So A Survivor Told Me They Can See Me While Cloaked...

Boss Member Posts: 13,616

I already reported it as a bug JUST in case.

Worst comes to worst: They just trolled me and my report is useless.

But after the match was over, they said they could see me while cloaked because of my outfit.

The outfit in question is the full Phantom of Vengeance outfit.

I can't tell if they're trolling or not as they were regularly friendly otherwise, but the mention of them seeing me, a.k.a. the mention of them countering my Killer Power with no effort at all, already made me switch back to a different cosmetic combination i also like.

I'm here to ask you: Have you encountered a Wraith yet who wears this outfit?

And if so, were you able to see them while cloaked?

