Rework the hook system

JBWarrior Member Posts: 29
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is going to make some people mad. Camping is a major issue and I have an idea to fix it.

I am thinking about if a killer is in x meters to a hooked survivor the timer can stop depending on how close they are. In turn this could stop perks that killers can’t seem to wrap there heads around like ds. This wouldn’t be a terror radius thing

Post edited by Miraak on


  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I agree more should be done to discourage camping, but this just isn't a very good solution as survivors already swarm the hook often. At least if I'm wasting time in a chase I won't win next to the hook because a survivor decided to stick around, their teammate might hit the struggle phase. And if your team lets that happen to you, you can't even blame the killer

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Camping is discouraged mechanically. You lose points in the Chaser catagory for camping, if the survivors do gens (how you deal with a face camper), 3-4 gens can be finished before the person on hook dies.

    Camping only works against overly altruistic survivors.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    How about there be a hard limit in place for how long you're on the hook?

    Like getting saved then getting rehooked doesn't skip phases. Just hits you with a unskippable status effect or something.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 922

    Think BVHR had something like this in the game before and Survivors abused it so badly they just removed the mechanic.

  • Jennixya
    Jennixya Member Posts: 11

    I'm here since the begining and that's false. The game never had such a mechanic.

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2020

    Look, killers need to camp sometimes.

    Let me use pig as an example. Pig is good for this hypothetical scenario because she is a killer who doesn't tunnel.

    When pig hooks someone, she needs to look for a new target so she can put a trap on their head. She can't stick around because killers MUST keep as much pressure on the survivors as possible or lose. Killers don't get to be absent minded because gens fly at such a rate that it is impossible to get enough hooks to win the game unless you can keep 3 survivors busy at a time.

    Now pig is good at keeping survivors busy, that is her main power. But what happens if either

    A) You have three survivors busy and only one person is free.


    B) You have no bear traps available to slow the game down and there are still four survivors alive.

    In both scenarios, the objective best course of action is to proxy camp and wait for a rescue so you can punish it and get someone out of the game.

    Killers absolutely can not 12 hook the survivors one by one. If you want that to be the case the beg behavior for survivor nerfs so that can actually be possible or some serious killer buffs so that snowballs happen more often, but I doubt you want either of those.

    When you consider that DBD is just a game about chasing, and you figure out that at the highest level of play, the chase is survivor sided and results in the killer having to spend a lot of time trying to down their target, you have to understand that killers can't completely throw away tools such as camping and tunneling without the game being impossible.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited November 2020

    Your idea was tested on the very first ptb.

    Survivors went in and abused it so hard, the devs decided its not worth it to think about testing/implementing it ever again.

    Doesnt matter newer suggestion of this idea come with more conditions.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you do NOT loose points in the chaser category, you loose emblem progress when you are within 8 meters of the hook and not in a chase.

  • Jennixya
    Jennixya Member Posts: 11

    Emblem points/progress lost in the gardian (not sure of the name in english, the first one, for defending gens) one indeed.

    And no it's if you are near the hook (16m ? I'm not sure of the number) and if no survivor is in the same perimeter. If the killer is facecamping but other survivors stay near the hooked one, the killer will not lose emblem points.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    it may be 16m, i thought it was 8. but the only time the penalty to the emblem progress (reduces how much you've pushed for that one emblem and thus penalizes you on your pipping system) is stopped is when the game registers you in a chase. doesn't matter if your survivor is outside of the range but just if the game registers a chase it stops penalizing you, and then restarts the penalty if the chase ends.

    What you are thinking about i believe is the perk camaraderie from steve where it stops the struggle timer of the person on a hook if the survivor is within a specific range.

  • Jennixya
    Jennixya Member Posts: 11

    If survivors are near the hook (crouching for example) and the killer camping, he will not have emblem penalty, even if not in a chase. It was on a livestream when they announced that feature back then. There even was pictures and examples to illustrate. So maybe it changed after but I haven't seen anything about that recently.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the description i've seen specifically says in a chase but i could be wrong, but I will say this I've seen them right by the hook and I had no chase I still got penalties.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Guess it was about time for this to rear it's head again.

    It was tried, once upon a time in a test build. Guess what happened? Survivors led killer to the hooked teammate and then looped him there for as long as possible.

    Theres only one way to eliminate camping altogether, and that it for Survivors to die on first hook. Even then, the dudes who are really committed to camping because they do it to ruin people's day will just camp slugs instead of hooking them.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Killers should be able to camp, its a Horror Trope from the movies.

    If you dont want Killers to have free will or movement, I dont think this is the game for you.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    camping is only viable due to how easily lil brain survivors all rush in while no one does gens.

    Other times its just malicious but tbh camping is usually motivated by how easily lil brains are baited for chasing (say while drooling) mOrE pOiNtS. Best killer perk imo is WGLF.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    The problem with the current hook system is that unhooking gives a lot of points, more than you can get during the same time repairing gens, so all survivors usually swarm the hook, it gets worse if you play solo and you don't know if anyone else is going for a save already. And if no one comes soon enough, the hooked survivor gets pissed off, attempts to escape, goes to the second hook stage and suicides.

    Just stopping the timer is not an option. What if you play against a stealth killer, if the timer stops running, it will alert you, that the killer is lurking nearby.

    As I suggested in another thread, first of all I would remove suicide on hook.

    A simple overall fix could be to make both hook stages longer, so that if you decide to camp as a killer, it's up to you, but you should expect that other survivors can do enough gens while you camp. Camping shouldn't pay off for the killer point-wise, right now it usually does. Camping should be an option if you really want some survivor to die, for example because you feel pissed as a killer because you were t-bagged, but in return you should expact, that most likely you will lose the match.

    I would also slightly increase points gain for repairing generator, I think it's needed, but not too much, to make sure survivors still come for a save.

  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 409

    That mecanic did exist, but in the beta. As far as I know

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I don't know if someone has already made this point but that could easily just take the game hostage. Being camped isn't fun, but at least there's a hook timer so it can eventually end. If I encountered a killer that was extremely determined to kill me, and I had teammates that tried to get me instead of doing gens then the game could become veeeeery boring.