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  • Member Posts: 3,409

    took the words righto out of my mouth

  • Member Posts: 329

    Well, normally, I would either leave or stay for a while to let killer land some hits on me for the sake of few bloodpoints, cause it's fair. But if a killer camps, tunnels, or simply is bad mannered, it's also fair to give him a taste of his medicine.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    If the killer tunnels and camps, then tbagging at the exit gate is justified, and vice-versa.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    If I spit on you it must be the same as breaking someone's legs

    Mind Changed

  • Member Posts: 1,238

    This post will be closed soon

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Camp and tunnel a lot do you?

  • Member Posts: 188

    Thats why they want Deathslinger to be nerfed so he cant snipe tbaggers

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    Nice Hot Take.

  • Member Posts: 303

    I mean personally I'm not really offended as a killer if the survivors t-bag, it's a virtual character body gesturing. As a survivor face-camping and tunneling prevent that person from piping entirely or earning bloodpoints toward the person you're doing it to. If anything you can usually get more hits at the gate by hitting t-baggers and you get chase points as well. I do agree with you that it's very annoying but you just gotta try and stay positive and remember that it's not personal and who knows you could kill them next time you go against them.

  • Member Posts: 21

    All of you keep making the argument "if you tunnel i'm gonna tbag" which is fine, but don't sit here and act like it's always eye for an eye. I agree with OP, I constantly get tbagged anytime someone makes it to the gate, and I purposefully don't tunnel bc I play both sides and know it sucks. I honestly just think survivors have a "this killer was an ######### and I outplayed him" mentality just bc the objective of being a killer is to knock you out of the game. Just like your objective is to keep me from doing that.

    Tl;Dr I agree with OP bc survivors always do it regardless of how killer played

  • Member Posts: 688

    I mean, I agree if the killer was fair, he wasn't tunneling and camping all the way, no reason to just wait a the exit gates t-bagging, because that is toxic. Now, on the other hand, if the killer was both a tunneler and camper, maybe he deserves a t-bag at the end. I think it all depends on what they did, because toxicity creates more toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 52

    Everyone is guilty of tbagging, it's fun and if it really hurts your feelings, a pair should be grown. It's a game

  • Member Posts: 154

    No, they are worse. Camping and tunneling is at least a strategy that gets the player somewhere. Tbagging isn't.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    You can hit someone out the game.

    You can't do much about Leatherface standing at a hook with his saw active.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Well camping usually results in being genrushed unless they throw themselves at you and tbagging at the gates means you've already survived what the match had to offer and won, if people can't handle the t bags they should just not go to the gate once it's already opened because most of the time those people don't tbag all match until the end when they're safe

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    This is actually false. I'd like to point out that on the old 'how to play' section or whatever it was called on the old website, the boldness section specifically mentioned taunting the killer as a legitimate strategy to bait chases.

    So yeah. Quit gettin' mad at someone pushing a button.

  • Member Posts: 52

    When I play killer and get tbagged, I just moonwalk at the gate, it's just a game

  • Member Posts: 509

    Tbagging does absolutely nothing to a killer except for maybe trigger the ones that are overly sensitive and butthurt. It affects the game in no way at all.

    Camping and tunnelling completely ends the game of a survivor who could have been waiting like 15mins to even get into the game.

    If you really think that's the same then I'm not too sure about your ego.

  • Member Posts: 1,874

    I think it depends on how you define what "just as bad" means.

    If we're looking at it in a binary way -- like, did you do something rude or not? -- then both things are rude, so they're "just as bad" in that sense. If we're rating the degree of impact that each thing has on someone's experience -- like, on a scale of 1-10, how much would you say this ruined the match? -- reasonable people can disagree, but I think that most people would probably say getting tunneled early on ruins the match for them more than getting teabagged at the end.

    So I think it's possible to say that both things are equally wrong in the strict sense, but that one has a bigger practical impact than the other.

  • Member Posts: 274

    imagine getting triggered over this

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Speak for yourself. I will not and never will tbag a killer. It's nothing but a dick move so I don't ever do it.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Not really. If a killer acts like a POS and just tunnels for no reason, or camps a hook, strategy or not, what do you think will happen when everyone gets to a gate? They're going to shake hands and leave? I personally won't T-Bag at a gate. Once it's open, and everyones pretty much safe, I'm gone. But act like a dick the entire match and I'll make you wait those entire 4 minutes. You ruin my experience, I'll return the favor.

  • Member Posts: 13,033

    I don't always t-bag, however on a bad day I will

    But one thing is for certain, predicting a huntress at gate who is using iri head and crouching to make her miss is the best feeling

  • Member Posts: 278

    I usually just nod my head when they do that. You know what I find worse? T bagging after they stun you with a pallet. If I see a teammate do that when I'm playing survivor, I don't rescue them off the hook. When I'm playing killer and someone does it, I make sure they die and I let the rest live

  • Member Posts: 703

    To be fair its even more annoying as survivor when youre hooked and your fellow survivors just point and teabag ya, luckily only had that happen twice from the same group myself

  • Member Posts: 156

    My favorate thing on Deathslinger is to watch a cocky survivor at the exit Tbagging till they get dragged out and beat down. Got a 4k the other day because the whole group ignored bones and when I hooked meg it triggered good old Blood Warden. You could just hear the rage after the match but hey... You guys stayed in to taunt the killer you knew the risks.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    That would seem understandable. The problem comes in though when everyone thinks the killer is tunneling or camping every single game when they're really not. Peoples judgement of what constitutes camping or tunneling is so far off from reality.

  • Member Posts: 338

    Remember, if the killer win they are was toxic. They used rude perks, or tunneled, or camped or slugged, or hit a survivor.

    If the survivors wins, all behavior is ok. It is ok to BM the Killer because Killers are crap and only losers play them.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Tunneling and camping is a strategy, and often employed by killers that are outplayed otherwise by the survivors. It basicly roots in the bad matchmaking.

    Teabagging is a gesture invented and used to humiliate already beaten opponents, and was adepted to dbd as a taunt and an insult.

    Insulting and humiliating your fellow player for playing the other side of your game is a very bad thing in my eyes. It doesnt even have game value. Its not only disgusting as a player, but as a human being, because to me, an insult is an insult, because thats the intent behind it, no matter if its sexist, racist or teabagging. I know that a lot of people might disagree, but i belive that the intent of an insult is what matters, and the intent is to emotionaly hurt the other person.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    What if you're doing it to one of those killers that tunnels and camps?

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Actually if a survivor TBags at the exit, I would assume they are good not bad since they got out.

    Too bad some people get triggered by a T Bag. They should reconsider what triggers them and perhaps not go to the exit gate and witness such cruelty.

  • Member Posts: 575

    Sometimes it's deserved, especially when the killer employs scummy builds or tactics. A lot of the time I'll have good really close games where 2 get out and I didn't camp or tunnel at all or am trying out another killer/build and they'll just tbag at the exit.

    It's really tempting to play ruin/undying Freddy to make sure the gates never open to give them the chance when people do this...

  • Member Posts: 327

    If someone tbags at the gate they're off to another game while you go into the next one all salty and butthurt over getting outplayed so you bring an ebony mori and facecamp to get it even in your mind. Who's the toxic one again?

  • Member Posts: 154

    Look at the topic, it's about tbagging in exit gates. It never results in chases, they do that to say 'f you' and run away

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I think the key here is that tunneling off hook and camping can be consequential to gameplay. Where butt dancing at the gates is just fools mashing buttons, it has no consequence at all.

    Chase em out the gate or just wander around the map doing other things like breaking left over pallets/walls, set a trap 50 times till you are maxed out on BP etc.

    I mean lets look at "tea bagging/butt dancing" objectively. You'll wait out the egc adding unnecessary wear and tear on your own equipment to teach me a lesson, yeah sure knock yourself out buddy.

    Its possibly the dumbest revenge play anyone has ever come up with as it literally has no consequential impact outside of the egc timer which the killer can directly counter by chasing you out if they choose to. If they choose not to chase you out you still waste your own time as well, so 90% of the cost of "tea bagging" at the gate is born by the guy tea bagging. If you think that's an adequate revenge play then you might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.

    Not worth being upset about. Its basically announcing to other players that you are dumb enough to think this is worthwhile doing.

  • Member Posts: 3,253

    Camping and tunneling get you a loss if survivors don't be a hero. T bagging is used as a way to riled up a person to get the aggro off another. If someone tbagging you chances are someone is on death hook or close to that state.

  • Member Posts: 93

    It's diffucult to understand why camping/tunneling and t-bagging are compared. I think these are not similar. Camping and tunneling do not show intention to ruin someone's game, rather to secure a win in the match. I don't think it's common for killers to do that just for the reason they don't like certain survivor, it's done because killers want to win, and they think camping and tunneling helps. T-bagging during the game seems to be done to annoy the killer, make him follow a survivor, it's done by good loopers who can waste much of the killer's time. So it's sort of a mind game, although it does not help if killer does not fall for it. In the exit gate t-bagging does not help in any way, it is done just to irritate the killer.

    T-bagging during the game can rather be compared to hook smacking. Hook smacking might be done on purpose to irritate survivor, force him try to kobe, then not struggle and die asap.

  • Member Posts: 3,253

    So if a survivor is around your hook should the killer not camp you then? Everytime I see chicken scratches I camp cause some survivors make it way too easy to camp. Any other reason is literally a loss for gen pressure.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Who hurt you?

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    While I’m certainly not a flashlight clicker, toxic pointer, or a bagger, per say, If you kebab me and I get off that hook, sometime before the match ends I’ll make sure you understand how I feel about it.

    Kebabing is one of those features in the vein of tbagging that is often overlooked as being a normalcy while the former is considered a major no-no.

    If you frown upon tbagging then you might show the decency of not bending to the spirit of hypocrisy by participating in the killer equivalent that is kebabing. It’s equally as rude, imo.

    Just a thought.

  • Member Posts: 154

    Again, read the title and put the emphasis on "exit gates".

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