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Again a chapter without new map

Always a new chapter will come I‘m very excited for the content, characters, perks AND MAP...

With the blight chapter we got no new map, what was very sad and a lot of player were disappointed!

So why they do it again?? I know about the graphic updates for other maps, but a new map is be part of a new chapter 😭

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  • Member Posts: 435

    Sure there are a lot of maps in the game, but who needs five versions of badham for example?? They can do the reworks for midchapters or want with a new chapter to fix bugs.

    I prefer to play matches on different maps, not every trail on another autohaven, badham or macmillan... don’t get me wrong, I really like the classic maps, but I like more a nice mix of maps and to explore a new one (except midwich).

    In my opinion a chapter needs a killer, a survivor and a map.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Gonna be honest I don't mind not getting a new map. We have enough maps already.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I do get your frustration about the lack of a new map, as I enjoy new maps as well. However, I do appreciate the rework of the older maps. I, personally, prefer to have the old maps reworked and then, hopefully, when that is done, we'll get new maps, equally detailed, as the reworked maps.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Yeah, it's really a shame. I hope the devs will add the missing ones (Blight and Twins) after they are done with the reworks

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    I dont think devs will add content for an old chapter, but i agree with you, I want the pustulas map for the Blight and an old french town for the twins.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I feel the same way, but they're reworking entire maps, so it's fine, IMO. They can't do everything at once.

    They already added new maps for old realms unrelated to new chapter releases, so I don't see why not.

  • Member Posts: 435

    During the rework they could make a „twins map“ in the ormond style, there is actual only one version, so why not? Just change the buildings and it’s fine

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I’d be happy if we didn’t get any new maps until after Cold Wind is also updated.

  • Member Posts: 73

    I guess they became lazy, and they sell us that new 'reworked' maps, so they don't need spend time in doing new maps...

    As for example don't have settings of graphics/vsync/fps/resolution in-game.... why after 4 years this game still havent got this 4 settigns? (a game of 2020, the most played 'terror' game online)

    Just, because they became lazy and they still earning money, so, why try to do new things if players are not complaining and still spending money in DLC and skins again and again?

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    The map designers were sacrificed to the mobs after Midwich.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Everyone is saying the Devs have become lazy, but they are literally working from home atm.

    You know Covid-19, heard of it? Dont you know the burden this places on workflow?

  • Member Posts: 714

    I prefer a new map instead of reworking existing maps tbh, now every map looks the same and i dislike them, but I gotta be honest they did an amazing work on ormond, there the graphic change is really noticable

  • Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2020

    Covid started this february.... the other 4 years they didn't add settigs of graphics/fps/vsync/resolution, BEFORE COVID STARTED... BEFORE, NOT AFTER, BEFORE.... what happened those years? Did they had the covid in their office and they didn't add those settigs because of that? Or they was lazy around 4 years for don't make 4 settings every single game in 21 century have???

    As nowdays the time of dlcs releases, are still the same, 3 MONTHS, if they are that bad, why they still have the same dates, why they don't delay the DLC releases? A, yeah, because they still want the money of those DLC and those skins XD.... map don't add new money, new killer and survivor, and new skins, add money, not a map.

    Anyway isn't good excuse as many other games and companies are working so hard ... but keep defending them as ur gods XD

    They do all right, agree ;)

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 73

    Me too, also when the new maps have less performance than the old ones XD

    But yeah agree, it's a good work anyway

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Imo this chapter had good map potential, specially the one they showed in the trailer. Shame

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    They really shouldn't make new maps as we have around 35 maps now, and thats more than any game I have played

    Really all we need is the older maps reworked before we get any new ones

  • Member Posts: 428

    Ghost face was a chapter with only a killer lol

    They should have called it a paragaph like Bill, Leatherface and Ash

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    That is fair. I think they should only do maps with licensed chapters.

  • Member Posts: 4,897

    They've reworked like 6 maps this chapter, that's a lot of work. You can't really expect them to build a new map alongside redesigning all of those assets for the old ones. They've done a great job with both of the realms, Ormond looks absolutely stunning (and is actually fun to play on as killer now).

    I just hope that when they do release the next map, it'll be Dyer Island, that'll be cool.

  • Member Posts: 73

    As i said, learn to read, and, that is just DLC's as i was saying, money, that's what i was talking about, they release every 3 months new DLC, but u are arguing because of covid they didn't release the new map, because it's bad times... but as i said, they didn't relay the release, for example :)

    Anyway u didn't answer all what i said to u, 2 times, AND U DIDN'T ANSWER XD... where is the settings, for example, of GRAPHICS / FPS / VSYNC / RESOLUTION , where is, those settings? where? before 4 years? Don't u really think a game of 2020, don't have these settings, are being lazy? seriously?

    C'mon hahhahah

    I stop talking with u because no sense waste more time with u, u don't read all what others saying, u haven't got reading comprehension to can understand and talk about in a discussion and ability to argue and defend what you think... i will guess u are just a kid XD

    (Don't try to ask me, as i said, im not going to waste more time trying to talk to a kid who can't argue and deffend his own ideas and don't know reading comprenhesion)


  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Whats Graphics/resolution setting change would u like? Care to give some example?

    Something like flatout the ground texture and lower grass volume to easier to spot survivors or traps hiding?

  • Member Posts: 73

    mmmm no... hhahahah

    It's sad the first thing u thought was that XD... but not, im not talking about of 'have better advantages' ...

    As now, if all players can have the same graphics, it's to all the same, but im not talking about that...

    Me, for example, i haven't got new and the best PC, so i needed to test my windows, nvidia drivers, nvidia control panel, C++.... to can have the best performance... and 1 more, i touched the config files BECAUSE THERE ARE NOT IN GAME theese settings. I can't choose to have textures in 1 and the rest of the game in 0, for example, to can be able to play at 60 fps without loosing the graphics and thinking im playing a 1999 game...


    Im talking about:

    1- Have resolution option the game

    2- Have Fps ingame

    3- VSYNC...there is not Vsync in-game, Vsync is for dont suffer SCREEN TEARING, but in most of the games i swich it off because takes to me so much performance and/or i don't feel so much or even see the screentearing (for example, in LOL, it's ridicolous to have VSYNC on, why? because it's a 2D and a half game, u don't have screen trearing so u are loosing a lot of frames in a setting it doing nothig)

    Don't u know vsync take so much fps and performance from all of ur games????

    4- Graphic, in this game u have 4 options: low-0 , medium- 1 , high-2 and ultra 3

    In my Pc, if i choose low -0 , im around 60 fps, so i think, maybe I can try to play a little bit higher, then, i choose medium - 1, u know what happend? im around 40 fps all in medium

    So im not able to choose wich ones i can sett high or less, for example, antialiasing, shadows and folliage takes a lot FPS, while textures or distance vision don't.

    And let u know most of games actually don't have a graphics difference, that will be PAY TO WIN, that change years ago, when in much games if someone was playing in low, for exaple he couldn't be able to see a bush while other guy who was playing on ultra see that bush.. that was graphical advantage yeah.

    So yes, im asking for this changes for PERFORMANCE, AND NOT FOR HAVE MORE CHANCES TO WIN TO OTHERS, and i'm asking for this, as i said, because it's a crime and a joke a game in 21 century, a game in 2021 haven't got this settigs... 95% of games (or more) have all of this settigs in-game so people can choose their settings wich fix better for their PC or their pleasures...

  • Member Posts: 29

    Who wants another Midwich? Or Sanctum of Wrath? Or Hawkins? Or Ormond? I'd say remove maps, don't add them

  • Member Posts: 12

    I Kinda just hope they add a new version of an already existing map, like they did with Plauge and (technically) Bubba

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    As nice as seeing a new map is. Ormond did receive actual changes besides updated graphics so that alone is worth not getting another map for.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Quality over quantity, dude. I'd rather have 30 gorgeous, balanced maps than 60 mediocre, ######### ones. Besides, whereas we used to get one new map per chapter we're now getting 5-7 reworked ones per update (might slow down as they focus on smaller realms, but still good). Best part is that the Devs have maintained communication with us- they tell us (albeit loosely) what they're up to, so there's practically no surprises.

  • Member Posts: 761

    I'm actually blown away with how quickly these maps are being remade. Remaking 6 maps, gameplay wise AND graphicly from the ground up, in the span of three months is quite an accomplishment

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Given that 5 maps are part of the same realm I imagine that cut down a lot of time spent updating the tiles since 5 maps share the same tiles. Also it's possible they have been on these updates longer than 3 months.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    I can't believe that there's actually multiple people in this thread saying there are "too many" maps. tf?

    Maps are one of the main ways this game stays interesting. And a new coat of paint on an old toy isn't as exciting as a new toy.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Well feel free to code a WHOLE new map for ormond, or whatever, that works with ALL of the current game mechanics using only C++ and send it into the devs.

    I swear, people don't appreciate ######### these days.

  • Member Posts: 22

    I'm absolutely disappointed about the lack of a new map, but I understand what the deal is. In my opinion, Chapter 18 could've really used a new map for two reasons. One: the Killer looks really bland in my opinion. Charlotte just looks like an impoverished French woman with a hole in her chest. If she had a map release alongside her, then maybe she would have this really cool setting that would allow her to stake a claim in Dead by Daylight because right she's just a woman with a sickle to me. Two: does ANYONE realize how much potential this new map could have had? Like seriously, following their backstory, this new map could have taken place in the streets of Paris or the outskirts of the city or even the Parisian sewers that could have connected to the catacombs! That stuff sounds so sick! (This is without mentioning that we haven't had a new map since June)

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    I'm fairly happy with getting one of the worst maps in the game reworked.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    No new maps means no new indoor maps :D

  • Member Posts: 73

    Why people don't like indoor maps? i love the 3 of them lol, as killer and as survivor (except if im playing with The Bight XD)

  • Member Posts: 15

    I think most survivors just already give up or play bad when it's a indoor map there not that bad (exept hawkings)

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    We already have too many maps in the game. I don't mind if the devs could focus more on updating old maps than releasing new one's.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I really wanted a forest lab for Blight or something but it made sense to me we didn't get one with the first major reworks. Gotta say I'm getting bothered by the continued lack of new maps. I honestly don't care that much about graphical fidelity. Frame rate is king - John Carmack

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Because almost every killer i play is completely useless on indoor maps >:(

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I never really hated them that much until I just played Trapper for a straight month. Hawkins is somewhat OK as his traps can blend in on the rubble piles but any other map is just a straight loss unless you stacked Dye add ons. And considering bags are more important for 90% of maps that wasn't usually my case.

  • Member Posts: 73

    Many killers maybe yes, as i said i don't like play The Blight in a indoor map XD....or maybe Deathsliger or Hauntress. But some of them can be still playable and even work better, as for example Trapper or Doctor, in my opinion. For me, it's not harder to play indoor maps, as killer or as survi, and i love to play as both sides.

    But it's just my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited November 2020

    good. We dont need new unbalanced maps, let the devs focus on balancing out the ones we already have. The last 5-4 maps we got has been complete dogshit besides looking good

  • Member Posts: 383

    Can't agree more. The only realms I enjoy are the original ones. And I hate all indoor maps with all my heart.

  • Member Posts: 801

    dude there can’t be that much of a burden, they’re still using their computers and can still contact eachother

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