After clown gets buffed pig will be the weakest killer in the game and I’m sad



  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    don't let stats cloud your judgement and if that's the case literally every killer above clown who is near the bottom btw has too high of a kill rate.

    i already explained why pigs kill rate is high it's because she can secure kills easier however that doesn't mean she wins games. a pig can get stomped and still get two kills at the end because she has one survivor stuck in the trial with a RBT. there are always exceptions to these things like nurse actually being the best despite her low kill rate, its basically the opposite with pig.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Those are still kills, it doesn't matter how they do it. It would be like saying a bubba getting a kill with his saw doesn't count because he used his power.

    But even Nurse, one of the hardest killers to do well with, still has a killrate very close to 50%, only very slightly less. On average, with the hatch, she still has less than 50% chance of the gates opening. That is really not good.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    dude because of how easy it is for pig to secure kills OFC its going to increase her kill rate.

    that kill rate can't show how good pig actually is because she is pretty meh, i don't think she is worse than trapper but she is at the bottom in terms of viability.

    take the twins they suck and everyone agrees, now imagine if victor actually completely stopped a survivor from escaping and you could easily secure a kill that way. it's going to the affect the kill rate dramatically that is what is happening with pig.

    stop using the kill rates to justify a point as even the devs themselfs have said not to draw conclusions from the stats as they are flawed and don't show how good a killers is because various things can affect the stats. Pigs RBT are one of those things so the kill rates doesn't show how good she actually is.

  • elpoh
    elpoh Member Posts: 222

    the only buff i can think to the clown are:

    increase the gass and intoxicated duration slightly

    or.... change all the addons related by recharge bottles to do something else... and then, make the Clown able to recharge them in the lockers like the Huntress


    -Moderately reduces bottles reload time on lockers.

    -Undetectable status inside the gass clouds + intoxicated survivors suffer Oblivius

    -Can see bottles auras inside lockers

    -Bottles inside lockers breaks when a survivor enter inside them, making them cough and also crease a gass cloud around the locker

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Pig needs a nerf then, if it is too ez to secure kills.

    Why are you saying Twins needs a buff when nobody has practiced with them yet? That's why killers are way too overpowered because they are balanced around first couple of days of exposure. BTW, every twitch video I watched, the twins was mowing all the survivors down with no effort.

  • tak47888
    tak47888 Member Posts: 125

    Honestly, I don't think Clown needs that much of a buff. He can shut down a lot of loops very quickly with his power, if used in the right way. His add-ons as well are pretty good. So, I wonder how he will look like after the re-work.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    i used the twins to prove a point, that even the worst killer could have a higher than average kill rate if they can secure kills. Also current twins have a counter that is so easy that it shows a lack of experience can make killers appear good, all you have to do is hide in a locker when victor is near and they can't do anything and most gens are near lockers. it doesn't take a week to know a killer is bad, go read the feedback and you can see all the problems with the twins even the point where their power can be taken away. Blight was a weird killer that has a high skill ceiling so it took players awhile to see his potential but that is NOT the case with the twins, their power is simple in every way other than the effect of victor being on you which isn't even that bad as you might as well keep him on you to turn the killer into a basic M1 killer without a power.

    also pig doesn't need a nerf, her RBT are rng they just allow her to tunnel and keep a survivor in a trial, that doesn't mean she is strong it just means the survivor can't escape even if they loop and destroy her for the majority of the game. does that need to be nerfed? not really imo as it's no different than LF securing a kill using his chainsaw to prevent saves who ironically is also above 70% kill rate with pig.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Well we don't know if they will buff or nerf him. Could go either way. They will probably nerf a few of his addons like Solvent Jug since survivors complain about it and pinky finger.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    "that's why there's a community team"

    Ironically, the communication was so much better back in 2016-2017 when there was no "community team". It's mind blowing how you can have almost inexistent communication with your players while having a dedicated team to do just that.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,308
    edited November 2020

    I think the tools that the killer has on paper and confidence to play said killer and be confident at winning matters way more than what the kill rate is. I do not think that anyone puts Pig S-tier or 3rd best killer in the game. I respectfully disagree that Kill rate has higher correlation than pick rate for how good people think a killer is. Pig is M1 stealth killer and M1 killers are really easy to loop for experienced players. Her high kill rate is mostly related to her simplicity. Any killer can get a lot of kills if your good at said killer, but not many can compete against good teams and the ones that get selected a lot are often those that have best chance to do so. Pig is not one of those and I don't think among stealth killers any of them are really strong or particularly difficult to beat.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    And I didn’t say she’s S Tier or the third best killer. I said that the evidence goes against the statement that she’s “the worst killer” or “a bad killer”.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    I main pig at red ranks and 3-4 k alot and never use my dash and rarely use my ambush....its all about those traps.

  • Engetsuren
    Engetsuren Member Posts: 8

    If every single killer except the pig got a blanket nerf the pig would still be the worst killer in the game

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245


    If consistant 4ks does not make a killer good, what, prey tell, does???

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    A valued licensing deal.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    As a Clown main, the "buff" will either ruin him or make him moderately better. His power is too simple to buff without redoing it entirely. However, if there is no significant change to his power that has more impact on overall gameplay and not just chases, then he's still gonna be the weakest Killer.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    My point is that if I'm winning while playing Pig as almost a straight-up vanilla killer and still winning frequently in high ranks, it might be more because I'm going up against subpar opponents than because of the Pig's merits.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    I imagine when they get an actual rank system or get there mmr system working we will actually see how weak killers are lol I’ll try to completely avoid high mmr as killer

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Yeah, I feel like the ranking system is contributing a lot to this. When things are properly sorted out in that regard, we should probably have a better look how how well Killers and Survivors fare.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    But the point your not just playing have the traps. Its all about the traps.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Pig has been a redheaded step child since release, basically.

    Her delay power is so brutally rng that it cannot be depended on without forcing the issue.

    Her attack power is the most stupidly telegraphed thing in the game, even now that PH exists that has a literal red mmo telegraph... It's STILL easier to dodge pig when you get a massive roar a second before she even moves.

    While I'm over the nerf she got due to egc, and can even see the point a bit, I cannot fathom all the little nickel and dime nerfs she's been hit with over and over since release when NOBODY ever really complained about her.

    BHVR just like slapping her in the face every other patch for no reason. It's like someone has a personal vendetta against Shawnee Smith.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    As far as the chase is concerned, though, I am more often than not just playing basic. That is why I am saying that I believe that my experiences playing as Pig are more attributed to Survivors who are not sufficiently skilled vs. the basics.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    That clarification makes more sense, yeah. But I would still argue that trappy boy is not the worst then. This spot should go to either Clown (bc he's generally slow and has no snowball except for pinky finder addon) or legion (in door maps with many vaults just kill them, since it allows the survivors to avoid frenzy hits more often, so they are effectively just a M1 killer without any additional power)