Toxic survivors are the worst. Prove me wrong.

I want to say something, I love playing killer. I've always liked playing killer. And I play Myers, Blight, Legion, Trapper, and Pyramid head. And killer has a raw appeal to me that I can't push off. But I hate playing against survivors. I'm only a rank 16 because I can't win enough games. I have gotten approximately 60 messages from swf groups and survivor mains of them just straight up complaining or making fun of me. So I started following these toxic player's "rules." but it doesn't matter, no matter how much you let them escape, let them toy with you and play with you, no matter how much you avoid downing recently unhooked survivors, it doesn't matter. You will get messages from these players if you get one kill of them just complaining. And when all 4 escape, they send you messages like gg lol, you suck, etc.
I want to talk about perks next. These survivors pretty much believe that the killer's are not allowed to use anything. My blight build is pretty basic, Discordance, (for lethal rushing survivors), Save the best for last, (because swf love to group), Brutal strength, (because toxic survivors love to loop pallets and I want to counter that), and forced penance, (Because swf groups take protection hits and immediately heal in like 2 seconds.) I had to purposely make my build all about stopping these toxic swf groups. But it doesn't matter. The only way to win against these people are to tear apart their rulebook. Killer perks are incredibly weak compared to survivor perks, (Not including hex perks).
Unbreakable is there to prevent slugging. But Slugging means you just outplayed the survivors and won the game quickly, and you feel accomplished before 1 millisecond later they all get up off the ground and you have to do all of that again.
Decisive strike is super annoying to play against. I know its meant to prevent tunneling but 60 freaking seconds?! That's way too long, that's about 2 chases. You could find them and down them after they get unhooked for 45 seconds but it won't matter. Because even if you just downed them they stun you. Always. It feels like decisive lasts for the whole god damn game.
Sprint burst is also really annoying. You might find someone hiding near an unsafe pallet, you approach them, and they just run away. Combined with their Iron Will, it makes it almost impossible to find them.
We'll Make It is a common perk chosen by swf's, they love taking protection hits because they think that when they're healty they are invincible. We'll make it should only work for the person unhooked. Not all of them. And 90 seconds is enough time to heal your entire team against tier 3 thanat.
I feel like the game is in a horrible spot for killers right now. And with bloodlust removed, that only makes things worse.
So, these "toxic" survivors believe you aren't allowed to use any perks.
And then you go on to complain about their perks.
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Anyone who is toxic is the worst, doesn't matter if they're killer or survivor.
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Toxic players are the worst - doesn't matter if they play survivor or killer.
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It's not easy but you really gotta just ignore the BM and messages. Play how you want, and maybe have some happy pessimism? What I mean is when the game is not going your way, expect to lose and experiment with how you play.
Blight makes that point especially, because he's really hard to learn well. So if you're getting stomped, imagine this is just blight practise. Try to learn how use blight chaotically and unexpectedly.
Good luck!
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I'm a killer main and want to tell you a few flaws, looping isn't toxic it's the way the games is designed, also if your slugging all the time you should not be maybe down 2 then hook. Something I think killers should know yes some of their perks are more powerful than ours but that just means some of our perks need to be looked over and have a rework, for both sides in fact update bad perks nerf op perks, and just do some changes. The worst thing about this game is thought the lay out of maps. First breakable walls these are ment to make life easier for a killer but make it hell by placing them in unessarcry places like on the new wretched shop.
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About people being mean: if you're on pc, just quit the post game chat. If you're on ps4 disable the messages for people who are not your friends. I did that as soon as I started playing pvp because you're gonna get some messages no matter what. Even though, most messages I got were thankfully good ones. I even made friends with survivors when I was playing as killer (some of them I was able to kill, some i didn't, but the game was fun for us).
I'm sorry you have to deal with so many aggro teams. I fortunately don't face them so often, but then again I don't play killer that often and I avoid playing killer at night because that's usually the time these kind of teams come out.
As for the perks, as much as I love Discordance, once the survivors realize you have it, they tend to spread and the gens will be rushed. So I'm using other detection perks as of late.
Sprint Burst is something you can bait and get rid of, once you know they have it.
I think bloodlust should be removed, because the maps are being reworked and I don't think the killer should get free hits for not playing well. And it's just a 2 days test, so it will be fine.
And survivors also have to deal with killers that just don't care. Many people have no empathy with the other side. Sad.
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I said that killer's perks are not nearly as powerful as survivors
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still unbalanced though..
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Already done that. It's not practice when the 5 gens get completed in 10 seconds. And they added a perk that allows you to see gens, lose lose.
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I do agree. Looping isn't toxic, but I feel newer killers won't be able to catch up with bloodlust removed. I know how to run loops and counter them. That's why I use brutal. And I don't slug all the time. If they're all on one gen and I manage to down them all though, I don't think they deserve a second chance. It's their fault that they grouped up. And I feel that perks shouldn't be so powerful as they are. They're supposed to be perks, they just help you. Not make you win the game. Hex perks are the only ones that I think should stay powerful. I don't want perks to be buffed. Everything else in this arguement I agree with
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I mean, toxic anything is "the worst" in any game. I'm a newer player so, probably haven't played nearly as many upper tier groups as you have but I have played some and the toxicity definitely goes both ways. It's been a long time since I've been legitimately wrecked by survivors or killers, that was mostly on day 1 and 2 of playing when I knew next to nothing about how to really play the game, but when it was happening, I'd resort to crappy tactics like camping the hook to secure a kill because it felt like my only option. Despite the extreme hate for camping as seen in the forums here, even halfway decent groups can counter it - it only takes a second to speed by and unhook someone after my much longer investment of time to chase, down, carry and hook that player.
Try not to place so much importance on the hate mail you're getting. Just ignore it, and play how you want to play, use the perks you want to use, and screw what people think about it. If they're crying (even when they escaped), it's because you outplayed them in some way, and even if they're gloating, it's because they're immature and have low self-esteem. Either way, you're on top. Don't let it bother you.
I've been playing less than a month and have gotten plenty of hate mail already. Given the age of the game, it makes sense to me because there are probably many more cocky veterans playing these days compared to noobies so, everyone has an ego. In my short time though, I've come to not really care about "winning" the game, and I'm more content with just making everyone bleed. Just me though.
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You do make a fair point. But on pc things like steam messages are still there and you will get tilted no matter what. Some survivors I had a lot of fun playing against. And I do feel bad for survivors who go against annoying killers, I had to play a crap ton of survivor because of Tome V. Discordance is also my best detection perk I own. So I kinda have to use it. Bloodlust should only be removed if the maps have breakable walls. As new killers will be able to stop new loops. But it's important to keep in mind the fact that survivors can use these entrances too. It's like where both sides can gain bloodlust.
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that's the problem. They all play the same, I can't win against them.
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Pretty much this.
A combo I've found when playing Blight that works surprisingly well is Thrill of the Hunt paired with Devour Hope, and BBQ.
His map traversal is his primary upside. Use it to your advantage with BBQ, hooking and then running almost immediately towards people working on gens.
Additionally, if Devour Hope starts taking hits, you can fight back before totems go down using Thrill.
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I also don't care about winning. But it's them who care so much about winning that tilts me. Also the ranking system is hot garbage. At rank 18 I went against 4 rank 6 - 1's thanks for the help tho
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Not to be nasty, but if you're only a rank 16 killer, I don't think you've played enough to say how horrible the game is right now for killers. I agree though that this community is toxic. I get nasty messages from other survivors all the time complaining about how I played. I have received messages telling me that they messaged the killer telling them where I am when I'm the last alive. I get messages when I play killer too.
If you're on console, turn off your messaging from randos. If you're on PC, just leave. Play how you want to play. If it's not fun, take a break.
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Aye, the ranking/matching does need work. The player population could possibly be a bit of a limitation to what can be done though. Devs are likely stuck between choosing to improve that system to make it more fair with a smaller population pool (creating longer queue times in the process) or leaving it as-is, less fair, with a greater population pool to choose from (with still sometimes long, but generally shorter queue times).
It's a predicament for sure...
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Dude, if you want respect as a killer you have to take it.
You are the killer, kill them fools. U can play "fairer" if possible, but don't throw the match ignoring viable targets.
As far as perks go, and this goes for both sides, play whatever the ######### you want!
You're going meet smurfs, but as a rank 16, you should have the upper hand, swf or not.