Just played against an... odd killer?

If somebody knows what they were trying to do here please tell me, I'm so confused. I just started playing survivor so this might be something that happens often and I just don't know it but-

We were playing against the Hillbilly.

He would keep getting us down, leave the body to hit other survivors and never return to pick up the bodies. We would keep helping each other up even when he had plenty of time to come and collect us. Sometimes he would just stand there and stare at us and let us escape without even trying to hit us. I think he downed me three times? But he only went to hook me once. He also trapped me on a porch for awhile... But then hit me and let me go. So that was fun. There was only one person that ended up dying and the rest of us escaped but even then he hardly tried to stop us from doing so. The round went on so long because he would chase us off from generators and such, but never actually hook us.

Oh and once he picked me up and purposefully dropped me three times. Obviously I wiggled free since it boosts your wiggle bar 25%(?) every time they drop you.

Anyway, does anyone know what he was doing?
