Tips for 3 pallet stuns?

I have more than 1000 hours. I'm currently rank 6, I just rarely drop pallets in chase. I've literally been stuck on this challenge for more than 15 hours right now. I've tried running Windows with Any Means Necessary. I did it the other day against a newer Bubba, but I hadn't reached the challenge yet so I hadn't selected it. At this point I think my only luck will come when I get a message that the killer is farming.
Anyone have some advice for me? Words of encouragement? Huuuuu
Wait for the killer to hit you to drop it, so it's guaranteed. Do that 3 times in 1 match and then you'll never have to deal with this stupid challenge again.
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Intentionally throw the game and waste pallets.
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Take self care and all other healing perks (botany etc) + best healing speed medint or pink instaheal (or both together) hope for M1 killer without instadown potencil etc who has to use M1 to hit you so you (clown, wraith etc) just stand on top of the pallet and when they hit you you throw it on them trading it.
Do that 3 times either after getting hooked or in same chase if you can squzee time to heal mid or or uses instaheal.
That's at least how I plan to do it, it's going to be one of the last challenges I do as it's annoying one.
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I was afraid it would come to that but I think you're correct and that's the only way I'll get it done. Thanks!
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Aint that the truth.
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I had been getting TONS of killers who were farming but as soon as I got to this challenge, they have all disappeared. You're not wrong it's annoying. I"m sure there will be a "stun with pallet four times" later in the tome though.
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Hope you get a killer with Enduring.
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Windows of Opportunity, Hope you get killer that dont avoid Pallets.
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Those "complete this in a single trial"-challenges are the most annoying and most "unhealthy", especially the harder ones that come mostly in the later levels. If you play a regular match with a regular mindest in higher ranks they are very difficult to achieve.
I don't think it's healthy for this game to intentionally throw matches because some survivors need to force events that aren't common (like finish 2 gens in the terror radius of the killer). The game is already full of randomness and chaos if you play solo q, now survivors who do strange challenges make it even harder to win for the people who play "serious".
On the other hand, stuff like "hook 20 survivors", "do 10 generators", "use 3 med kits" is kinda boring too and you don't have to do anything to achieve this other than to play the game regularly.
Btw i achieved that challenge with windows of opportunity and then, as i already suggested, just threw the game and lured the killer to pallets. I also needed like 4 or 5 matches because many killers just respect pallets or i died before i could even throw 3 pallets...
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selfcare is gonna come in clutch then...
oh god...
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I agree that these challenges are unhealthy for the game. I think the entire tome is, actually. They're why I completely quit playing after the first one came out. As a solo survivor, the game was just unplayable. Game after game, people just threw for the challenges. I've just come back to see if I could get back into the game after months away. I switched challenges a bit and was working on silver emblems, so I of course got a killer who was farming. The next game was a garbage Bubba though so I got two over the course of the game, and then decided to kill myself to get the last stun instead of even trying to escape. I was the last one alive so I didn't hurt my teammates at all. It's just madness to me that if you want to play normally, a single challenge can take 15 hours or more. I've never come across that in any battleplass for any game I've played.
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Cool story, bro.
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That's how I feel about self-care as well.
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I think a Medkit/healing build so you can tank more hits and Dead Hard are the most helpful.
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Got lucky and did it on my first try. Don't know how lol though Windows of Opportunity helped.
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Pretend to run past the pallet, then run back and drop it. Do this all the time though, since it's a good looping tactic too:D
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Iron Will, dead hard, windows, any healing/second chance perk.
Try not to camp pallets while healthy, the killer will respect them all game if he catches on. Use dead hard to camp a pallet on the wrong side, then dash to the other side when the killer swings for a free drop stun.
Use Iron will to camp pallets with sight blockers, it helps to loop around once first to make the killer think to keep going.
You can vacuum back to a pallet after running past a short distance, this can catch some killers off guard too.
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I lucked out and got a farming killer. Such a crappy challenge.
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Honestly I just camped pallets. Its a lame way to do it, but it got to a point where killers were respecting pallets every match. I had to resort to camping them.
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Camp pallets like every business suit rank 14 Jane Romero and stun the killer. It's what I did but at rank 1 so the killer was probably mad I was using them like that LOL.
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Use yui and flex ur mega strength to lift pallets infront of killers
But for real best way would be trying to make it look not too obvious for a stun.
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I got lucky, had a Billy that didn't respect pallets cause he was running Enduring and I burned a Hawkins offering since it's pretty much all pallets and no vaults and I remember how that map absolutely cucked me when I was getting my Deathslinger Adept.
In general, when there's challenges like that, I just camp pallets more often and know in the long run I'm gonna be playing kinda potato and overall a detriment to my team so I just accept it for what it is.
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I did it first game. My method was....
Hawkins Map Offering. (TONS of pallets to waste)
Put on Windows of Opportunity (Auras of pallets.)
Try your best to walk past the pallet then back track and quickly drop to stun. It’s all timing so if you get a really smart killer you might not get the stun.