Hacker punishment question

Hello, as I am new to this community, only have ~100 hours in the game, I have a question about how hacking is addressed.
Does reporting hackers do anything? Is the staff responsive to these reports or are they just ignored for months, maybe even forever?
EDIT: nvm, it was Mad Grit, never even knew such a perk existed
Here's the story.
I just had a match with a facecamping trapper who literally hooked survivors and placed 4 traps around the hook and just waited for them to die, minimal 5m radius patrol path. Even so, he wasn't a very good player, so he was quite easy to juke and only managed to get one kill before the exit gates open, the guy who was downed at the start of the game, and the last one being myself after the others escaped.
The thing is, when he was carrying me on his shoulder he went for the exit gates where the other two survivors were waiting and suddenly my Wiggle bar refused to advance anymore, and at the same time, he was literally swinging 4/5 times a second at the survivors, even managed to down one out of surprise but he was safe as he was right at the exit and fell to his escape. I assume he just got really pissed off at being outplayed even with his facecamping and activated his hacks as a last resort at the exit gates to try his luck at getting a 4k.
Obviously this was amusing, but counting the fact that he was the most toxic facecamping killer I have ever encountered and he also turned out to be a hacker pissed me off to the point where I even bookmarked his steam profile to check it once in a while to see if he was banned.
The killer probably had Mad Grit perk.
Reports if made correctly are taken very seriously - in game reports must be made and further evidence ie Video must be sent to Support.
Also @Foohy the forums operate a no Naming & Shaming policy, so I've removed the link and request you put, please be aware we do not tolerate people attempting to start witch hunts against other players here.
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I think posting profiles is a big no no, friend.
It also sounds like this may have just been the perk Mad Grit being used.
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Wow I actually never heard of that perk, it looked so glitchy on my screen I was sure it was hacks.
And sorry for linking the profile.
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You need to have video evidence of the hack and send it in with your support ticket. You also need to report them in-game. If you didn't record it then you're out of luck since they need both.
That being said, I don't think that Trapper was hacking. Sounds like he had the perk Mad Grit. No cooldowns on swinging when you're carrying a survivor, and hitting a survivor causes the wiggle bar to pause for a few seconds. Of course if he didn't have that perk then he was hacking, but I've seen a lot of wrongful cheating accusations due to Mad Grit.
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Yep, after looking at the perk I can definitely say that it fits the story too well for it not to be the case, even if I didn't look at the perks.
Bad call on my part.