The Nightmare

sorrowen Member Posts: 742
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Freddy needs a significant buff and maybe a power rework in his lore he has vast power and he should have that in the dreamworld. It is not very much fun playing Freddy as he is countered heavily by self care a survivor main stay so that weakness needs to be addressed. He is the weakest of the movie killers in the game and he shouldn't be I purpose he has the ability to warp around the map but not like nurse but it gives him more map control. Also the dream state should have a progressive state the longer you are in the harder it becomes to escape. As we saw with the pig a killer can have multiple abilities Freddy should be able to manipulate the dreamworld at will. Erasing pallets or even changing layouts basically make him the nightmare not the killer survivor's mock like they currently do. Make games with him nightmarish :)

P.S. I just trashed his daily because it wasn't practical and very unenjoyable


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    The rework I did propose for a while now :

    Make him visible at all times.
    Make him able to hit awake survivors.
    He would still be able to put survivors to sleep
    24 meter terror radius.
    Heartbeat sounds when not asleep.
    Lullaby when asleep, non directional, without sound increase if he's close to make it harder to read.
    Make Freddy to "Blink" and disappear sporadically from the survivor's prospective when in dream mode, especially if the survivor stays asleep for an extended period of time.
    Remove his Aura reading ability out of heartbeat.

    Would fix most of his issues for both sides. He wouldn't be invisible anymore tho, which could be pretty boring to people liking that feature, but this feature is also part of his problem.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    @Runiver said:
    The rework I did propose for a while now :

    Make him visible at all times.
    Make him able to hit awake survivors.
    He would still be able to put survivors to sleep
    24 meter terror radius.
    Heartbeat sounds when not asleep.
    Lullaby when asleep, non directional, without sound increase if he's close to make it harder to read.
    Make Freddy to "Blink" and disappear sporadically from the survivor's prospective when in dream mode, especially if the survivor stays asleep for an extended period of time.
    Remove his Aura reading ability out of heartbeat.

    Would fix most of his issues for both sides. He wouldn't be invisible anymore tho, which could be pretty boring to people liking that feature, but this feature is also part of his problem.

    How would you address the self care issue with him?

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @sorrowen said:

    @Runiver said:
    The rework I did propose for a while now :

    Make him visible at all times.
    Make him able to hit awake survivors.
    He would still be able to put survivors to sleep
    24 meter terror radius.
    Heartbeat sounds when not asleep.
    Lullaby when asleep, non directional, without sound increase if he's close to make it harder to read.
    Make Freddy to "Blink" and disappear sporadically from the survivor's prospective when in dream mode, especially if the survivor stays asleep for an extended period of time.
    Remove his Aura reading ability out of heartbeat.

    Would fix most of his issues for both sides. He wouldn't be invisible anymore tho, which could be pretty boring to people liking that feature, but this feature is also part of his problem.

    How would you address the self care issue with him?

    I wouldn't, since being asleep wouldn't be a necessity anymore for him to kill you.
    His sleeping would be mostly used to mindgame survivors, and punish extended chases (aka people wasting your time without trying to break line of sight).
    Making yourself to temporarily disappear would force loopers to early drop pallets or could even get them to get hit since they lost vision on you for enough time for you to run the other way around the pallet area and hit without them being able to see you.

    Basically, this rework would ask for very minimal work since it's basically the same mecanism for him, used in other fashions.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    @Runiver said:

    @sorrowen said:

    @Runiver said:
    The rework I did propose for a while now :

    Make him visible at all times.
    Make him able to hit awake survivors.
    He would still be able to put survivors to sleep
    24 meter terror radius.
    Heartbeat sounds when not asleep.
    Lullaby when asleep, non directional, without sound increase if he's close to make it harder to read.
    Make Freddy to "Blink" and disappear sporadically from the survivor's prospective when in dream mode, especially if the survivor stays asleep for an extended period of time.
    Remove his Aura reading ability out of heartbeat.

    Would fix most of his issues for both sides. He wouldn't be invisible anymore tho, which could be pretty boring to people liking that feature, but this feature is also part of his problem.

    How would you address the self care issue with him?

    I wouldn't, since being asleep wouldn't be a necessity anymore for him to kill you.
    His sleeping would be mostly used to mindgame survivors, and punish extended chases (aka people wasting your time without trying to break line of sight).
    Making yourself to temporarily disappear would force loopers to early drop pallets or could even get them to get hit since they lost vision on you for enough time for you to run the other way around the pallet area and hit without them being able to see you.

    Basically, this rework would ask for very minimal work since it's basically the same mecanism for him, used in other fashions.

    That's reasonable :)

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    The nightmare is perfect the way he is. He was meant as a nightmare, and he is a complete nightmare to play with.  
    Perfect game design.
  • PlasmaPea
    PlasmaPea Member Posts: 7

    My idea for a nightmare buff:

    So the problem with the nightmare is that his power is only a problem to survivors when they are out of the chase, in the chase he has nothing and its fairly easy to get out of the area world anyway (Self care, Saboteur, Bond, adrenaline)

    Give him best base stats:

    • 120% movement speed
    • Longer Lunge
    • A mini form of Brutal Strength or Enduring

    Make him come out of the dream world when the gates are open:
    Freddy's useless in the end game right now, so making him not need to put survivors asleep would be a good fix to this

  • PlasmaPea
    PlasmaPea Member Posts: 7

    This is a preposed change from the devs

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405
    edited June 2018

    Self care no longer wakes up survivors

    That's all I want. He fails at being a hit and run killer because self care is so prominent. He needs some QOL like not autolocking onto awake survivors but the only big balance change I want is for self care to stop gutting his viability.
    (Also give wraith full invisibility and make Freddy have the shimmer.)

  • DaRealxFactor
    DaRealxFactor Member Posts: 30
    I posted this in Balance section:

    Here's my idea for this topic (Freddy Buff) a Freddy main as killer...I think maybe offering a very ultra rare add-on to possibly lock survivors into dream world after being brought into it after so many times (let's say 3). Very similar to the DRs treatment and madness state of mind (Snap out of it). Thing is....only another survivor can wake the sleeping survivor. With this add on, no other method would work to wake up survivor such as gens and missed self-care. There could be an addtional add on to add wake up time (similar to the traps by trapper). This would possibly help w higher ranks, SWF, and seasoned survivors who tend to run circles around Freddy. 
  • FeriousEagle
    FeriousEagle Member Posts: 9

    Remove Self-Care Wake up, Survivors can be hit in the dream transition and give him some Doctor effects while survivors are asleep. Wollah.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    What about making him able to call on the Entity to block windows and pallets for sleeping survivors? After all, in the movies Freddy was the Master of the Dream World.

  • realkiler
    realkiler Member Posts: 3
    PlasmaPea said:

    This is a preposed change from the devs

    This is what we need for Freddy becues he is one off the worse killer's in the game. P.s if  any one say he is op or say he is balance' my good sir or madam you were drop kick as a kid through the window and suferd a small brain damage form the fall and can't tell if something is op so you bag for a nerd." if any one was drop kick a kid I do if sorry for you"
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,155

    Earlier today, I saw someone propose that Skill Checks from perks (Self Care, Sabotage, etc.) don't wake the Survivors up. As I saw this, it would force the Survivors to be a bit more careful with Generators, make them unable to just Self-Care Fail when Freddy is literally right there (very annoying when it does happen) and would force them to actually find others to wake them up. Pretty similar to what was proposed by Sul-Furik.
    Right now, he's not the best killer by any means. I just find him fun to play, which is why I do play him frequently, but he seriously needs help.

  • Bogdan69
    Bogdan69 Member Posts: 2

    Add the slow actions like in the dream world on the dream transition

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,194

    He's just a tunnel machine now tbh