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Why should I do anything other than facecamp as the killer?

I'm relatively new, I'm at rank 10 surv/killer after about 90 hours and I'm having a little trouble understanding this.

In my survivor games I try my best to emulate streamers I've watched who are much better than I am. I do gens the best I can, try my best not to run at the first sign of a heartbeat, play against the killer best I can even though I still need to work on my mind games. However, in about two thirds of my games I end up with overly altruistic and sometimes just plain stupid survivors who do nothing but bomb the hook until they all go down and leave me as the last healthy survivor.

When I play killer I do the same thing, emulate better players. I hook people then run off to defend gens, mind game survivors at loops, etc. When I do this I almost always lose. Gens get done super fast, survivors get almost free unhooks and I have tons of 11 and 12 hook games when I do actually get wins.

Lately I've been running my scumbag bubba setup (BBQ, Whispers, NOED, Insidious) which only really requires one chase that I win immediately because of the chainsaw and then the survivors just kill themselves by going for the rescue. I've gone from rank 13 after the reset back to rank 10 doing this just today.

Survivors will sit near the hook and gesture for me to come chase them but what's the point? I can win the game by doing literally nothing and still get double pips in the end game.

I understand how as a survivor this is super frustrating because it means that you HAVE to go do gens to advance the game and put pressure on me as the killer but nobody really does that in my games. It's like they expect me to play like I'm trying to lose without any incentive to.

So my question is, if this is working, why should I change it?

Best Answer


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    As you rank up it will become less and less effective. Sure you might get a potato team once in a while, but in general you'll just waste everyone's time.

    Also, this is a game and as such you primary concern should be having fun, not win. Stop caring about winning and you'll enjoy the game more.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    If you enjoy doing it, have at it. Doesn't sound like you've got much incentive to do otherwise with gen speeds as they are. It's just a symptom of the game itself needing more balance issues to be addressed. If you wanna get better, that's just going to take time and you might find yourself not having fun if you're having the same problems with gen speeds. It doesn't get any better as you rank up.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,957

    The game is about having fun and its not fun to stand guard, Its much more fun to be running away in pretend and then come back suddenly and see Meg's face as she just unhooked Jake next to the Killer. HÆHÆHÆ.

  • It isn't that I can't win without facecamping. I can 4k the regular way but why would I do that when this is so much easier?

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    You would do it the regular way if you enjoyed that more. In the end, the only person who can say what is more fun for you is you.

    So, if you enjoy easy 4ks over chase interaction, you do your thing. If done properly, it's very consistent and only very good 4-man swfs will counter it.

    I suggest corrupt, noed, bitter murmur and the last one is up to you. Don't over commit to the first chase, bait the unhook and profit. Very low risk-low effort-high reward, but only you can decide if you like it.

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    Because in simple it is boring no pips no blood points and everyone hates you at night sometimes I understand your frustrations with survivors but look the basis of this game your a torture trying to get the most out of the surivios if you were just gone to kill them they would die immediately from your weapon I play both I hate gen rush I won't as survivor if my teammates pop gens and the killer is not camping or tunneling then I run killer or do totems as a killer if I'm gone to depip I damn well take one of the cocky survivors with me I will face camp n tunnel on the last gen if they gen rush and with noed almost always a four k look run noed and undying and you will see the difference

  • kellysman0326
    kellysman0326 Member Posts: 20

    My girlfriend and I are new to playing as killers and she played the easy or intmeadite ones, I actually played trapper and the pig and the Blight I play the Blight every time I play I even have undying and blood favor Iran graps and Hex noed and people still escape death, what perks should I run

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Play how you want, for your own win conditions, for what is fun for you.

    I personally enjoy multiple hook actions, chases won, gens defended.

    4king is always the goal, but not my only win condition. If I put up a good fight , learned something, got better, well then, to me, I won something there as well.

    Trust me, early on you will struggle as killer at higher ranks. But it is the experience of trying that will make you better. No perk setup will make you a better killer.

    You only get better by trying, playing, experience.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    1. Level up Plague
    2. Unlock Corrupt Intervention
    3. Put it on your favorite killers
    4. have some fun