PSA to PS5 owners downloading DBD.

“Ready to play” only means it has finished downloading the tutorial portion of the game.
Everything else will be locked. This is NORMAL. Don’t panic.
Push the PS home button on your controller, select the downward pointing arrow icon, push cross on whatever pops up to see ALL of your queued up downloads, and check how much longer the remainder of DBD will finish fully downloading.
Thank you sir, how's the game running for you after a day of playing?
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Just beautifully. But I’m mostly distracted by Demons Souls.
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That's good to know! I remember playing that game on PS3, I hope the remake is faithful to the original.
I have a question, did your characters aquired with Iridescent Shards carry over from the PS4 to PS5?
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I can’t answer that because I’ve never purchased a character with shards.
But all my cosmetics purchased with Shards, and any perks unlocked with Shards in the Shrine carried over, so I would presume any characters purchased by shards carry over too.
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I think that seals it then, thank you. I have some characters aquired with shards but most of the characters I purchased through the PlayStation Store with actual money.
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I haven’t had any performance problems regardless of how long a play session I’ve had.
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How can you afford a PS5?! I heard they are expensive
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I'm sorry, but if you bought the ps5 and then you'll waste it just to play dbd again, that's, let's call it a gamer move. like, isn't the horrible and untruthful way devs handled the whole console debacle enough to stop playing dbd on console, especially after trashing the ps4?
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I'm looking forward to playing that!
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Because he got the money to afford it lol
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I've found the game runs so much better on PS5. Although I keep accidentally running into walls and objects because the Duelsense joysticks are smoother than the Dualshock joysticks.
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I’m a gamer that likes to play games. Why is that an odd concept.
DBD PS5 version is just a lovely bonus on top of the other launch content on PS5 that I’m playing.
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Question, how fast does if take to fully download? O.o
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I had a massive holiday/vacation fully paid for at the beginning of the year.
Then Covid hit everywhere.
It’s also been insanely easy for me to save lots of money since then despite reduced working hours because I’m just not going anywhere or doing much, and I’m clever with my grocery budget and cooking skills.
So the very second preorders went live, I went on a PS5 spending spree.
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Well that’s always going to vary from person to person isn’t it.
For me everything took longer than usual, but that’s to be expected in a week where so many millions of people around the world are throttling networks with their new PS5s, new Xbox’s, and updating their Apple Macs.
DBD for me took around 100minutes. Maybe close to 2 hours.
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2 hours gotcha, thx bud
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Ready to Play has always been a glorified "wait longer" screen.
Only a few games actually let you go anywhere while it's still dl'ing.
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Yeah, but a lot of recent forum posts and twitter rants have suggested many aren’t aware of this, and think something went wrong when they load up and see everything locked out except the tutorial and help text.
Its why I did this “don’t panic” post.
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dont hurt me even more. :(
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Saying "cross" instead of "x".
*exhales deeply through nose*
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Well... the others are shapes.
We don’t call the circle button the “oh” button.
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That's true, it's consistent.
But, and i am extremely serious here, you're the first person in 23 years that i've seen saying cross. 😏
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Random question about DBD on PS5. Is it a completely separate trophy list for PS5 or do all your trophies carry over from PS4?
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separate trophies
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Unfortunately it is a separate trophy list and you have earn them all over again. PS5 DBD is recognized as a separate game from PS4 DBD for some reason (it is possible to merge them, Ghost of Tsushima did it). If you want them to merge, then we just need to let BHVR know that there's a demand for it.
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The devs were shady about consoles AND trashed the PS4 specifically? Could you you elaborate, please? I've not heard anything about this before.
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they promised console optimization back in December 2018, never addressed again, just cause the game got a boom due to being free on PSPlus months before; every patch keeps guttering the old gen even more, new killers are never thought with console controls in mind (see oni or blight); think about it: consoles have always been trashed and never addressed (it took a hundreds replies thread, of course closed, to be addressed), what you think will happen to the old gen?
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On Xbox1 when there is an update for DBD it can give that partial "ready to start" as well. I never open the game due to that anymore because it would unequip every character, survs and killers alike.
Meaning all their cosmetics, perks, and items are still there but all are removed and must be re-equipped. On everyone. Most annoying!
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Aren't you contractually obligated to only play DBD?! 😉
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Thank God! Finally someone says it
ALSO this counts for PS4 too. It just means that the game can be started, but it's not fully downloaded yet
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I do hope they eventually merge it because that’s super annoying. Some of those trophies are a PAIN to earn. I’m somewhat of a trophy hunter and it annoys me when I haven’t gotten all the trophies on a game I frequently play. There is no way I’d be able to get some of those adepts at red ranks at this point.
I don’t plan on getting a PS5 for about a year though.