Sooo, does Spirit just have old prayer beads as base kit now.

I swear, she pops in behind me all the time to hit or grab, and there’s no static sound whatsoever! Post-match, her add-ons are nothing special. PS4 btw
If you within 24 meters away from her, you can not hear her phase. This cannot change btw.
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I experienced this same thing just last night, a silent phasing spirit. Please don't let it be basekit..
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Yeah I've been getting grabbed off gens without any sound as well on PS4. I just kill myself on first hook. I'm not playing against a killer that literally has no counter.
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Even if spirit uses Monitor and Abuse (which would make her have a TR of 16 meters), her static sound will always be 24 meters no matter what. So in that scenario where the Spirit is using M&A, there is a 8 meter area where you would hear no TR but would still hear a static sound. And considering her immense speed when phasing, its more then possible that she could grab you or get that hit just as the noise might just be starting especially if she's using the green speed add on and the red speed add on combined.
*Edited do to me correcting an instance where I misspoke.
Post edited by Sandt21 on3 -
Oh we don’t talk about sound bugs that benefit killers here!
but they didn’t fix the silent survivors while slugged yet! How dare they?
(Spirits bug is pretty much in every game against spirit for me it’s not consistent for every phase in one match though. silent slugs I only experienced once..)
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Well, whatever the reason, I’m tired of listening to Swamp crickets chirp while I work my gen, followed by a ride on Spirit’s shoulder before hearing any change to audio - aside from the jump-scare sound, that is.
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Surprise Spirit hugs, silent slugs, and other bugs. People acting like thugs. “Shrugs”. Focus on sounds please, just my suggs.
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I like to creep close with discordance, then phase within the 24m and get a grab!!!
And maybe a free hit as well😎
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Now I'm curious...does distressing mess with her sound?
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Nope. No matter what, her phasing radius can not change from 24 meters, regardless to what you do to your terror radius. The same goes for the Huntress' 40 meter lullaby.
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Yes,i had the same problem like you (also on PS4).
But it seems to be a suuuper rare bug.Only had it like 1 or 2 times
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Quite honestly waylay, I didn’t know that until tonight. I Guess that’s what’s been happening then.... maybe it shouldn’t be this way.
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It's called ability, it took him too much effort to reach that ability, something like ~ 20 hours🤷♂️
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The thing is, it sometimes doesn't even work properly and it'll just play the sound in the 24m radius anyway. I really don't know how they make sound so inconsistent so often, and on a killer where sound is kind of a big deal for both sides it's pretty frustrating that it keeps happening.
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if your in the spirits TR you don't hear her phasing.
be careful in her TR or listen closely as you can hear her walking so she doesn't get a grab, might still get a hit tho.
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Huh. I was certain it was tied to her TR, thats why I never use m&a on her. How did you find this out?
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If you have 100$ headphones you don't need to turn on the monitor to 4k
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nah and thats why she is so disliked, you get no info when in chases against her
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You were inside her tr probably. I do it all the time. Hit one guy go after another one working on a gen
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Isn't that scarier to play against. Kind of the point of playing survivor.
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Otz has done extensive testing on this. He posted his results on his channel
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This mf spittin' facts
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Just the facts man, just the facts. 😎
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Ever heard of the perk Spine Chill? It's literally THE counter against Spirit and powerful against every killer.
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If your in TR you won't hear phasing! But sounds are broken for Spirit right now, can't even hear footsteps while in phasing, if survivor's don't have IW they aren't making any sounds unless you have Stridor (which makes her too easy to use)
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Are you aware of the fact that Spirit can play around Spine Chill?