Remember the start game collapse idea?

So I was just thinking the other day. Hey what happened to that like start of game objective idea. Like something before the gens you have to do before being able to start working on gens? It would slow down the game without it feeling forced by gen speeds and give killers a better chance early game so gens don't fly seemingly no matter what they do and it would be new and fun. Matches have gotten stale. Looping is only fun for a time until you realise hey wait I'm doing the exact same thing again as last game. It would add a new layer to each game. Since game modes don't seem to ever be happening it would help add a new bit of fun for those players who don't find endless chasing to be the fun part.

Idk I think some perks would need slight changes but honestly I thought this was a good idea and that there were rumours floating around about it, but nothing ever came of it?

What do you guys think? Let's discuss it. I don't just say gens are fine cuz their not. If survivors spread themselves across the map there is virtually nothing a killer can do. It isn't fun for anyone.

