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undying turns survivors into potatoes

lets all rush and use up our unbreakables and go down 8 times just to get the one totem

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  • Member Posts: 5,501

    As a player who brings Small Game every Trial, I ask please dont waste your time looking for Totems you are not able to locate easily.

  • Member Posts: 868

    And old MoM and old DS turned killers into potatoes. Guy, killer is easy as hell now

  • Member Posts: 324

    It's always a good laugh when they all throw the game for one hex perk.🤣 Had a hex spawn in the middle of the freaking cornfield and they all died for that one hex it was hilarious. Dying for third seal.... I must still have that clip somewhere. They just wouldn't stop attacking my totem every time I turned my back on it.

    I see undying a lot and since I'm still learning all the spots I need something like small game, otherwise running around like a headless chicken isn't a good play. That kind of behaviour makes undying more powerful than it is.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    any red rank survivor knows that killers can't be in multiple places at once, and that the aura reveal from undying only goes off when you first get near the totem. it only takes 1 out of 16 perks to easily disable 2 out of 4. How are we still having the do bones discussion in 2020 lmao

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Really? Interesting view from the cheap seats. Killer has always been easier in the potato Ranks. It gets rather hard as you hit the middle Ranks, and a downright struggle as you approach and get into the Red. The needle shifts. This is because Survivors need each other to win, and early on there are 4x the chances of weak links. As you advance in Ranks, the weak links become fewer and fewer.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I think it would be fair trade with DH and DS got nerfed in exchange for undying and ruin nerf. Less meta

  • Member Posts: 479

    You miss the point. It doesn’t matter if you carry small game. Especially if you’re in solo queue, by the time you break all the totems even if you knew the exact location of every single one of them, nobody will have repaired anything and everybody will be either dead or on death hook with 5 generators left.

  • Member Posts: 479

    That is not true. It used to be a struggle years ago. For a long while now, it’s just not a struggle anymore. Red ranked survivors are as useless as rank 10s.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. Interesting. I fight Red Rank Survivor's every match, and I find it a struggle every time.

  • Member Posts: 52

    You guys must be playing different survivors than I do. About 3/4 of the games I use ruin/undying, they somehow manage to kill undying first, then ruin shortly after. At best I get two jumps before losing both perks... So things slow down about a minute. If it's a small map I might capitalize, but large maps make the aura reads pretty useless.

    Unless I'm really hard up on getting kills I go with something else. Just no fun locking half my perks for a gamble on red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 479

    What killers do you use and what exactly do you struggle with? Also, what rank are you?

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I was Rank-1 until the Reset on the 13th. Now I'm Rank-4 about to pip to Rank-3. I play Myers mostly.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Myers is a mid tier killer. Depending on the map and the build you use he can be strong. With the usual undying + ruin and tinkerer you should be able to 3-4K no problem.

    The only time you might struggle is if you get really unlucky with the map + (ormond, nice farm spawns) and you get competent SWF teams (rarely happens). Apart from that you should have little difficulties.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    No idea. I don't keep track. I tend to get Brutal Killer most often in the Red Ranks, with the odd Ruthless to offset the odd Entity Displeased.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Oppressed enough they become potatoes. 9.5 out of 10 matches.

    No survivor build has that effect on killers.

  • Member Posts: 97

    If you play with randoms you know your odds of surviving...

    SWF have no issue with hex undying and ruin. When every single member of the team can waste 80 seconds or more of the killers time with looping, pallets, windows, then the killers always gonna lose.

    That's just how this game is. Team up if you tired of losing, and play with survivors who don't hide in lockers or go down in 10 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 313

    Give up one of your meta perks and run detectives hunch or small game.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Are you saying that they weren't already potatoes? lol

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited November 2020

    I'm surprised this seems to have become meta because most if not all killers have a directional audio tell from at least 16 meters away. And thats if the survivor and gen isn't out in the open and they aren't very alert and isn't circling their camera.

    The amount of times I've stealth juked a Micheal or Pig because I heard their breathing from a mile away without LoS is too high to count.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Well let me tell you something. Do you think it's fun playing against a killer using Ruin+Undying 90% of your matches ? No I don't think so. Most of the time you do find a Hex Totem it's usually never Undying, at least for me most of the time. Every killer uses it now and if the survivors don't try to look for it then it's basically an automatic win for the killer with that duo unless you have competent teammates which is very rare.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Not to defend Undying/Ruin being used on meta killers or anything. But you're talking to a brick wall. Red rank killers have had to deal with DS/UB/BT/DH with 1 or 2 differences for going on 3 or so years now.

    And if every killer is using it that's the perfect excuse to learn totem placements for each tile.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    its not about the killer actually sneaking up on them, its about the notification they get, which allows them to get the survivors off the gen and Ruin to take care of it.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I suppose that's smart. That said I'm a totem hound so I tend to tap a gen at match start. And if I see Ruin off I go. Unless its an indoors map because its not worth it.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Why are you comparing DS/UB/BT/DH with Undying ? Lol. What if the survivors are all using those meta perks ? Their generators are still gonna be regressing whether they're using their meta builds or not. We're not talking about meta builds here were talking about Undying and I'm saying how miserable the perk is with certain duos and why survivors have to throw the game for it. Not saying DS/UB/BT/DH doesn't change the game for the killer either and that it's not miserable for them too. But this whole forum post is why Undying turns survivors into potatoes and I just explained why.

  • Member Posts: 247

    Undying is annoying. Especially with killers who run ruin or NOED. “Just do bones,” they say. Well it’s kinda tough when killers come right over to a totem they see being worked on. And not to mention by the time all totems are found, it’s wasted a lot of time & gens aren’t being completed.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I'm saying that complaining about every game being Undying and Ruin is kind of rich 3 months in when killers have been dealing with the same stale survivor meta for 3 years.

    To counter your post I responded to. Do you think it's fun for the killer to play against Dead Hard, Decisive, Unbreakable and Borrow Time every match? No. It's stale and boring.

    Survivors don't "have" to throw to counter Undying, one survivor with Small Game can get every totem in around 2-3 minutes. And considering the first chase of the match is often the longest, potentially lasting multiple minutes if a good survivor gets some good loops spawns, both the hexes can be gone and multiple gens done in that time. It sounds like you're just getting unlucky with your teammates.

    Don't get me wrong I play solo, there are some absolute invalids out there in Red Ranks. But saying every game is like that is a flat out lie.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Well I can definitely say I'm very lucky when it comes to finding Undying first, and well yeah Solo Q is Solo Q.

  • Member Posts: 158

    I mean...this is snarky but it's actually legit.

    My first reaction when the gen fizzles isn't "gotta get ruin" it's "fuch, guess I'm here now."

    Which does lead to riskier greed plays, but once you do it a dozen times youre like "okay, I'm not gonna get this whole gen done, but if I can get it to 70-80, and win my chase, I can sneak back, and then...."

    Which, honestly, isn't awful. But it does suck if you and your team can't establish enough of a repair buffer to make those plays. Then the game just becomes "How long can I make the killer chase me to earn that kill, lol"

  • Member Posts: 158

    If they removed the aura reading, I'd be fine with leaving it as it is. That little bit of extra info is too high value to be a BOGO.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    My experience shows otherwise. I will have to bow to what must be your much superior playing Skills. I find the Red Rank Survivors to be quite capable these days.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I mean, I don't agree. I manage to cleanse undying prettying easily. Wait for the right moment! Isn't hard to do! 😂

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    which is where Undying bites you in the ace, because it not only allows the Hex to respawn, but also reveals you to the killer (without telling you) as soon as you get close to any totem.

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