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I need motivation to pick up the game again.

I really lack the motivation to play the game. Survivor is repetitive and I'm bored with most killers.
Right now I'm maining hag, deathslinger, trapper, demo, and blight. Any suggestions for other fun / mechanically interesting killers for me to pick up? (excluding oni because I've been having major fps drops with him on console)
Try myers, completely different style of gameplay to learn
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Huntress. She's fun, similar to Slinger and playable on consoles.
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Play something else for a while.
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I've been taking a break for the last two months, I'm pretty sure I just need a killer swap to spice things up.
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I actually had a strong urge to play her the other day, I've played her a little at red ranks. She's easy to pick up, difficult to master.
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how high is his skill ceiling? I would prefer a killer that has a lot of ability technique.
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In my experience if you need help getting motivated, it is time to take a break. However, when I feel lost at sea I pick a really hard goal and start working toward it. For me, that does the trick.
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I like Pig. She can be fun at scaring people. But, well, I don't what to say about motivation... I don't have any either :P
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They also might actually be adding rewards for rank reset( I think I was 250,000 for rank one )
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I've been thinking about nurse so I can conquer that challenge, but I also play on console.
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I want more killers that are strong but difficult to learn like blight.
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It's about time, hopefully we'll also get some prestige awards at some point.
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The devs will make new overpriced cosmetics!
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If you lack motivation, find something else to do. There are plenty of other great games to play if you are not enjoying it.
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I started playing Ghostface today and made it a goal to just get jumpscares (after a Ghostface almost made me sh*t myself) and I'm having an absolute BLAST with that. It's a different way of playing this game for sure
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while I understand your frustration, I think it is misplaced. The graphics overhaul that has been released is worth $25 in my book. I went from low 10s FPS at Medium/0% res on the Silent Hill map, to the current 45-55 FPs at HIGH.
More importantly, plenty of maps actually also look better (not a fan of the Estate rework though). This is an enormous improvement for me, and I bet for others as well. It required a lot of work from the devs
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I don’t think forcing yourself to play the game will make you enjoy it more..
play the game when you actually feel like it, learn all killers a bit if you have fun doing it and then decide on mood/daily’s which one to pick. That’s what I am doing, plus achievement hunting when I feel like it.
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Try out Freddie, he's versatile, great at maintaining generators, with a solid perk load out he can really wreck alot of games pretty quickly. I run ruin, deathbound, remember me, and alternate between dying light and sloppy butcher.