Is Élodie's current voice a placeholder?

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it's just Cheryl's voice pitched down isn't it? Either way I'm not a huge fan of the one she has in the PTB.
I actually like the current voice, but didn’t really pay attention too much..
they had placeholders for the last few survivors in the PTBs so it could very well be..
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I don't think it is but I like her current voice
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Hope not. Her scream is probably the only one in the game that sounds real and scary.
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Also not a fan of her voice. Sounds off.
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I think the sound mixing is just off. It'll probably sound better on release
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I hope so. I don't like that she sounds like cheryl so much.
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I thought it sounded like Cheryl too
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She has the best voice. Sounds like shes really in pain. Most survivors sound like they enjoy it to get hit or hooked
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I like her voice, after being deafened by laurie's and feng's screams all day I could use a survivor scream that's a little lower on the pitch scale.
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The PTB patch notes don't mention about it being a placeholder so I suppose that's the final voice
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Not just me who thought she sounded like Cheryl then
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Elodie is definitely the same voice actress as Cheryl which is fine.. what has bothered me though is that they’re so similar it’s as if they just set aside alternate takes during Cheryls audio recording sessions or went back and compiled throwaways to slap on another character. The voice actress for Cheryl is hands down one of, if not the best performers they have in the game so I completely understand why they would be used multiple times. Unfortunately they used them almost back to back on different survivors which made it impossible not to notice. It takes a bit away from Cheryl being unique especially since she’s licensed but I’ll say it again.. the voice actress is so good that I’m okay with it in the end. She’s fantastic.