So A Survivor Told Me They Can See Me While Cloaked...

I already reported it as a bug JUST in case.
Worst comes to worst: They just trolled me and my report is useless.
But after the match was over, they said they could see me while cloaked because of my outfit.
The outfit in question is the full Phantom of Vengeance outfit.
I can't tell if they're trolling or not as they were regularly friendly otherwise, but the mention of them seeing me, a.k.a. the mention of them countering my Killer Power with no effort at all, already made me switch back to a different cosmetic combination i also like.
I'm here to ask you: Have you encountered a Wraith yet who wears this outfit?
And if so, were you able to see them while cloaked?
I feel like I've heard this before. Something about the fire particles showing up even when you were cloaked. I haven't seen a Wraith wearing this skin yet, and all of the times I played Wraith with this skin equipped nobody told me I was glitched. Perhaps it is a very situational bug that happened to you, or perhaps the player is trolling you.
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I've seen the bug before. I was playing against a wraith with that cosmetic and I could see the fire effects on his back normally, even when he was cloaked.
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Yeah, I've seen it when I play survivor, you can see the flames on the shoulders when the wraith is cloaked, hopefully it does get fixed since that cosmetic looks cool.
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Thanks for letting me know! 👍️
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Wraith is only 100% invisible if he is standing still while cloaked. On an open map, you can see his shimmer comming if you're aware, no matter what cosmetic he uses. The skin the OP postet is known for really bad stealth tho, which makes it even easier to see him, idk if it's intentional or a bug.
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Inconvenient? Yes. Metal AF? Also yes.