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"Sighs" It's a Pyramid Head.



  • Member Posts: 170

    I find PH pretty annoying to go against as well. That being said I have had some pretty long chases against him so there definitely is some counterplay. My gripe with him now is the change they made to his cage. Originally, when he caged you he could see the cage aura across the map. People complained that this allowed him to tunnel so they removed it. But they changed it so that when a survivor gets rescued from the cage there is a loud noise notification, the same as any failed skill check or fast vault. When they did this, tunneling increased 100%. Every time I get caged the PH comes to check out the noise, every time.

  • Member Posts: 613

    lol he could use a buff tbhhes ranged attack can be dodged easy

  • Member Posts: 479

    A 1 second cooldown to either get M1ed or M2ed at a window isn’t “requiring skill”. It’s dumb mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    By 'healthy' you mean generic m1 killers that play the same as any other? What would be the point of 22 killers the require the same tactics to beat?

    Correct me if I'm wrong here but a huntress on good connection- that part being important- is often regarded as one of the most balanced killers. She has a powerful ranged attack but lacks map pressure as a result. She has a smaller terror radius but a 40m humming you can't remove. Her ability is strong but can only be reloaded at certain points on the map. It's only when the ping goes horribly wrong that people take serious issues with her.

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong again, but you don't play vs huntress like you do every other killer.

  • "I can't get guaranteed 4 survivor escapes and teabag into the sunset, so it's a bad killer" is literally all I took from this

  • Member Posts: 149

    Lmao I never once complained about not being able to escape and that's also not what I was going for in my forum post. I was explaining why he's an unhealthy killer for the game and how he can be boring and unfun to play against. What you're saying is completely irrelevant to what I was talking about in my forum post.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I think survivor perks should be looked at more rather than scrutinising killers when talking about balance (which always seems to be the starting point). Perks like DS are used far too much, I find it unfun and boring to play around DS every single match without fail-imagine if NOED was used as much as DS is, there would be uproar

  • Member Posts: 468

    Reading your unspaced rant was pretty unfun to do, but you know I did it so..

  • Member Posts: 243

    I don't mind Deathslinger but I despise Spirit and hate Pyramid Head. Just seems like every Spirit is right there for an unhook? Every single time

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    With perks like undying and tinkerer, you don't need NOED because the gens are never done for NOED to be used.

  • Member Posts: 1

    "unhealthy" = "i can't cheese it with DS"?

  • Member Posts: 149

    I used DS as an example for a hook perk because PHead ignores hook perks. It's not very fun going into a match with 2 perks or maybe even a whole hook build and it just goes to waste because of this one killer. The reason why I did use DS as an example for a hook perk is because he can just tunnel you once you get out of his cage and you can't do anything about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    Enter. Use it.

  • Member Posts: 339

    How can you struggle against one of the weakest killers in the game? Guess you are the ones who nerfed Billy LMAO

  • Member Posts: 149
    edited November 2020

    In what way is he weak ? Please explain. Cause if I remember the weakest killers in the game are Trapper, Wraith, and Pig and that's why nobody ever plays them because for some reason I guess killers are just too scared to lose lol. And also no I actually don't have a problem with Billy's change at all. I still play him till this day and I still think he's a very good killer.

  • Member Posts: 582

    Omegalol. I mean, I used to not care for facing PH either before his rework, but ever since, I've loved playing both as and against him. If anything, I think he's pretty healthy for the game because he does have counterplay that's more then holding M1, and it promotes creativity.

  • Member Posts: 464

    A 1 second cooldown where he cannot attack and moves at 92% speed, ample time to finish your loop and drop a pallet before he starts baiting again. Predicting the bait and anticipating the potential M2 is where the skill comes. I've said this before, the skill comes more from the survivor than the killer, which I think is fine. It's a 4 v 1, the killer shouldn't have to sweat at every loop to catch a survivor. Sometimes you're just going to get screwed over, and there lies the teamplay to help you get back on your feet.

    The gripes against PHead are justified to an extent. The 'no counterplay' argument is meh, but the removal of certain perks that prevent massive scum play is questionable. I'm ok with DS being rendered null, but not BT.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I just made an acct to call u soft

  • Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2020

    Lmao Pyramid Head is the easiest killer to play against for me. His ranged attack is easy to dodge, but I guess that's just my opinion. Spirit's a pain in the ass but that's what makes a game fun I suppose. If it didn't pose a challenge where would the fun be? And I have probably only ever lost a match against Deathslinger once ever, so sounds like a lotta complaining to me :/

  • Member Posts: 8

    I don't think PH can actually put you in a cage unless you been hooked once or you walked through his trail he leaves behind. I have the killer and Ive downed survivors and i couldnt 100% percent send them to my cage. That means most encounters PH most likely will hook you. He is a boring killer but i like the guy. He isnt bad in my opinion compared to leatherface. I just personally cant run away from his frenzy that sometimes lasts way too long cause of add ons. Thats just me. I think the cage is fair for high tier gameplay since suriviors will run those perks 90% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 383

    This smells of entitled and butt hurt. If you have a bad game, hit that button to que up for another game.

    Experienced players are usually good players... because they have enough experience to make calls during the game that inexperienced players wouldn't know to make. Pyramid Head, Spirit, Freddy, they are all beatable killers, however, the more experience a player has with them and the game in general, the better their chances of getting a 2k - 4k match.

    Losing to a killer often can sometimes mean you the player are the the one who needs changing, not the killer.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Killers who tunnel are either in need of securing a kill, trying to piss you off, or, they are actually bad at the game, but if they are bad at the game and managed to down you quickly, well, you might be bad too.

    However, if you led that killer on a great long chase, and they decide you have to die, well, take solace in the fact that you've bought your team a fair amount of time and your sacrifice might ensure the escape of the other 3 survivors.

  • Honestly, the only killer I really truly hate is freddy. I can juke a pyramid head, at least with spirits I have a 50% chance, deathslingers, I don't even know. I don't have any issues playing against them, maybe it's my experience playing as them?

    But I feel like I'm playing several different killers against freddy. Pseudo wraith with his invisibility until he's within a certain range, hag with his teleports, clown with his dream snares. Not to mention hag needs you to trigger her ability and you take it or you don't, sure clown can get the gas out in front of you but that doesn't really make a difference unless you're a straight up w gamer. He has so much free pressure with dream and his add-ons are insane. I just don't get him.

  • Member Posts: 117

    How fun of a choice is to get tormented by an invisible trail,right?

  • Member Posts: 117

    thats why i only play PH,cus its so easy to win with him.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Decisive is worthless I use it to counter tunneling if you have to moan about it then clearly you tunnel git gud and chase other people

  • Member Posts: 73

    Another salty Survivor complaining about a completely fine killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    edited November 2020

    Right, except I always take them on pretty long chases, and they always tunnel. (not just me, either) And I don't run meta perks; not even an exhaustion one, the majority of the time. Yet even if I did, I would be punished by people playing this killer, so it doesn't even matter. This isn't something I wish to be proud of as it ruins the experience entirely. Stop. Justifying. Scummy. Players. And stop justifying a killer design that allows them to do it with ease.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Playing solo queue that rule doesn’t apply. You can keep hitting that button. Nothing is going to be different.

    There are killers who are balanced and it’s fun to play against them, because it could go either way: it depends how you and they play.

    With some other killers, your input doesn’t matter. Play as poorly or as optimally as you want, you’re going down anyway.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Yep undying/ruin/tinkerer isn't a fun build, that's why Ive rarely used it-I'm sure it'll get nerfed soon enough

  • Member Posts: 99

    I said I play AROUND DS not that I keep getting hit with DS. I think you missed the point of my comment-what I'm saying is maybe survivor perks needs more looking at rather than the killers, maybe make some other perks a little better so that the lobby isn't filled with DS/BT/DH/unbreakable. "git gud", the eternal meaningless answer lol

  • Member Posts: 79

    Idk what the heck you're talking about as a survivor main myself I love going against Pyramid Head. It's just so exhilarating to run from a killer with that big a weapon that can hit through obstacles and get away with not getting hit.

  • Member Posts: 131

    Firstly, paragraphs.

    Secondly you talk about being rewarded for good play but whinge about DS and BT being disabled.

    I'm genuinely confused as to what you case actually is. The counter is to not walk over the trails...

  • Member Posts: 11

    Listen man, I play Pyramid Head, and trust me, he Is balanced. Keep in kind you have to actually run through his trails for the caging effect to take place. For me, it rarely ever happens.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Pyramid Head has no counters at all. His caging ability is the dumbest thing ever, "Oh there's goes my BT and DS"


    Oh, the irony....

  • Member Posts: 15

    I see a fair amount of survivors complaining that 2 perks can sometimes get cancelled out if they step in the marinara.

    Meanwhile Hex perks, you know, perks that can be straight lost and half of it is RNG that a survivor doesn't spawn touching one exist.

    Honestly I don't run into to much trouble against Pyramid Head. The killers I do struggle with I don't even mind much. I still feel that when things go south in my matches as survivor that half of it was "why is noone touching gens!?" Or "please just let me heal you that's my whole gimmick" or "please stop bringing the killer to the one or two gens we are working on" or my favorite "please loop the killer away from the hooked person." All of which I'm not totally guilt free of haha.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    So you suck against PH and therefore he must be OP?

  • Member Posts: 13,032

    Paragraphs would be nice, this was unfun to look at

    But Pyramid Head has several counters that it hurts

    1) His trails only work if you run or walk through it, crouching by will prevent the torment

    2) He has massively reduced movement speed when charging RoJ (Slower than survivors), if you get hit by it he would have hit you with M1 anyways

    3) His charged attack is very predictable and you get a warning as well, just avoid the warning

    4) He counters 2 meta perks...but also prevents himself from using Make Your Choice, Devour Hope, BBQ, etc

    5) He is all chase, no map pressure, if you just do generators when not being chased he really can't do much of anything

    6) If you get hit by the tip of his ranged attack, that means you were in the range of his ranged attack for more than 2 seconds, so that just means you messed up

    7) Dead Hard counters Pyramid Head's entire kit

    now look at the killers you said were not as bad as him


    1) You are playing a game of chance that is heavily sided to her...its only 50/50 if she is not using stridor and you are healthy or you are using Iron Will, vaulting windows quietly will help you get the cards on your hands, but this only works if you are healthy or using iron will

    2) While in her HeartBeat, you cannot hear when she is phasing, so you are literally guessing if she faked her phasing or if she is phasing, and please tell me how you can tell she is using her power cause I would love to know

    3) Most spirits have an overpriced headset that can probably hear when Crows land, so she will hear your feet, now you are forced to crouch and hope no grass is nearby


    1) Either is gun is loaded and you will have every vault become a death trap or you are watching him reload, good luck knowing when he is about to quickscope you

    2) Some deathslingers will spam ads rapidly so you will never know when he is gonna shoot or not, making his zoning potential extremely powerful, oh look another guessing game that you will lose

    3) some pallets counter him, other pallets kinda are a death trap for you

    However Slinger isn't as bad as Spirit as he is all chase, just like pyramid head, except slinger is slower than pyramid and Spirit's ability makes her go pretty fast

  • Member Posts: 14

    Cap if he surrounds you you either get m1'd while crouching over his trail or get in his trail then get punished and either way youre dead

  • Member Posts: 9

    Exactly this. A person that considers PH to be a killer that can easy tunnel by using his cages probably don't know how the killer works.

  • Member Posts: 190

    Nice bro, you’re 100% right. I haven’t even read the comments yet but I’m sure 90% are disagreeing and telling you that pyramid head is so easy to counter they can do it in their sleep, etc, get better, more bs, etc. hopefully the devs listen to you. And don’t be afraid to speak your opinion on here

  • Member Posts: 123

    Well Ya i agree but what does that have to do with what I said?

  • Member Posts: 123

    You and others misread what I said. I'm saying that there would be no point to killers all being basically the same in response to OP. I'm not saying that's how it actually is now.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I misread nothing. The OP was pointing out unhealthy killers, you heavily implied that their idea of a "healthy" killer is one that survivors can bully, I gave a handful of killers with unique and strong powers that support the OP's argument.

  • Member Posts: 123

    He is implying that different = unhealthy. He seems to not want killers that force survivors to diverge from the usual gameplay. What is the problem with killers having different counterplay to the usual looping? The 3 killers he gave as examples show this. You can't simply loop them like you would wraith because you would get hit with something. This does not make them too strong it makes them different. This variety is needed.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Because chases are the only thing that keeps most people playing DbD, and killers with no counterplay remove chases. And yeah, these killers have no counterplay. You aren't getting outplayed, because there's no play you can make. It's just get spotted, get hit, hold W.

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