What makes doctor hated or annoying?

Ok so I'm a doctor main, and I would like to hear opinions about what makes him annoying or hated.



  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    He's fine some just don't like his anti looping which annoys them. Or impossible skill check doctor. But I haven't seen one of those in a while.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    I have a couple friends that hate Madness level 1 cannot be removed. I know it has very little impact, but it is the only status effect that cannot be removed via any option and my friends will ######### the entire night because of this. (Mechanics with no counter play ruins their fun in ANY game)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Everyone hates on some Killer it seems. I suppose they hate how the Doctor can reveal them all, no matter where they hide. I find that a bit odd, since there are other Killers that can do that too (and better). I wouldn't worry about the Doc hate; just play the game and ignore it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    For most people it's about him being anti-stealth with his static blast. I on the other hand hate his static blast because it has a huge radius that guarantees madness on you. Against a good doctor, it feels like you're just breaking out of lvl 3 madness half the match, especially with his pink add-ons. I feel like a longer cooldown on his static blast is in order, because it's like Meyer's lvl 3 where it's supposed to be a once in a while ability, but it feels like it goes off every 30 seconds.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    Hmmm, I don't hate the Doctor, but I think madness should reset to tier 1 when you're off hook. Makes tunneling too easy without much to do about it.

    Oh, and the screams when you're down, because you can't get out of madness there too.

    For me, that's it.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited November 2020

    I used to hate his passive madness build up. That's all really. People act like his anti-loop is suepr strong but ti really only works on short loops. Using it on longer loops usually ends with the pallet still up and wasting a lot of time. So some Doctors screw themselves in the long run by using their power too much and giving the survivors too much power at stronger loops late game.

    That said I've had bad memories of a LOT of Doctor players getting you to madness 3. Leaving the hook, and immediately beelining back. More so than any other killer I've ever played.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    For me I think he is fine, but what makes him annoying is his lunge looks weird and it has me wondering at times how his hits connect.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    Running Doctor with Whispers guarantees you'll get easy chases. Combined with his anti-loop, action lock in Madness 3, and powerful perks like PGTW/Ruin/NOED/Etc, he can be pretty sinister if played well.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Add on the fact if you just got smacked with BT while in T3 Madness and you're actually screwed unless you find someone to help you.

    Personally, I've got no issue with Doc. He's a favourite of mine to use. I just really don't like the constant static effect on screen since that messes with my FPS on PS4.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Stealthy players are annoyed by his complete counter to their playstyle, and loopers are annoyed by how his power explicitly takes away their ability to preform vaults, pallet drops, and other actions easily in chase.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    1) The doctor can easily reveal your location. And if he shocks you enough times and you end up working hard to lose him, you’ll just scream and all that hard work was for nothing

    2) all a doctor has to do is shock you as you run towards a window or a pallet and it’s a free hit

    3) he can disable the use of your flashlight and medkit

    4) sometimes his skillchecks could be impossible (like the reverse skillchecks that appear on the side of the screen. It should be one or the other not both)

    5) now that he has shocked you and disable your item from being used, and you got away but you ended up screaming and revealed your location. He runs at you and you have to move. You see a window ahead and a pallet to your left. You run to the pallet because it will be safer than the window, he gets close as you get to the pallet. Only for the pallet to turn out to be imaginary, adding for the ultimate cherry on top along with every other bs thing that has happened that game. He downs you.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Why do people hate anti loop killers. Sure it can be fun but its also fun to change things up everyone in a while. Thats why whenever I play against a nurse I always have fun because I can't use conventional methods to go against her.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    His chase music

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    I would pay money for a DLC that takes Doc out of the game.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    For me what makes doctor annoying is that he can shock you through floors when you're above or below him. I play doctor when I get a daily for him but I don't usually. and when you scream it stops any action you're doing.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    He's a bit like a young child that just had too much sugar. Constantly banging around, making noise, interrupting everything, making everyone scream, etc.

    I don't mind myself, but I think that's why some people don't like him, he's very disruptive and the skill-checks can be frustrating.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465

    The only annoying things about him to me is my character screaming for most of the match and his laugh.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    He's strong, has decent anti-loop, and good anti-stealth. Survivors already hate the first two things on any Killer. Anti-stealth is just icing on the cake. You also have to play a little differently against him, another thing Survivors hate.

  • nina1121
    nina1121 Member Posts: 127

    Personally? He's fine his laugh irritates me but he's definitely not one of killeers I would hate I like when I'm matched with him into match it's fun and challenging

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited November 2020

    Constant screaming, frame drops, RNG screams giving him free hits is a pet hate for me; if he uses his power to do it then wellplayed for timing it correctly, but if it's an RNG tier 3 scream it's not earned, and frustrating to happen.

    Backwards skillchecks also shouldn't be a thing, and also if he has the right add-ons, he can easily track you no matter where you are through illusionary doctors; (is that discipline? I can't remember) that doesn't feel particularly fair, either, since there's nothing you can personally do better to stop it.

    But overall, he's an average killer and I don't wish any nerfs to him - he's just annoying as hell.

    Oh, I also forgot: Deep Wounds and Tier 3. Tier 3 overrides mending, so you will go down if you don't find someone else to mend you before you snap out, meaning that you will be screaming, giving away your location on the regular while mending (not even healing) when it's likely you've just been hit with BT, meaning you're easier to find and tunnel.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 308

    I wrote a post on this once lol...

    He can: Shock to find out where you are, shock to stop you from vaulting or throwing pallets, give you reverse and out of place skill checks, give you the inability to heal teammates before snapping out of it, can shock to interrupt totem cleansing or any of those short of actions, can make you see fake pallets, can make you see clones of himself (Which with an add-on, he can see), and when you're madness level is high, you occasionally scream also, which reveals your location.

    Now... Lets take all of that and put it on top of the meta perks (barb, nurses, surveillance, discordance, etc etc etc) how the hell are you supposed to play against him and still go "This is a fun game!"

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572

    I have no problems with his gameplay. It's the stupid constant screaming in my ears and garbage happening all over my screen that I hate. He also has a tendency to drag 3 gens out way longer than they need to be.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    It's usually a playstyle thing. Most Doctors are fairly easy to loop and the anti-stealth is whatever. The annoying thing is that the Doctor starter pack seems to include an ebony mori, bloodlust 3, and a bizarre 3 gen strat that won't work against anybody good.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    Because he has way too many fuggin abilities. He can insta detect my whole team so it doesn't matter if I run calm spirit since he always has a target to chase down. They really didn't need to tack that ability on. Then every single loop and vault in the game is unsafe. Then he makes hallucinations to annoy with. Then he makes skill checks harder. Then by the end of the game I'm tier 3 madness and can't do #########. Then since they don't need tracking perks they all run NOED. Stupid.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    I don’t understand why the others use noted it’s a wast of a perk slot. I just get my kills during the game

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    The only thing I don't like about Doc is not an issue with the killer it's the strange interaction between Deep Wounds and Madness and how the latter takes precedence over the former. If I stop to snap out of it, the deep wounds clock starts ticking and it's not always possible to finish before being in the dying state.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Some of my friends hate him because his madness messes with their anxiety something fierce. Way worse than anyone else besides Hag. Between the Doc illusions, the Doc face that pops up on your screen, the fact that unless you're listening *very closely* Static Blast can also easily be surprising and not in a good way... yeah. He's got a ton of semi random jump scares in his kit.

    I personally don't hate him, but I didn't see anyone mention this aspect of him so I thought I'd chime in.

  • DickWarlock
    DickWarlock Member Posts: 10

    It's just the sounds for me, too many sounds.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    If you wanna use this against a survivor, follow him out of chase making it seems like you're trying to pin point his location. Make them go stealth so they won't hold shift as not to trigger scratch marks and the deep wounds will start running. After sometime you can let them go and they will fall on the ground if they can't find someone else to mend. In the meanwhile they will be in screaming periodically Madness 3, unable to Snap Out, Mend, Repair, Cleanse, Self Care, Heal others, Use items, or let go of the Shift Key.

    As a doc you might not be able to apply by yourself, but you can punish BT/SG severely.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    Ebony Mori? I rarely see Docs with a Mori. For me Legion and Deathslinger bring more Moris than usual.

    Also my Docs tend to use their shock instead of relying on Bloodlust. What region are you in? I'm in NA East.

    You'll finish most of the time. BT tier 2 and 3 timers last long enough for you to Snap Out of It. Just do not walk at all, always run in some way (even if it's a small circle). You can also have another Survivor mend you. I'm a red rank Doc main and I rarely have people go down from Deep Wound. It is going to be close but I promise you will not go down from Deep Wound with tier 2 or 3 BT.

    The only situation where you're screwed is tier 1 BT but that's only a tier 1 perk so it's obviously not going to be as effective as its tier 2 and 3 counterparts.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited November 2020

    If you are good with him, you get berated for playing a "boring" killer no joke.

    People find him unfun to play against a good doctor because they usually time their shocks very well which can rob them of a pallet vault, window vault, pallet drop, and DH. They don't like his anti-stealth capabilities too.

    Post edited by Yords on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I'm NA East. It is true about Legion and Slinger and moris. I get bloodlusted quite a bit because I'm good at maintaining distance on the shocks. I think a lot of players just get used to survivors camping pallets. ArchdruidDrey and SpaceHamster down me fairly quick with shocks. They're elite Docs though.

  • DoctorDarling
    DoctorDarling Member Posts: 44

    Wait how can you NOT know what makes the doctor super annoying? LOL

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    When players don't hide in lockers. It alway's stuns me when I am playing against a doctor and I hear 2-3 people scream from his Static Blast. Like have ya'll never heard of a locker?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Long story short, nobody likes denial. That's all Doc is about: Denial. Denying stealth. Denying healing. Denying generators. Denying pallets. Denying windows. Denying exit gates. Everything Doc does is about removing an ability from the survivors already-barren arsenal. It's pretty understandable that people hate him.

    Personally, I just hate that his add-ons are so ridiculously strong.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    I don't like his brain dead 1/2 map air shock. I figured out how to use lockers but honestly there's no way on some maps to avoid not getting hit by that move.

  • Xeticus
    Xeticus Member Posts: 71

    I don't play survivor so I didn't know that was a thing. And it seems kind of terrible.

  • Xeticus
    Xeticus Member Posts: 71

    The funny thing to me is that Doctor is so weak in certain areas. No mobility like Nurse or Hag or Billy. No 1 shot down ability like Billy or Bubba or Oni. No range like Huntress or Slinger. For all the things they can do they are still an m1 killer with normal speed.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    He's only an m1 killer if the survivors hold W. No matter what, he always has the very powerful ability that is his shock therapy attack. I'm not saying that he's overpowered by any means - any killer than can be looped by running in a straight line and instadropping pallets isn't that strong in my book.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited November 2020

    The noise... and the constant Screaming it's all so f#%& loud

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited November 2020

    I personally just find his gameplay somewhat stale. A good Doctor who is effective with their shocks are boring in my opinion to play against because it really just turns into a game of looping a pallet with the Doctor shocking over and over. Either that or countering the shocking by just dropping a pallet and holding W.

    Some maps you can chain loops a little better better than others, so those are the maps where I find Doctor to be more interesting to face. But on a map like Shelter Woods Doctor makes me wish I never booted up DBD for the day.

    Not to mention, the 3 gens. When it comes down to it, I'll just die on hook whenever a Doc gets a 3 gen. I had a game once with a Doc that lasted 20 minutes. Absolutely brutal. Lol

    This is just my opinion on him though.

  • Lastwurdz
    Lastwurdz Member Posts: 7

    i would consider myself a doctor main. and i admit it is annoying playing against him lol. probably because it always seem like he's nearby and you have to pay more attention to everything from the false terror radius, to illusions, to skill checks.

    a really fun build i been playing as doc is Coulrophobia, overwhelming presence, Frankin's demise, and distressing. with the purple and yellow calm addons. i thought i'd struggle with no gen defense but nope. i have been destroying people. no one respects overwhelming presence but when survivors cant heal in your massive terror radius they dont know what to do. i played 1 game where someone used that perk and the second i started to healing with a medkit there wasnt enough charge left. i was like #########.

    so yea, he's annoying.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Here's why I hate him:

    -I just want to stealth. That's not possible vs Doctor without lockers.

    -Reverse skill checks are annoying to deal with when I'm trying to do literally anything else. Even having a conversation with my siblings but a check comes up and it screws me over.

    -Madness is annoying. I hate the screaming so much.

    -Most doctors just shock spam. Over and over at the loop without making progress. Sure, I keep looping, but again I hate the screaming.

    -The VFX give me headaches.

    -Most doctors I face are either console (why do that to your already ######### FPS I don't know) or from Russia, and so their hits really, really, really shouldn't connect and yet they do and it makes me sad.

    So yeah that's why I hate the Doctor :)

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited November 2020

    The shut down of loops and immersion you either play one or the other doctor just takes them both away. Same can be said for Fred and ph in a sense they shut down loops and as well as something like gen control or no hook saves allowed in alot of situation.

    Some killers can be very oppressive in certain scenarios not very fun but to each his own players just accept it or they DC give up or what have you. Alot of killers have a power that can be abused the same way ds unbreakable can such as legion going for just one guy huntress aiming at hooked guy and in doctors case slug to win you can't heal if you're in madness.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Constantly screaming, his chase music is pretty obnoxious, snapping out of it is not much different to Deep wound in terms of tediousness but you do it slightly less than DW.

    Idk he's just an annoying killer, and since he's designed to make you annoyed I don't mind it so much. His chase power is whatever on its own but with range add-ons and discipline it's rather disgusting, borderline broken and BHVR really need to take another look at some of his add-ons.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited November 2020
    • Constant screaming
    • No cooldown for Shock Therapy, contributing to first bullet
    • Static Blast (free madness and detection every minute or sooner)
    • Free detection from illusions in madness II
    • Built-in Deerstalker (downed survivor in madness III)

    In my opinion, they just needed to remove the need to switch between stances.. then they went and added Static Blast. Braindead killer ability, takes away any need for hunting and tracking skills. Maybe, just maybe if they increased the Static Blast cast time to five seconds (actual time to get into a locker slowly), it'd be ok. Tired of trying to get into a locker slowly, and I'm basically all the way in yet still scream.