So this fov bug on killers..its pretty sweet

Lately I've seen posts about a bug causing killer fov to be widened by slightly under shadowborn standards , i dunno about you but I'd really really want to keep this doesn't negatively affect survivor in any way..but it actually gives a decently fair fov to the killer for a change..a nice quality change to help killer movements feel more it makes flashlights feel slightly less cheesy because they aren't constantly blinding outside fov..the bad fov is an old problem that maybe we could ease up on? Blight is a perfect example of how bad fov affects killer experience in a very negative way..I thi k the community should get together and see if we can't convince them to let us keep it
I want a perk or killer that has a 360° fov. Just to see how much it would mess with my brain playing like that
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It would make huntress and billy a massive headache i think lol
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I 100% agree they should keep this.
Other multiplayer games let you have FOV up ton 120°, but we in Dbd are stuck at 87°. What a weird number, 87. It feels like the FOV originally was 90, but was later made smaller by a few degrees for whatever reason.
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I Heard it was reduced due to being able to look inside lockers by pressing their face in the corner of it..sounds rather dumb tbh but yeah survivors get full 3rd person view..killer should at least not be looking through a telescope..its honestly not cool
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Can you explain the bug.Didn't really notice anything tbh
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It’s only on Nurse actually. But I do agree, increasing the FOV is almost an health care for killer players
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I would support increasing killer FOV.
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Apparently its nurse exclusive from what others are saying but I've seen quite a few people think this should be a base line for killer as a better fov or option to change it has been an old request that clearly needs support if they'll even consider it
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Wasn't aware..hopefully we can start up the conversation about negotiating this upgrade to the whole cast
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Despite what BHVR says, fov and in some cases, camera position itself changed when the engine update happened a couple years ago. You can probably still find the before and after pictures from the time.
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i support this hash tag lol
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Leave M&A's secondary effect alone take away the fov bonus and just give shadowborne a new bonus would be my idea if they let killers have shadowborne base, the chase music drowns out any sounds anyway and sounds get bugged every other patch so letting killers see more would be great cause the devs have constantly been nerfing the sounds for a while now, intentional or not.
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I Had the same idea a while back