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Why do PC killers 9 times out of 10 run NOED?

Like I'm lost. When I go up against a killer running noed it 9/10 usually a pc killer and I don't understand. I'm not trying to through shade since I am a console player, I'm just curious

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  • Member Posts: 21,212

    Out of all the PC Killer's I've played against, two have had NOED. I think I've played at least 50 matches against PC Killer's.

  • Member Posts: 188

    Because it can be OP if your bad at killer like me. It can turn your 1k into a 3k-4k especially if you bring blood warden

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Can people just stop with "platform XY does this and this" ?

    For console gamers the global icon includes other consoles.

    For PC gamers the global icon includes other PC gamers using STADIA and Windows Store.

    Therefore neither console gamers nor PC gamers can even tell whether they faced a console or PC gamer.

  • Member Posts: 464
    edited November 2020

    What rank? I rarely see it in red ranks and it's usually used by either extremely lacklustre killers or people with a mori (desperate to get the 4K, probably). The meta tends to be Ruin/Undying, which leads to all totems being cleansed most of the time.

    As for the 'doing bones' remark, if we had a counter somewhere it'd be less of a hassle in SoloQ. For SWF it's ez pz, one dude dedicated to the task with a map and a perk. But, once again, it's an argument that only truly matters in a match that should already favour a killer if they don't suck. Unfortunately, if they end up needing NOED vs solos, they tend to not be all that good, which is why people get annoyed I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 16

    If a killer has NOED that means for the entire game they're running three perks. When I ran it, it was because I was new to the game. Once I had enough perks, I replaced it with something I could actually use for the entire match. Another reason killers may run it is to counter 3 v 1 saves during the end game. Once you see NOED on the screen, survivors are more likely to rethink any heroics during the end game. That's why I recommend Soul Guard. Killers usually slug with NOED because they're in a rush to protect the totem, any hooked survivors and clearing the exit gates. This gives you ample time to get back up (this time with endurance) and cause more chaos.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Almost every time I encounter it when I play Survivor is on a crossplay killer. Every once in a while it'll be PC but if there's NOED or a Mori for me it's almost guaranteed I'm facing a crossplay killer.

  • Member Posts: 545

    It's the complete opposite for me. Console players run NOED, PC players don't

  • Member Posts: 16

    I agree. Novice killers tend to use it more than the experienced killers. However, there are always exceptions. I mostly see NOED on trappers since they’re already at a disadvantage on most maps. Personally I’ve noticed that killers who don’t run any hex totems have a higher likelihood of equipping NOED. If the killer isn’t giving you a reason to cleanse totems, there might be a reason for that.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I'm a pc killer that is not running noed :P.

    Guess I need to run NOED

  • Member Posts: 246

    It's a nice perk for practicing a new killer and maybe cheating a kill or two out of a game that doesn't go hour way.

    Asking why killers run NOED is like asking why survivors run unbreakable.

    Why pick yourself up? Just don't get downed.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    I actually haven't seen a single noed over the course of last 50-60 matches.

    Not to mention this perk is just meh and definetely not something to be mad about.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited November 2020

    I can only assume it is because many survivors run on pc always some sort of second changes perk.

    But if you dislike this perk, just do totems. As killer, I wish we had just something simple as this to take the second changes perks completely out of the match. Don't get this please as ranting. It is just a comparsion.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Same with console killers NOED and rest are aura reading skills, baby killers overall... Tunnel after unhook and camp xD

  • Member Posts: 273
  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Here comes my drunk AF nurse with only NOEd

  • Member Posts: 273

    Well, after 800 h I can say that killers only love slug and finish game faster as they can. That's why most of killers when bring ebony Mori kill after first hook and straight after unhook

  • Member Posts: 273

    Lies, cuz on my Doctor I have about 10 ebony and I don't use it

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Because PC Survivor dont cleanse totems?

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    This. Same with people that complain about Adrenaline on survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I run NOED a lot but only use it in matches where ive been beaten bad and havent gotten anyone yet. Usually it gets destroyed before i can use it anyways.

  • Member Posts: 575

    To be fair, if you're playing solo queue your teammates don't last long enough in chases for you to do the totems. At least in red ranks. I run small game almost every game due to the ruin/undying meta and these guys will give you maybe a totem cleanse time worth of chase each from healthy lol.

  • Member Posts: 521

    If they are low rank, it's because they are sick and tired of the BS matchmaking and actually want a chance to play the game.

    If they are high rank, it could be multiple things:

    1. They use it as a crutch even tho it's a crutch made of paper instead of metal
    2. They are running an endgame build
    3. They had a bad game and they are pissed off
    4. They enjoy running NOED
  • Member Posts: 1,488

    If you're xbox you get free indicators also only pc has certain names available

  • Member Posts: 73

    At first it's not true, and secondly.... how do u know it?

    *PC players can know if they are playing with / against console.. WHY?...

    Because if they play with players who have the symbol, they are from Xbox/Play/Nintento... 100%

    *But console players don't really know if they are playing against Pc...WHY?

    Because, if for example im playing in Xbox, and i have 3 survivors with the symbol, I CAN'T KNOW IF THEY ARE FROM PC , PLAY OR NINTENDO.... If u are console player, u will never be able to know 100% if the people u are playing with are from Pc, Play or Nintendo.... u will just know if u are playing with ur own platform

    Think a bit, before criticize a hole community without sense and open a no sense discussion ;)

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Because 9/10 times survivors don't bother cleansing totems that are right next to them in the open and their end game altruism causes them to give the killer a 4k.

    I'm on console with crossplay off, NOED has been common on there since before crossplay was active and still is. It's used a ton in red/purple ranks too. NOED has been complained about by all platforms since before crossplay and by all ranks. Survivors on all platforms/ranks ignore totems and killers take advantage of it.

  • Member Posts: 617

    Honestly, I see console killers using it a lot, too. It's worth remembering that anyone who hasnt spent 5000 hours getting every perk, the game loves to give you noed in the first 10 blood webs, as well as monstrous and unrelenting, so yeah... Noed is generally the best perk they have for quite a while during the levelling process.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Mom said it was my turn to post an assumption on what platform someone uses today

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Just do bones™

  • Member Posts: 304

    havent seen noed since ruin undying became meta

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    You have no idea it's pc.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    to be fair though, crossplay for Windows store and Steam has been active for months, and I only ever saw it 3 or 4 times, if a PC player sees a globe it's 99% likely to be a console player.

  • Member Posts: 131

    NOED is prevalent in low ranks for 2 main reasons:

    1. If you have no perks on that killer (NOED is available to all).
    2. It carries them after a brutal beating.

    Winning is funner than losing.

  • Member Posts: 94

    because it is a good perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    PC Player here, just passed 800 hours. I only throw on NOED once every 40-50 games, cause using it super often makes me predictable. The only time I consistently use it is a full Endgame build (Rancor, Remember Me, Blood Warden, and NOED).

  • Member Posts: 11

    Play in higher ranks around 10~8 they don't use it often.

  • Member Posts: 793

    Are we really going to pretend that Stadia and Windows Store gamers exist?

    And even then only PC players can chat so if nobody responds in the endgame you know they are console

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