New Item Suggestion: The Crowbar

First time posting here, but I figured this idea suggestion made too much sense (and could be so fun!) not to put it forward for consideration.

Now that breakable walls are becoming more and more common with the map reworks, I would love to see a ‘crowbar’ introduced as an item to give survivors the ability to break these if they so choose.

I find that the breakable walls are a mixed bag when it comes to benefiting the survivors vs killer. In the map reworks we’ve seen them make some areas safer for survivors (until broken) but we’ve also seen some safe loops and exits destroyed by them (Badham in particular comes to mind). Why then leave their removal purely up to killers?

Obviously, the ‘crowbar’ could be used to break these walls, but a secondary purpose could be to crack open chests a lot faster (especially now we only need to open them once!).

Better ‘crowbar’ variations would be able to offer more use time and also accelerate the opening speed. Add-ons for the crowbar could also improve these attributes, but they could also offer abilities for noise reduction and chest detection.

Playing as killer, I don’t think I would ever have any real issue with the benefits this item could offer, especially if using it results in a noise penalty like sabotaging hooks.

What do you think?


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    They should integrate it into toolboxes instead

  • NotMatt
    NotMatt Member Posts: 19

    Giving the toolbox even more abilities would make it way too versatile and OP IMO.

    I think part of the charm of the items is that they are all helpful, but super circumstantial, so you need to carefully consider what items to bring in relation to your perks.

    If toolboxes had the ability to repair gens and sabotage as well as destroy doors and open chests, then I’d be hard pressed to choose anything else. Especially as it would always be 100% useful, unlike a First Aid kit against Plague or flashlight against a killer with Lightborn.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    The problems I see with survivors being able to break walls are that:

    1) Some walls, when broken, create infinites. Think the fence loop on Badham, or the upstairs window on Dead Dawg that normally leads to a dead end room with 3 breakable walls.

    2) Survivors could grief their team/help the killer by breaking walls that weaken strong windows/loops.

    You might be able to fix 2 by turning the wall into a window (i.e., only remove the top half instead of the whole wall), but that does nothing to fix 1, and may even exacerbate it.