Why does the new Leatherface Outfit have to be a Set? :(

The outfit doesn't seem to have anything that would cause extreme clipping issues.
I was really looking forward getting that head cosmetic because it looked so funny :(
EDIT:Yeah,i know it's probably a licensing thing but i'm still sad,ok :(
EDIT 2: It's no longer a set yay :D
imo Sets are ruining the reason why people got cosmetics in the first place, Creativity
Like for example, how many Nea's bought her set when it released, and how many of them did the bug that allowed you to put her head on any cosmetic
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I love mix and match. Honestly the few I own now I wouldn't have bought had I realized before I couldn't switch/mix. Very disappointing.
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There’s a new outfit for him??since when????
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Yeah I'm gutted too. People were saying it wasn't gonna be a set and I was excited to mix and match...
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There was probably some issues with that because of licensing issues, but I have absolutely no idea why.
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Since 20 minutes ago when they released it.
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Since 20 minutes ago
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Ok thanks
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It’s a cosmetic for a licensed character. There are probably licensing reasons for it to be a set..
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Because people continue to spend real money on sets.
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To all people complaining: just don’t buy the Sets. If it wasn’t a set, we wouldn’t have seen it at all. There would not be more mix and match cosmetics if you delete the sets.
and if others like the sets, then let them like them, it’s none of your business what they spend their money or shards on.
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While I'm not a big fan of sets, this is one of those things where it actually makes sense when tied directly to LF's lore.
It's his "Old Woman" outfit, but he always wore specific masks with each of his wardrobe choices because the mask determined his personality. He would not wear his Old Woman wig with his butchers apron; that's what his "Killing Mask" (the current default) is for.
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Leatherface is licensed so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that maybe it was a point in any contract that was made for new cosmetics. License holders like to have a controlled look for their characters.
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probaply because its licensed and the license holders wanted it to be a set (similar to all the Pyramid Head and Cherys cosmetics)
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Well I mean Cheryl does have a couple non set shirts-
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This. It would be a licensing issue.
The legal rights holder would have stipulated that they only want 2 specific representations of bubba (excluding the prestige stuff)
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Those are from SH3 though, they were tops you could unlock. The devs didn't just come up with the designs.
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Oh- I haven't played the games so I wouldn't know but I wrote it saying basically Cheryl has non-set clothes.
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those are all reskins of her original shirt though.
its been confirmed that the Silent Hill cosmetics sets are all linked due to licensing reasons, so im sure thats not going to be a rare sight on upcomming licensed skins.
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Ah, alrighty. I do see your point there, but it makes sense for her as to why they aren't. For Leatherface, I personally wouldn't care of they let him, but it could of course be a licensing thing.
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It's not a locked set though? I was able to mismatch with his regular cosmetics just fine.
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It makes sense for Leatherface though
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hmm... i can buy it single, isnt this by yours ?
but i find it to ugly xD never buy hahaha
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Every set is locked.you wouldn't be able to mix and match these normally
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It's not a set though, it doesn't have the set icon.
Or rather, it is a set, but it's not locked. Every outfit "combination" is a set, but not all sets are locked.
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I'm 100% sure it has
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It has no locked icon. It is not a locked set. Do more research before complaining on the forums.
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Sure buddy
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That is no longer the case. I can literally jump in a match with the granny head and his OG outfit. But sure, keep acting like you've got your ears closed.
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I don't know from when your screenshots are but I took mine seconds before I posted them, so they are very recent. It's not locked.
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Welp,guess i have to apologize.
But it was 100% a set when i was locking for it in the store 7 hours ago.
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Those shirts are unlockables taken directly from SH3.
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Could you please close this thread?
This thread is pointless,now that the Leatherface cosmetics aren't locked into a set anymore
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Nah to be fair I never saw that screenshot and just assumed it was always unlocked right from the start. It may have been changed sometime after that but let's hope it stays that way.
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That's weird. When I checked the store earlier is definitely WAS a linked set. Nice to see they've changed it.
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Glad they changed it <3
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It not a set
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Read the second edit >.>