Lightweight rework idea
The current state of lightweight is your scratch marks disappear 1/2/3 seconds sooner than normal, however, I think that this perk can be changed to be more effective, not saying it’s useless, just a change idea. Instead of making your scratch marks disappear faster, I feel like it should decrease noise made by running, walking, landing off heights and interacting with the environment (like grass moving as you move) by 50/75/100%, or it could make your scratch marks spawn slightly/moderately/considerably separated or fainter.
3 seconds is really helpful you know...
But they could add that too yes
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Is it really that helpful? Whenever I use it it doesn't seem to make an impact.
Also I like the idea
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Yes, whenever I use it, I feel no difference and I don't see anyone use it for that reason. I would rather see it make scratchmarks less dense and spread them more instead. That would be really helpful.
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They said on a stream Q and A a few yeasr back that they were considering adding that as a sub feature to the perk as it was underused. Never materialised unfortunately.
3 Seconds off 10 seconds isn't incredible.
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decreasing falls, footstep noises by 50/60/70% sounds good enough for me, 100% is a bit unfair imo.