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General Discussions

To the person i just facecamped

Member Posts: 2,358
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

I had 2 hooks with one gen left. I get you are bettet than i am. Don't tbag me midchase and i won't facecamp you. Have fun in the fog.

I would have kept this in game but i can't messege cross platform after game.

Post edited by csandman1977 on

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  • Member Posts: 3,647

    Should have put a "how you feeling?" In there as well... xD

  • Member Posts: 967

    I tried that pyramid head facecamping method today. I forgot the user who posted it.

    But I couldn't get survivors to stick around. They just suicide on hook when they see me camping few meters away in the basement.

    After the first survivor died, I just played normally and ended w 4k.

    I guess survivors really hate it. And that's a good thing. Not sure why survivors get so mad about camping. I think it's a lot of fun.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    I had a game earlier where everytime I'd get close to a survivor and swing I would get a patch of lag or frame drop and miss. Losses so much time I camped when it finally let me hit someone by this time there was 1 gen and it popped will I was camping. Got 3 kills and lots of messages.

  • Member Posts: 338

    There are so many games I'm going in, just trying to do whatever as killer, then some survivor goes off and T-Bags for some random reason. LIke when they stun me with a pallent and then spend 1/2 the time I'm recovering T-Bag. I'm like. You do understand you should be getting some distance, so then I do tunnel them and make sure they are the first to die. I'll let everyone else go, but these people will not be allowed out.

  • Member Posts: 13

    What’s wrong with tbagging? I played a trapper that camped yesterday,they slugged for the 4K but I got hatch when I pallet stunned a Caudette out of his grasp I tbagged. They slugged me because they had noed and I got out with hatch. I don’t get why people hate tbagging so much if you tunnel them for tbagging then you will tunnel then and that’s what they want. They want to run the entire game! So when someone tbags just don’t pay attention to it.

  • Member Posts: 1,346


  • Member Posts: 2,551

    Uhm yeah, to make you see that the negative behavior spreaded with your discussion could be just saved for yourself instead of showing other new players how entitled can be the current ones, and things like this what makes this community unfriendly and disgusting. With your extra comment making fun of mine you just clearly show it up.

  • Member Posts: 868

    So many killers are so selfish

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean, only a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the playerbase is on these forums. Very high chance whoever it was won't read this.

    And a even higher chance they wouldn't care

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Why don't survivors like their body being camped and most often tunneled by a killer using a perk to prevent bt with a mechanic to prevent ds, who can hit multiple survivors at a time, is very strong in chases, and prevents any and all interaction with the game as soon as they go down leading to a match that's no fun for anyone on the survivor team as they just need to hold M1 as fast as possible and the person on the hook needs to press the same button for a minute?

    My oh my I can't imagine why nobody likes that! It sounds absolutely ######### enthralling, such a quality gameplay experience that makes me so happy I decided to boot up dbd today!

    I'd rather be playing with my ex bf, which is saying something because I hate him. ######### you Sam.

  • Member Posts: 539

    I gpt t bagges mid game so I also watched my survivor die on the hook.

    Players have been asking for years for t bagging to be taken out the game but devs ignore the requests.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    Maybe, just maybe, the players should just not get triggered for someone else repeatedly pressing a button since is not something that requires any change because doesn't affect gameplay, there are more important features which require the change such as bad perks like OoO or trash maps.

  • Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2021

    Smart move.

    Post edited by GrisouOats on
  • Member Posts: 1

    It may be alot of fun for the killers, but how can it be fun for survivors? They not getting the chance to have fun at the game because of campers.

    Personally I hate campers nothing worse, you can't have fun when you stuck on the hook and the killer camping, thats basically game over how is that fun??

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Or, here's a tip: Stop being so sensitive to pixels going up and down. Like, good god. Someone T-Bags and you camp them to death? That's just childish imo. Grow a pair and stop being so triggered over something that has zero impact on a game.

  • Member Posts: 127

    Imagine playing game getting so mad over tbag just to come to forum and make whole ass thread about it 😂 if we all make threads about things that happens to us in game this forum would explode

  • Member Posts: 723

    Idk why people are so mad at this post, I'm a survivor main who doesn't tbag (unless it was asked for... you play dirty and then still get finessed you BET I'm tbagging you)

    Every now and then my bf and I will run into a killer that just gets absolutely finessed by us. By the end of the game he has nothing, and if he downs one of us, we MIGHT get facecamped. It's usually just funny to us and we both know the vibe. I'd face camp someone who single handedly ruined my game by pallet saving, flashlight saving, etc., all game, all while tbagging at every chance, too LMAO

    The only time it gets annoying is when there genuinely is no counter to the face camp (Bubba comes to mind). Most of the time, a set of survivors can pull off a save, even with the faciest of face camps.

  • Member Posts: 545

    So.. you're just showing us that you can't play very well as killer?

    Well sucks to be you. I guess.

  • Member Posts: 231

    Teabagging is my way of thanking the killer for a fun and interactive chase, but for some reason they always face camp me too. Strange.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    The point of the post was not to encourage bad play or even brag about it. Im trying to discourage intentionally disrespectful behavior. Im not the best with words especially when rushed between matches. I explain myself further if you read on into the thread.

    I wasn't triggered. And i agree with you about OoO

    Again. Wasn't mad. But isn't the point of forums to discuss game experiences?

    I go out of my way to play fair and not ruin other players' experiences. But as i stated above, there was no point in Tbagging at that point other than being intentionally disrespectful. Maybe, just maybe that player will have learned something about respectful gameplay.

    I wouldn't have made this post if the Devs would just implement post game chat for all.

  • Member Posts: 127

    this is happening for 4 years there's no point in mentioning it if they haven't learned in 4 years I doubt they will now also you giving them attention is what they wanted in first place whole intention of tbag, camping tunelling etc is to get other player mad

  • Member Posts: 259

    Not a good look sis, sksksksksksksk.

  • Member Posts: 86

    Look at it this way. Them teabagging when they could be running is them saying "haha you can't catch me, I'm so cocky that I'm wasting time." If they do that, they're asking for trouble. So might as well give it to them.

  • Member Posts: 87

    I want to buy Plague so I can puke on teabaggers- the noblest of goals.

  • Member Posts: 83

    Them dying has no impact on the game since they were busy trying to annoy and provoke the killer and they got exactly what they wanted. All in all, a survivor going for any form of BM ending up being face camped is exactly what they were looking for.

    I wouldn't do it myself, ignore it and laugh at them everytime I catch them off guard, but I don't see why a survivor acting as disrespectful as they can should be surprised that the killer doesn't respect them.

    Would you give the hatch to a survivor who's t-bagged you everytime they could?

    We all have different standard and for some, face camping is the adequate response to SVV being insulting.

    Just like survivor that catch a toxic killer face camping will usually tbag or flashlight click to taunt them after a successful save.

    You reap what you sow.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I feel ya. I hate campers but if a swf pops hella gens and the dedicated troll tbags me i will throw the game for them and facecamp tf outta them

  • Member Posts: 69

    10/10 would vote up agian

  • Member Posts: 7

    Face camping isn’t a bannable offence so why be sorry? Do you think he spared a thought for your killer skills when he was teabagging you repeatedly? Camp, slug and tunnel all the way I say.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Exactly. Just don’t complain when killers tunnel you into the dirt and face camp you into oblivion also😂

  • Member Posts: 98

    here's a tip stop telling people how to feel about #########.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    I thought you liked Cheers and had made several posts about him? Unless that's another person, in which case I'm sorry for bringing it up.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    It's possible to have multiple exes lol.

    Cheers/Dan was amazing. The best person I knew. I still love him with all my heart.

    Sam was... No :)

  • Member Posts: 967

    But it's the survivor getting triggered ...

    And it does not have 'zero' impact on a game.

    Dbd is a mind game w emotions involved. That's why the teabagging exists. Becuz it DOES have a impact. It changes the way the game is being played.

    A lot of things annoy ppl.

    U gotta be a Buddhist monk w shaved head eating veggies all day, than u can play dbd without being triggered becuz u got camped. Or tunnelled. Or mori'd.

    Hardcore StarCraft players would only laugh at ppl playing dbd. Perhaps this new generation of gamers are easily triggered.

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