I’m sick to death of start match, walk 10 steps, hear the TR!!!

TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

(Seeing as so many on this forum lack basic comprehension skills, I’d like to add and emphasise that this is NOT a “I’m tired of being found first” rant. Someone is going to be found first, it’s bound to be me some matches. This is not the problem! If I’m found first, I’m found first. What I do have a specific problem with, and what puts me in a “I’m over this” mindset is quite literally when the match starts, and I’m already hearing the TR within the first brief seconds, and already being spotted before I’ve even had time to mentally process where exactly in the map I’ve spawned, and where exactly is the killer coming from. It’s not the killers fault, but this is quite literally blindsiding right at the start of the match.)

I’m so over this crap!!

Match starts.

Take a few steps. (for clarification i mean walk. I’ll say that again. Walk. Just in case that still wasn’t understood, one last time. WALK!)

Try to get my bearings.

Hear the TR.

Still trying to get my bearings AND now try and see WHERE the friggin killers is so I KNOW where I can/can’t hide.

Too late, spotted before I have my bearings.

15 to 30 seconds haven’t even passed.

I really don’t care what the majority consensus is, when this happens to me I just take it and hook suicide. Chases will never be my strong suit, so starting matches like this is just not fun. Not one bit. And matches are more frequently starting like this lately, and it’s completely pissing me off.

Killers, look, I get it. It’s not fun for you when you don’t even spot a survivor before 1, 2, or even 3 gens pop.

But THIS: the extreme OPPOSITE kinda crap isn’t fun for survivors either. Quite frankly it’s BS!!!

Post edited by TheClownIsKing on


  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    if spawn rates were less random, you would get found even more often as the killer would be able to predict where you spawned. So instead of 30 seconds a couple times an hour, it will be 45 seconds most games.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I started matches where I am at edge of killers terror radius as I'm loading in. Sucks when it's a Doctor that immediately uses his power, don't even have a chance to get out of his radius.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    That is NOT what I’m doing at all.

    I’m literally just starting to walk, and within 5 to 10 seconds hear the TR before I’ve even got my bearings and get spotted before I even know where the killer is coming from and before I can stealthily skink away.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Then take 10 steps backwards 4head.

    Fun aside haha, sometimes it'll be like that. Do you go for gens right after spawn? I get that sometimes too but usually like that "kiler comes, hits someone then chases me". So they basically let that now injured Survivor run away to chase me instead.

    When I am sick of that I start uber stealthy until I see someone else gets hit and then I start playing agressive. Especially when I use Deliverance, which basically never happens.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    but do you take the time to thoroughly check your immediate vicinity where you spawned? Survivors can spawn quite close to the killer, but the more likely spots are farther away, i usually don't spend any time, just a few quick looks as im beelining to the farthest gens. If the survivor is hiding, there's no way I'll find them and there's no reason to look for them because of the chances they are there in the first place.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Anything in mind?

    Cause making it more specific will only lead to even more predictable spawnpoints.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited November 2020

    I’m always attempting to be stealthy as the match starts. Not extreme “urban everywhere” stealth, but I’m not foolish enough to suddenly start running anywhere, or foolish enough to jump on the first gen I spawn near. Heck, I’m the kind of survivor that makes an effort to not disturb crows.

    No embellishments here. I mean quite literally I spawn in, match starts, I start walking, repeat WALKING and assessing my bearings, I might have traveled the distance of HALF a tile, I hear the TR, I duck and spin my camera to see where the killer is coming from to know where I should hide, but it’s too late. I’m already spotted and they’re coming straight for me. It’s happened 5 times in the past 2 hours.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m just gonna start stockpiling Vigo’s Shroud and use them as often as possible from now on.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You should wait for "early game collapse" reworking DBD's early game then. That might change the pacing of matches so that you have more time to get ready insted of instantly rushing gens and same for killer.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Get ready for what, exactly? There is literally nothing to do in DBD besides gens, totems, chests, and kills/rescues. Your "getting ready" should be done at the loading screen.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m not rushing gens. I never said I was doing that. I’m literally taking a few steps upon starting and I’m already spotted.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944
    edited November 2020

    Yeah,that happens sometimes.

    I'm not even ten seconds into the match and i already hear terror radius and get chased because i couldn't figure out where the killer is and hide in time.

    However,killing yourself on first hook because you got bad spawns and was found first in a couple matches is ridiculous.

    At least you have all the loops to work with at the beginning of the match.

    Killers however can't do much if they get bad spawns and all 4 survivors spawn on 4 different generator.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    There is an offering that will make you spawn furtest away from a killer

    Also windows of oppertunity. Best survivor perk in the game. Never be caught with your pants down again no matter how quickly the killer finds you

    Other then that go along side the side of the map to the other side where the killer probably spawned or just go to the strongest tile of the map and accept the probably 3 gen chase if the killer takes the bait

    Bassicly if you avoid the open and stay away from the furtest generators where the killer most likely spawned and chances are higher you won't get caught first

    Hook suiciding cause you got found 10 seconds into the game is most certainly not the answer and raises the question if you shouldn't take a break if the slightest inconvience causes you to hate the game enough to instantly leave

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    Walk the other way 😉

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I didn't say you were but it's the main reason why you might be getting spotted so early, killers need to find someone asap due to fast early gens so unless you literally do nothing and just hide they'll find you pretty fast.

    Spawning system is predictable but even so killer can't spawn within some 32ish m from you so you alway have time to hide away to not be spotted first if you want to idle for a minute or two before other people get chased.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Yeah, please do that. Do nothing for 1-2 minutes and wait until somebody gets chased / go down. That’s gonna be of great benefit for the game.

    You will make sure you already lost the match upon starting but hey.

    At least you will not get found early.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278


    I never said it did that either!!

    Why are so many people on this forum he’ll bent on antagonising others?!

    It’s what’s driving me mental about this “community”: there is no actual community.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I mean if he's got problem with getting found early and doesn't want to be found first then it's the best thing to do for him. Let others who might feel more confident in their chases take the aggro. I never said it was good strategy (it isn't obvisouly) but it helps his case.

    It also feels like you don't play solo much as that's exactly what 50% of survivros do casually without thinking about it. I've seen legions of slowly crouching around the map survivors while I'm looping the killer for several minutes. That's just solo experience, if they don't DC instantly they still aren't doing anything usefull, you get used to it after playing solo for a long time.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    If this is something that really annoys you, try running Premonition and not running at the start of the match. If the killer is within your premonition range, you'll know where they're coming from and have a good idea of where to hide. If the killer is outside of your premonition range, then you'll know that you are safe for good moment.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    Can relate.

    Spawned in a match with a Michael who found me like, 2 seconds in.

    Thankfully he just stalked, but my was that a good little jumpscare.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    It didn't used to be that way. Red rank survivors were all pretty good a few years ago when it was only billy / nurse. You would start the game, hear the chainsaw, and sprint to the nearest gen to start working. You were either doing a gen, making a save, or being chased. And that was DBD.

    Now? It's filled with immersive potatoes that I usually wish I was farming instead of playing with. The new killers and meta perks are strong enough the only answer is to genrush and even 1 immersed survivor urban evading around looting chests is enough to get everyone killed. That's probably why the red rank killer kill rates are sky high at the moment.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    ... I play solo constantly and I know that's exactly what happens all the time.

    That's why I wouldn't like to encourage this kind of game style.

  • florke
    florke Member Posts: 28

    I possibly can't fathom the issue here?

    The Killer spawning in closer proximity to Survivors has sort of always been a thing, and given how most maps are designed, this seems like an issue you simply can't really avoid unless you introduce specific game mechanics that will forbid the Killer and Survivors to meet very early on.

    I understand the frustration of spawning in, walking 5 meters and immediately have the Terror Radius pierce your ear drums, though you have to understand that most players are just lucky when it comes to that.

    I often just walk straight for the furthest generators from me when I spawn as Killer and usually end up finding Survivors there because of how the algorithm works which, again, you can hardly avoid unless you fundamentally make adjustments to the game mechanics.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    How many times do I need to put the word “walk” in my post before others will stop saying “try not running”?!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i literally had survivors spawn in my LoS a couple of times.

    like, i spawn in, the cam goes around my character and i already see them standing on a hill xD

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278


    What are people not understanding about this damn post?!?!

    Do people read?!?!

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Honestly the best advice I could give you is to run OoO for 10-20 matches and do nothing but getting chased

    Not everyone can be a godlooper, but to be afraid of getting chased when all the resources are available means that the last thing you should do is avoiding chases.

    This game is first and formost a cat and mouse chase game. Stealth has it's place but not at the start of the match when survivors are at their strongest.

    Honestly forget about stealth at the start, if you aren't on a gen/totem, running to said gen or totem or running to the strongest tile to bait the killer into a long chase you are hurting your team.

    Stealth is later when the resources are starting to run low and/or you're on deathhook

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I want to try and get to the centralised gens before the other idiots cause a 3 gen getting too eager with gens on one side of the map. But I can get there if I approach recklessly can I?

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You’re just being a troll at this point, and deliberately not reading anything I’ve posted here.

    • I’ve repeatedly pointed out on multiple responses here that I DO NOT RUN at the beginning of the match.
    • I’m NOT embellishing anything here. It’s is quite LITERALLY and NOT figuratively, that in the space of just starting to walk at the VERY BEGINNING OF THE MATCH and trying to get myself orientated so that I know EXACTLY where I am in the map, I’m already hearing the TR within a few steps. I’ve maybe not even covered the distance of a whole tile yet. I’m quickly trying to keep a low profile at that point and try and see exactly where the killer is coming from, but it’s too late, I am already spotted because I ducked on the WRONG side of something.
  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    You still focus on shouting and yelling and never answer anything constructive.

    I asked you what surv you play, build, rank, hours etc.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yeah i can understand that but then you shouldn't be surprised you run into the killer. Most killers spawn at one side and go straight to the furthest gen throught the middle. Right where you are going.

    Risk reward, you avoid the 3gen that way but you are putting yourself in harms way by being in the center of the map. Usually that gen will be where the strongest loops are and that's where people will run to while being chased.

    Personally i wouldn't think about the 3 gen situation untill after the first couple of gens are done. Creating safe spots where the killer doesn't want to chase or patrol is way more important i feel.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Yeah, happens to me often.

    Totally understand the frustration.

    Possibly jus coincidence, but nearly everytime it’s usually Bubba trotting over ready to saw me up, Freddy or Legion that seem to start within 20 meters of me.

  • Poiblazer
    Poiblazer Member Posts: 4

    Killing yourself because you can't hide or loop and get caught early?

    Go play a different game this one is quite obviously not for you if you ######### 20 seconds into a match. Your ruining it for your team, for the killer, and for your own mental health.

    I was gonna be a dick in my post. But Ive been where you were in the past when I was younger and had depression.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    None of ANY of that matters, where I before I even figure out where I’ve spawned, the killer is already on me 10 to 15 seconds after starting the match.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    None of that matters anyway in a match where it’s within mere seconds that the killer is already on me.

    I’m not talking about being the first found because of the higher likelihood of already having reached the middle of the match after some time. This is about the frustration of being almost immediately spotted once the match starts. I haven’t even had a chance to properly process where exactly where I’ve spawned in a particular map and get my orientation right inside my mind.