Head On, Decisive Strike, and Dead Hard all share the same problem



  • mrcrush2021
    mrcrush2021 Member Posts: 3

    tbh man idk. I think dead hard is good. Yeah. I can't use it cuz i suck but. Yeah. Hi.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    head on hitboxes infuriate me. Survivors have said multiple times, "I have no idea how that hit you tbh".

    Also, there's no reason Enduring shouldn't be "pallet and locker stuns..."

  • Funkerlied
    Funkerlied Member Posts: 37

    Closed minded, it's quite sad. It's very obvious you've never played killer, or are very good at killer to witness people to abuse these perks when the DS survivor can get safe unhooks and work on generators without any harm. Alas, you said yourself your a stubborn brick wall so your "opinion" remains the same even when you repeat the same facts.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited November 2020

    achaoticprince that's my xbox gamertag look up my stats

    7,690 kills 801 escapes

    don't try that bs because you don't have a sound argument you biased boy.

    edit: maybe you just suck at killer XD like i said can't win without tunneling?

  • Funkerlied
    Funkerlied Member Posts: 37

    The argument is there, you're just too stupid to understand the issue. The game is balanced around unfortunately balanced by the perks, not your individual stats that nobody asked for. Maybe you can't win a survivor game without DS + Unbreakable?

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    Head-on is balanced and can be mindgamed

    DH needs to be able to do that against trapper as long as basement trapper exists

    DS in a locker is probably the worst thing you can do since its just a free grab and yeah the chase last a bit longer but thats thier anti tunnel perk out the window, i do think it needs a rework tho

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    the only argument you have brought is the one where you refuse to face reality and have resulted to insulting people. That happens to stubborn people when their original argument gets ripped to shreds.

    I addressed and disproved your claims and all you have spounted so far is BS, it's been days i didn't know bad killers tunneled these kind of posts so hard, maybe it's because you have gotten rekt in every argument and want that sweat last word but even that was pathetic.

  • Funkerlied
    Funkerlied Member Posts: 37

    Facts =\= insults. You have given no factual evidence, just generalist and anecdotal textual diarrhea. I'll make it SUPER simple: DS is invulnerability from a hook for another 60s based on the FACT that lockers, slugging, and doing gens are a thing. Combined with BORROWED TIME (still with me?) The said survivor can get up scott-free and still have their DS because you didn't pick them up guaranteeing an escape from at least 1 hook. It is an anti-tunnel perk, that is correct, but when most survivors use it as a period to buy time in a chase and hop in a locker when they're about to lose to the killer or simply do an action that can't go ignored such as the main objective without consequence is bullshit.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    have you considered the fact that for bt to activate you have to be near the hook in which case you can just go for the other survivor?

    i already addressed all your bs in a previous reply, again and again and again tunnel much? I go against these guys daily and because i am a good killer it's not hard to find the other survivor. At best the ds user is a minor nuisance wasting his time at worst i slug them or take the stun if i feel it's fine i think you just don't know how to deal with them.

    as for doing a gen with ds i agree that it's bs which is why i suggested that ds be deactivated if they work on a gen for a total of 3 seconds, this is a balance thread after all. However your main complaints are not about that and those complaints have a simple solution which is to go after other survivors, slug them, or take the stun early so its out of the way.

    your literally complaining that you can't tunnel because this perk prevents it, all you did was sugar coat it by complaining about its interaction with lockers and perks.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    you wanted the perk to deactivate when going into lockers that was what this whole thing was about and they said themselves that the interaction was fine. i suggested the only change it needed was to deactivate on gens as that was the main problem the devs just added more deactivations that's all so it still falls in line with my argument.

    Also jesus did you hold a grudge this entire time this discussion was ages ago.

  • Funkerlied
    Funkerlied Member Posts: 37

    Nah, just logged back in for the first time when I saw they were changing a bunch of stuff.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    "What is a 'free stun". Sounds like a regurgitated killer-main complaint that survivors get info, stuns, escapes for free when really they earned them because you 'failed to kill them.'. Its kind of like saying if the doors spawn too close together during EGC and you're the last one alive the killer gets a free kill. No, you failed to escape.

    I can't believe that Head On is being complained about. If you know the survivor went in a locker you have 3 seconds to get them out or...here is a NOVEL idea. Leave. Pretend to leave? Or pretend you are going to open the locker and back up. Most survivors have trouble timing the stun correctly.

    It's so odd to me that players act as if they have no choice. That if a survivor may have DS you have to sit there and wait or slug them. Either way, that's pressure, but if you do nothing the pressure is on you instead of the survivors. If a survivor wants to sit in a locker and wait out DS they are not doing gens. I'm going to eat the DS or go find someone who is on a gen. You have OPTIONS.

    As for dead head. Well that was already nerfed from being used while standing still, but perhaps the biggest nerf has been dedicated servers. Just know that for every dead hard that was successful, there are three survivors laying on the ground completely exhausted.