

Should Camping/Tunneling be reportable offenses?

Member Posts: 2

I know myself and many others often suffer from being tunneled or facecamped by killers on a regular basis, and the prevailing opinion seems to be that it's rude at best and actively malicious at worst, ultimately sabotaging everyone's enjoyment of the game. Upon last check, it is specifically listed as NOT a reportable offense; do you think this should be changed?

Should Camping/Tunneling be reportable offenses? 122 votes

16 votes
86 votes
Maybe there's another solution?
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  • Member Posts: 25

    They could just make it so the killer gets punished for doing so. For example less BP if the same survivor has been downed within a minute or something (only if the killer hadn't chased anyone one else in this time)

    They already do the less BP if you're near the hook.

    I mean either way a killer will find a way to camp and tunnel and luckily most high rank killers don't do it. But if they need to camp/tunnel to get the kill then they got to do what they've got to do.

  • Member Posts: 231

    God no. I love getting face camped. It makes me feel like I got under their skin in some way by doing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Plus why should it be bannable? If I just want to blend in p3 on Yamaoka or Saloon for half an hour or more and watch the killer’s soul be sucked away, that shouldn’t either.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    In the same line of thought.

    Should extended continous repairing of gens be bannable?

    When survivors scream about camping within seconds, the same rule should work for gens, eh?

    (Obviously bait and sarcasm)

  • Member Posts: 2

    I'm not suggesting that survivors can't also be horrible and toxic; it just seems like facecamping and tunneling aren't really discouraged at all in the current state of the game, especially since killers tend to not at all care for bp (see: the large number of games that run around 3-4 streamers and the killer facecamps them and gets less points from a 4k than they would have by actually playing the game)

    I have DEFINITELY had my blood boil over getting instablinded, teabagged at, clicky clicky survivors, etc. I think it's trash, but they get away with being complete pricks, and while it's not cheating by any stretch, it definitely stalls games with no consequence because it isn't at all reportable, not even for a warning or a temp ban or something. I'm not saying every facecamping killer should be permabanned, but there just doesn't seem to be any structure in place for discouraging the behavior that's been turning DBD into one of the most toxic video game communities in the last decade. I just wanna stab and be stabbed for fun and not feel like I wanna punch a wall when I hit high ranks.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    Is tunneling gens also going to be reportable?

    No because that's the objective.

    Same for killers but with kills.

  • Member Posts: 45

    How would they determine camping or tunneling?

    8 meters? 16 meters? what if a survivor is looping near the hooked person? Is that camping?

    Is it if DS goes off? How recently they were unhooked? what if I hooked 1-2 people before they were unhooked? is that tunneling? Deliverance off hook in my face? Is that tunneling?

    You can't punish something that every has different opinions on the definition of.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Killrushing (tunnelling and camping) is the killer equivalent of survivors generatorrushing. In both instances the player plays in the most optimal way to finish their objective (killing and surviving).

    Both of these tactics are extremely frustrating to verse, because they minimise the amount of interactions between the sides.

    Instead the developers should rework the objectives of each sides to be less frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It has way too many grey areas. Not just that, but where people may claim they were tunnelled or camped when actually it was nothing like it.

    Like it or not, they are strategies. In some cases it's the only road to take. I don't like it any more than the next, but just go to the next round and see if you can learn anything from that round.

  • Member Posts: 967
    edited October 2020

    The biggest problem w banning campers is that, if what u claim is true. That u regularly get camped and tunneled, than u end up banning lots of killers leaving u to wait forever just to play a game.

    All those killers switching to survivors will make matchmaking lopsided on top of the situation of already being lopsided.

    I'm ok w tunnelling and camping. It's either that, or don't play.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Probably the most ######### poll I've ever seen. Just use DS lmao

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Baring 3rd party cheating or something, strategic decisions should never be reportable, and thus rules that could sometimes make strategic decisions reportable should not be made.

    No matter how toxic a strategy is, optimizing is something people are naturally inclined to do.

    As such: If camping is ever optimal, but bannable, then it feels completely BS to the Killer, moreso than being camped by far and in a much more prevalent way.

    And if camping is NOT optimal, then it is already inherently discouraged by that same instinct, so making it banable anyways just gives rise to potential extreme frustration in niche scenarios. People will try it, fail because it's a bad idea, and move on.

  • Member Posts: 31

    It really shouldn't, there's situations where you have no choice but to tunnel (A survivor having a key with the hatch already spawned for example)

    And also, what counts as tunneling or face camping. How often have you been accused of tunneling even tho you literally didn't tunnel at all? It would probably cause a lot of confusion.

    They totally should however punish a killer for camping in some way not too game changing, to discourage people from doing it.

    And maybe add extra bloodpoints for chasing a different survivor every time.

  • Member Posts: 28

    only if clicking you flashlight and teabaging is reportable.

  • Member Posts: 49
    Maybe there's another solution?

    My idea is like a perk or something that makes it so you cant be hooked for lvl 1 10 seconds lvl 2 20 seconds lvl 3 30 seconds or something like this or just reportable

  • Member Posts: 789

    You've got 2,000 second chance perks, the scales are in your favor, not the killer's.

  • Member Posts: 52

    it may not be as fun for all players but killers dont need to follow your survivor rulebook lmfao. and even if, then toxicity on the survivor side should be a reportable offense as well.

  • Member Posts: 4
    Maybe there's another solution?

    Camping and tunneling is indeed an unsatisfying way to play and it shouldn't happen but it is often the only way for the killer to create enough pressure to win. I think that should the unbalancing issues which reward such things would be resolved, then it wouldn't be necessary to take such drastic measures against it. Hardly anyone would be doing it and if they are than they would be punished by the game and lose.

  • Member Posts: 10
    Maybe there's another solution?

    I’m going to talk about camping, and I think this might make sense to some of you. You see, camping is ok when there are like 1 or 2 gens left, or even the end game collapse, then is where and survivor rules don’t matter. And this is coming from a survivor main. It waste the killers time as well, especially with face camping. If the survivor just waits it out and everyone does gens instead of trying to save the hooked survivor. Every time someone face camps me they get a 1k because everyone else got the gens done and went long gone. So I mean if you face camp and lose al the time there is your problem. I don’t care much cause I kind of half care if I escape. As long as someone does I’m happy and with face camping everyone ecscapes.

  • Member Posts: 10
    Maybe there's another solution?

    Except the one face camped survivor.

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