Playing Killer is literally impossible right now

Last 20 matches only gen rushing squads that complete a gen first before they rescue their mate. In addition a lot of unbalanced maps which make it almost impossible to finish the chase fast enough to keep the preasure on. If they don't change something on the maps overall the game is destined to lose all of it's killer and the survivor Q's are getting worse than they already are.

In my oppinion this game is getting worse day by day and thats quite sad


  • Noobe
    Noobe Member Posts: 152

    have you seen how the game was in 2016? it was super bad compared to now.. besides most maps after their graphical update is getting very killer sided and queues has always been kinda meh.. so just keep practicing and play for fun instead of trying to win

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    yeah, this is the best this game has ever been in terms of balance which is actually sad to say when it is currently so unbalanced.

    @just4fun2000 you think this is bad? it's nothing compared to the past, back then nurse was literally the only killer able to win against even decent teams as pallets and vaults were extremely BS to the point where normal killers just couldn't win as long as the survivors were good.

    Nowadays there is a chance even against these teams and only the swf meta gen rushers are unbeatable unless you play spirit or nurse good or get very lucky when in the past you couldn't win against just a bunch of decent solo survivors who knew how to play basic loops and do gens.

  • Noobe
    Noobe Member Posts: 152

    also.. there is some videos where dbd players have watched 2016 gameplay.. look it up on youtube.. its insane that people even played back then

  • just4fun2000
    just4fun2000 Member Posts: 5

    I know how the game was in the past and i know that it was way worse in the past but a lot of maps are just stubid pallet dropping one after another where you only need an IQ of 5 to keep the killer busy and in the meantime 3 gens are finished and you can forget the game. And sadly that's the experience i had for the last few weeks.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Well, you have better IQ for sure. Record a video playing surv. I want to see how many times you escape

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Were you around for patch 1.9.2?

  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    It's fine for me Im having a good day today on here

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    get corrupt intervention, or ruin/undying, or at the least - pop goes the weasel

    What killers are you using and what perks?

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    People that complain that all survivors do in a chase is hold W and drop pallets is the type of player that goes down in 10 seconds to a Wraith.

    Killer is the easiest its ever been. There are still problems, of course. Maps still need a lot of work with the RNG tile spawns. But there's been massive killer buffs and survivor nerfs in the past few years. If you still find killer impossible look up some guides on how to play tiles/pallets better or specific killers.