Face Camping

There 100% needs to be a killer penalty for face camping. Maybe start losing points that would count toward a pip? The amount of times I have been face camped this last week is UNREAL. Killers just trying to get to rank 4 before the reset. This is needs to stop.
There is one, being too close to a hooked survivor removes points from the Chaser emblems. And since emblems determine whether or not you pip...
Also face-camping implies that they are making you go through more than one hook state when you're hooked, which works against total number of hooks which hurts the Devout emblem.
They're also not defending gens, so that hurts Gatekeeper too..
Also they're not hurting survivours and giving time to heal, so Malicious is also going to take a hit.
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Solid balance explanation bro.
Facecamping is still a pretty unfun experience for the survivor, but the game mechanics do punish the killer for this behavior.
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Yeah, facecamping is not an efficient way to pip. Its also not fun, either to do or to have done to you. But some people live to ruin the fun for others.
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A potential soft buff would be allowing a free kobe that stuns the killer if they spent an entire minute standing like 6m next to your hook.
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It may ruin the experience of the player who is being facecamped but it does not do any good for the killer as PanicSquid explained above, all they are doing it hurting themselves if the survivors keep pushing gens.
In some cases it helps the killer 4k though as some survivors swarm the hook and all get downed for it in the process. So if it does happen focus on the gens and don't let the killer get what he wants.
Personally, the only time I understand when a killer facecamps is when its end game and he hasn't had a kill yet or if all the survivors are around the hook as there is no point in leaving if everyone is in the area.
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Getting face camped really sucks but what irritates me more is if I'm getting face camped and my teams knows it but still tries to do plenty of risky unhooks instead of getting the gens done. If survivors are going to be over alturistic in situations where it's not appropriate, it's going to encourage face campers to keep doing what they're doing and nobody wants that.
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The only time I face camp is when I'm killer and I'm facing off against smurfs (Which when I first got to rank 15 happened for an entire day over the course of multiple hours every match was smurfs i.e. red ranks teaming with a lower rank to get into lower rank matchmaking)
I'm new to the game, I've had it for around 3 weeks. I don't have meta perks, so I have no way to combat the typical red rank strategy of using second chance perks and gen rushing. What I can do, and what is surprisingly effective, is face camp. I'll atleast get 1 kill, and I usually get a second kill due to being able to just pick up anyone who tries to Borrowed time Unhook and drop them on the ground. Very rarely do people have unbreakable since high ranks prefer other perks, so this is baiscally a guaranteed double kill right there. Sure by the time I'm able to hook the 2nd survivor the gens are usually done, but sometimes the remaining 2 will try and save their friend enabling me to snatch up a third, especially if I'm on Pyramid Head and decide to cage them. I've only gotten a 4 kill once or twice with this method, usually the final survivor realizes its pointless and will run away when the third person is downed but I don't mind. Without meta perks I know I shouldn't expect to get a 4 kill.
I understand why people hate it. I hate it when it happens survivor side. But I'm literally forced into it killer side If I don't want all 4 survivors to escape.
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I'm also new to the game, been playing almost 2 months and I run into red ranks smurfing all the time. Since Ive got to rank 8-10 I often get full teams of red ranks. I've really only resorted to face camping during endgame if I have 0 kills and they are mostly all round the hook. I hate doing it but as a still rather new and learning killer going up against red ranks that are on another skill level but it's like a last resort to atleast try to get 1 kill.
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Face camping was removed years ago.
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That's not how the matchmaking works anymore. It's based off the highest ranking survivor in the lobby. I play as a rank 1 killer and I will get SWFs with 1 red rank survivor and 2-3 purple/green/brown ranks and it's typically a massacre. You are probably only getting them because there is a lack of experienced killer players who know how to pressure red ranked survivors, and the matchmaking will just give whoever to a survivor lobby if it's taking too long I assume.
Pyramid head's basekit and perks are strong enough to get you to at least purple ranks. Even purple/red rank survivors are typically very inexperienced. It's somewhat rare to play against a 4 man red rank death squad, which is really the only time you even need a full meta build.
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It's not entirely true that killers are punished for it, tbh.
They lose chaser points, true, but that's it. They don't lose many.
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The game had an anti camp feature in the past(Both extended/Paused hook state timers if the killer was too close) but survivors abused it so badly it got removed and all anti camp ideas were scrapped from then on.
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If you don't have the right perks its extremely difficult to deal with chases or covering generators. Ruin is one of the best perks for a reason, it helps put pressure on gens. But a new killer is never going to be able to 100% compete with a full team of people smurfing, especially when they're using things like Decisive strike, Dead hard, Borrowed Time, or other second chance perks. They have every single tool they need to waste your time as much as possible and prevent you from getting a kill.
But Killers? If you don't have the right perks its incredulously difficult to pressure the survivors enough to slow down the game meaningfully with the perks they have. Sure you can just hook one guy and then leave to go look for more survivors, but if you don't have anything to track the aura's of survivors like BBQ, then that can take way too long, and then bam they've unhooked the survivor and finished another gen or two.
The Difference between survivors and killers is that, even without the meta perks like DS, DH and others, the survivors can still gen rush and keep you busy enough to escape, but for killers if you're not already playing a Meta killer like say Spirit or Freddy, you're already at a disadvantage gameplay wise, and then not having any Killer Meta perks hurts even more. Without ruin gen regression is at 1/4th of the rate that survivors can repair. And all it takes is a 1 second interaction to stop the regression, where as it took you around 3 seconds to kick the generator to get it regressing and without perks that gen is most likely going to be finished like before.
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Its not based off the lowest rank survivor, its based off who the host is of the group. If the host is a lower rank person it tends to match them with lower rank killers. I saw red ranks in so many games as a killer it was incredulous. It is possible there just weren't enough killers going around and they were forced to play against me(But that's even worse because that's a fault of the game's design, I mean in competitive games they don't put diamond ranks up against bronze ranks just because there aren't enough diamond players to go around).
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That's incorrect. The devs made a post about how it worked some time back when it was changed, maybe a year ago? It used to be based off the average of the survivors in the group, which frequently led to the situations you are describing. Now they have stated it is based off the highest ranking survivor in the lobby, and that has been accurate in my experience.
You also have to realize that the ranks are reset every month, so you can still have players who were rank 1 falling down to green ranks if they have not played in a while. My survivor rank was 9 for a while even though I have hit rank 1 survivor countless times, just because I mostly play the killer these days.
Ranking up as a survivor is also significantly easier than killer, which is why I assume red rank killer kill rates are so high. Because it takes some work as a killer player get to red rank and stay there, but even average survivors should be able to get to red ranks easily if they play enough.
But on the subject of facecamping, it's only worth doing once all 5 gens are done, to secure your last kill. And even then I get greedy myself and probably just start slugging to try to get more. Or maybe to spite someone you really hate, but you are usually throwing the match to do it. If you haven't applied enough pressure throughout the game and the survivors still have DS's, you might not even get a 1k doing it unless you are a 1 shot killer.
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I've heard information to the contrary. People were complaining that it being based off the highest survivor was disabled a while ago, lots of people talking about smurfs as well who are teaming with the lowest rank survivor and having them host to get into the lower ranks (Again I am not talking about the average of the survivors, I never mentioned that, what I'm talking about is matchmaking being based solely on the host of the group).
And the devs saying it worked a different way a while ago doesn't mean they didn't change it and just not talk about it.
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I really think it is just a lack of seasoned killer players. I am back at rank 1 survivor right now and even in solo Q I will still get green ranked killers sometimes. Survivor Q times are up to 5-10 minutes during prime time, killer Qs are typically 2-3 seconds unless a new killer was recently released.
Playing survivor is a much easier and chill experience unless you are hitting a tryhard, and many people want to play with their friends. Killer you are sweating the majority of the time unless you are playing a broken killer or build. But that's a fair balance for wanting to play the power role. Much more difficult, but much more rewarding. You can't expect to 3-4k every match until you really know what you are doing. After that? DBD is your playground as a killer.
I can link you a guy who has only lost 1 game in the last 350+ games, and he plays almost every killer equally.
If you want to learn how to win, this is who you watch. That's how I got as good as I (think) I am.
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Killers that face camp don't care about pipping.
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Honeslty. People who face camp actually enjoy face camping. Well it depends, there's many types of face camping but on of them is knowing you will face camp at 5 gens and love it.
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Sucks when it happens to you but that's a mistake on their part and they shouldn't be punished for it twice. Free generators for the other survivors to work on.
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They should remove the two health state grab at hooks. That’s why they camp. Defeated killers looking for an easy down.
Deincentivize camping, remove grabbing healthy survivors off hooks.
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I thought they removed it cuz it messed with match making too much. Queue times for low ranking killers skyrocketed. Queue times for survivors in general also skyrocketed.
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I hope you realize that stopped right? I always get red or purple and as SOON as I play with my brown rank girlfriend I get yellow rank if not green rank killers. Yeah it tries to balance the ranks, but I am better than all the low rank killers I come across so the fact I can get those ranks is absolute b.s.
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I've camped before. But I never faced camped before. But I'm gonna go facecamp this weekend and see how it goes.
I'm kind of excited and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Salty survivors say it's boring becuz they lose and it irritates them. I think it'll be fun though.
If anyone has tips for the ultimate facecamping method, let me know.