Basement Rework

I kinda feel like the basement needs a second entrance or something. If a killer hooks a survivor in the basement especially early in the match then it feels like the survivors have extremely poor odds if the killer is halfway decent and camps the area. I understand that BT and DS and Deliverance and second chance perks can help but for the most part unless I am in a 3 or 4 man SWF then its game over and sometimes even then unless of course the killer leaves the area to chase someone that is accross the map.
I could be wrong but to me It seems that killers are way more likely to camp basement than they are to camp a random hook in general. Which in turn takes away from the fun of the game.
And when I lose to a killer that was camping basement it doesn't feel like I was outplayed but more like I lost because of a poorly designed area and or RNG of where the basement spawned.
I don't think the basement itself is a bad idea. Having an area that survivors want to avoid or be cautious of is ok but I just don't think that its current design is good for the game.
The Basement is supposed to be a dangerous spot for Survivors.
Its not poor design, its intended Design.
Your teammate should have located the Basement and stayed away from it.
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the problem with the current version of the basement is that there are killers that can insta-down players who enter the basement to rescue their teammate. Bubba for instance is someone nobody wants to deal with so they rather leave their teammate to die than risk a rescue.
Now if there was a second entrance/exit, people would be more willing to go for the rescue. A hidden door perhaps that needs to be activated before the second entrance/exit becomes available for the players to take advantage of. Similar to totems, the switch could be hidden randomly in the map and activating the switch would take time similar to cleansing.
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Just because a design choice is intended doesn't necissarily mean it is a good design, By that logic there should still be 2 pallets and a window at every jungle gym because thats how things were at the start back in 2016 and thats what the devs intended. But that was obviously a poor design so they fixed it. And unfortunately everyone can't always stay away from the basement do to the overall design of the game.
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Yeah something like that would be great. It would keep the basement a dangerous spot but it would give survivors options to help deal with it.
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It takes 10 seconds and match start to run up to the shack and see if the steps are there. You should be avoiding or looping near the shack dependant on that.
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I can assure you, there are plenty of reasons to run to the area of the basement despite knowing of its location. Now, I bet your next argument is "well, that's your problem then, you know the risk" but that only leads us back to the root of the problem.
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The basement is only really strong if its on an already territorial killer like the Trapper, Hag, Demo or Leatherface for obvious reasons. If you make the massive misplay of going down near the basement you played into their strengths. That's on you.
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Spawn points don't always work like that, sometimes they do but not always. Depending on where you spawn in relation to the killer you might not have a choice but to go to shack if it is the only safe spot you can make it to before you had a chance to check it for the basement.
The basement is actually very strong for every killer even wraith and legion. Just not as strong as it is for killers with oneshots or huntress or plague with corrupt purge or something like that.
I agree that sometimes it is a survivors fault for going down too close to the basement but that doesn't change the fact that a large portion of the map (A certain radius around the basement) is certainly unbalanced without reasonable counterplay if just one person goes down in said radius. Unless you are SWF with a good 3 or 4 man and probably still needing to run the correct perks just to have a chance.
Im not saying that the basement itself is a bad idea I just think the development team can come up with something to make it better. And it still be the most dangerous place on the map.
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I don't think the risk of the basement is its problem to most. Its that the basement incourages camping and id say incouraging camping is poor design. Also needing BT a perk to actual escape from there isnt good design. Its like DS, anti tunneling should be a mechanic not a perk, of course DS has its problems and needs some changes but perks shouldn't be needed they should just be fun or have a new playstyle.
Also you can't just stay away from the basement theres always 3-4 gens close enough to it