented the Hit Validation (and it is working properly), because this is the biggest issue currently. Before, you knew that you were going against a 300 Ping-Killer and would likely not play that game, but now you just see that you have 40 Ping to the Server.

    Questionable Hits will not be removed tho. I guess they only will remove the really bad cases and VPNers. But if two people are playing with like 100 Ping to the Server, you cannot really do something about it, since none of those Pings is super-high to begin with.

    (And if I look at EU Servers, Russians are also playing there and there is no way that they can have a low Ping like 30-50 what I have most of the time, because it is simply not possible from that distance. And you cannot exclude those players, just because they live far away from a Server)

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