now huntress hatchets go trough TREES.

very nice indeed. I WISH i was recording that match to show you what i witnessed, huntress need to get adressed and fixed. so no only we have to deal with the junky hitboxes that "decent" huntress players know how to abuse constantly but aswell now we cant even use trees to defend ourselves.
Is it reproducible? Or is it just something that happened once in a game?
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i will try tomorrow in KYF with some people, it was in ormond i literally placed a TREE between her and me, is not she being very close to me and i was jsut going around a tree, no we were on the same line and a tree in between, the hatchet LITERALLY WENT TROUGH the TREE and hit me, it was a pretty good job so far moment indeed.
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maybe it was that especific tree, i dont know i will try tomorrow, if it was i may just discovered a tree without any hitbox on the middle, wich is totally possible, anyway the map is gonna get reworked but still huntress hatchets always were VERY GENEROUS to say something.
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Had the same issue a couple of days ago. Looked behind me during a chase, just to see the hatchet fly at me right through a tree. Map was Temple of Purgation.
Later, I tried to replicate it with a friend, but couldn't. Now, tbh, we probably just didn't find the right tree and it might just have been a bug, but combined with the really weird behavior of the huntress that game it first made me think that I had encountered a hacker.
Would be very interesting to hear if you can replicate it.
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i will try later on the day, during night i will keep you updated. probably i wont be able to replicate it, lots of RNG based on maps i may not even find the same Tree. but i will try.
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Could be a ping or animation related issue.
Like she threw the hatchet near the tree to hit you and actually hit but on your screen it looks like the hatchet hit the tree instead
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i dont think tho, that was end game, we did all gens and i was already chased by her and majority of hatchets were normal, i say majority becuase lots of huntress do know how to abuse the junky hitboxes getting hits without even hitting you, abusing the "aura" that covers survivors like if they were like trappers hitbox or something (but that is supossed to be normal according to devs) but anyway i will try later.
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Maybe something happened to her internet in that moment that could raise the ping for a moment?
Not really sure.