When can the devs bring us new survivor meta perks?

No Joke why are the devs don't bring good perks for survivor Out.
There are 15 or even more perks for Killer that are Meta. But survivor only have 5 maybe 6.
In which Chapter will the Devs finally brings good perks... I say end 2022
The Devs have been releasing very good survivor perks with every chapter this year, they just aren't mindlessly amazing like most meta perks are. And I mean that for both survivor and killer.
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5 or 6? Sprint burst,lithe, dead hard, adrenaline, head on, quick and quit, inner strength, bt, ds, unbreakable, deliverance, soulguard, iron will, spine chill, self care, prove thyself, kindred
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Lithe, quick and quiet, head on, inner strength, and self care aren't meta perks. Some of them are pretty good perks, but not meta.
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So why do I always see the in my games then?
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Because people want to have fun? And not want to sweat like Killers who play Freddy with Ruin+undying+Tinkerer?
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Don't you have enough already?
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Except you don't have to sweat with those strong perks
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What if I told you that you don't have to run meta perks to have fun or usually be successful. Make your own role (healer, unhooker, sabo, totem finder, killer runner).
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5? Adrenaline, Decisive strike, borrowed time, sprint burst, dead hard, unbreakable, souk guard iron will. Whereas killers vary based on their power. But on every killer you’ll most likely see BBQ, pop, nurse’s, ruin+undying, and maybe whispers.
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Soul guard is not Meta, and Iron will is only ok. That makes 6... Should I tell you all the Killer perks that are Meta?
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I would rather like to see new perks that encourage fun and new playstyles than straight up top tier meta perks
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Did you just say that killers have 15 or more perks that are meta, while survivors have 5 or 6?
Killers have so much more because nobody likes facing 4 DS, 4 Unbreakable, 4 Dead Hards, and 4 Borrowed Times
And even so, literally almost all the good killer perks are countered easily, while DS and Unbreakable together has almost no counterplay
Undying + Ruin is countered by cleansing Dull Totems then you cleanse hex totems, wow now the killer has 2 perks
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I would definetely say that soul guard is meta considering the ruin+undying meta right now.
Also you heavily underestimate iron will.It's a really good perk
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I mean if you're always seeing Self-care in your games, I assume you're winning most of them if you're the killer.
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They aren't going to make a perk more meta than DS
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Imagine the uproar if survivors had totem like perks which could be destroyed.
The only reason undying and ruin are meta are speed at which gens get done is ludicrous. It's almost become mandatory for the killer to have an actual chance. Especially killers with no mobility (90 percent of them).
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They are a good combo ironically all baised around gens almost like we want to have fun but can't bc a killer could be bad or garbage map "hadden field" on top of rng you could be. In pallet town or poverty before one is used
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Self careful a powerful perk in solo queue when used smart. And everytime you need someone to heal you that's multiple people not working on gens and multiple people in one spot
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So you mean to tell me a perk that allows free bt/unbreakable when cursed by a hex and the current killer metta involves 2 hexes
not to mention the bt part applies when picked up in general not when done solo and its reusable unlike unbreakable
Edit solo the perk is fair like unbreakable but when paired with ds same results or better
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The devs are trying, the problem lies within the fact that survivor has evolved to revolve around the 1v1, therefore the survivor meta is has do with perks about 2nd chance! If the 1v1 mindset changed then other perks could have a chance to be meta!
Same thing for killer, if you give survivors more objectives so gens don't go by fast, than the killer meta wouldn't be about slow down perks
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Two words, power creep. To make more meta perks they'll have to be stronger/more useful, but if they make too many game balance is ruined. Perks need to vary in terms of usability and power, and only through certain builds and playstyles can each perk really have a chance to shine. As for the # of meta perks for each side:
Survivor: DS, BT, Unbreakable, DH (and other Exhaustion perks, but this is most common), Soul Guard (Amazing with Unbreakable, usable w/Ruin+Undying meta), and Honorable Mentions: Iron Will, Spine Chill, Inner Strength, and Deliverance. 13 perks
Killer: Ruin, Undying, Corrupt Intervention, PGTW, BBQ&C, Nurses, Whispers, and Honorable Mentions: Tinkerer, some combos like Enduring+Spirit Fury or Ruin+Surveillance, NOED (Yes its a meme, but how many times to all the dull totems get cleansed?), and Thrilling Tremors. 13 perks
Don't forget, addons, maps, Survivor items, basic RNG loop spawns and especially experience can be more effective than any of these perks.
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Self care is the strongest killer perk in the game, lol
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I mean, WGLF is arguably good enough to be a meta perk now that it's been buffed. Being able to pick up slugs in 8 seconds or less is an insanely powerful tool and probably the first actual alternative pick to Unbreakable as good anti-slugging support.
It's not a new perk, but it is pretty fantastic post-buff. And it's a pro-altruism perk to boot.
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If you're a massive sheep then you'll just run dead hard/sprint burst, DS, unbreakable and BT
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True Chad survivors run botany knowledge, desperate measures, autodidact and pebble
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Guys, if you don't want to see UB, DS, BT, DH we need most meta perks. Imagine distorsion with 5 uses, leader affecting the surv that use it, something like that. And not, pickup a slugged surv in 8 secs is not insanely powerful, it's trash, as everything the do for survs.
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I see at least 2 iron wills in a big majority of my games and im in red ranks for both killer and survivor so yes I’d say is meta. Killer perks vary depending on the killer is considering a perk that good for one killer could be bad for another. Ex-STBFL is really good on demogorgon cause of his shred but bad on huntress as she mainly relies on her hatchets to get hits. The only perks you’ll actually see on 5 or more killers are, BBQ, pop, ruin/undying, corrupt, nurse’s, and maybe infectious depending on how fast said killer can actually get downs
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Ultimately it's unlikely any new survivor perk are going to be stronger than the current meta ones that already give strong effects with very little downside. You would have to nerf the current meta perks in order to start seeing new survivor perks become meta at this point.
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There are many other good survivor perks that are not used because how strong and amazing are current meta #########.
If only devs had guts to nerf these perks, so that survivors will move on to different builds.
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Define what you mean by "sweat." Utilizing a perk and using it multiple times isn't sweating. If someone is using head on, they are 100 percent not sweating. Sweating would be using DH, UB, DS, BT, 4 man gen rush squad.
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Its hard to make new meta perks when 2nd chance perks have and always will be the objectively best perks in the game.
Anything that can slow the killer down/prevent you from being removed from the game will always be king for survivors.
Remember DS is one of the best gen rush perks in the game due to preventing the game's natural slowdown.
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DS is a *Gen Rush Perk* ...relly?
DS has the most esay counterplay, don't Tunnel and If you do then slug or eat ds early.
I made in the Feedback sector a perk Idea that would be very good for solos. It's a Corrupt intervention for survivor.
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Here's the thing though:
A single DS means that your still delaying the killer and ONE OF YOUR TEAMMATES DOESN'T HAVE TO STOP WORKING ON GENS TO SAVE YOU.
A single DS activation effectively increases generator completion rate by 50% as you don't lose 1/3rd of people working on generators to come to save you(+50% is inversely equal to -33% much like how -20% healing from sloppy adds 4 seconds while botany's 33% reduces it by 4 seconds).
Add in unbreakable so you can pick yourself off the ground to more reliably get that 50% boost as your teammates still don't need to save you while slugged once and thus more generator completion
That's why its the best gen rush perk/perk combo in the game as its a self sufficient effective 50% generator completion by preventing the game's normal slow down.
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Gosh just pressure survivor from gens If they working on it.
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