Removing Bloodlust is a huuuge buff for red ranks survivor

Don´t get me wrong but to remove theese mechanic will be end to an desaster on red ranks if survivor listen what they do. They will loop you to the death. Alot ppl listen how horrible the killerexperience was without bloodlust and with all that infinates and the new maps still have strong loops. Im not a killermain or survivor main: I play both on red ranks, but you can trust me, it was not fun for killers.
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*Huge buff for console killers
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I don't know about that, BL is pretty bad. Like it's not horrible but the times it actually made real difference between catching a survivor or not are very little. Most of the time it does nothing unless you're forcing T3 which is a loss in itself.
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Bloodlust is pretty terrible, if this leads to other changes that actually help then I'm for it
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BL tier 1 is enough to get a window a pallet hit the other tier are useless but tier 1 is need for some loop.
I will press W jump a window when the killer is to close get some distance no survivor need to loop this week end
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I wonder how long survivor queues will get this weekend.
Or how many "servers are down", "matchmaking is broken" or "can´t find a survivor match" threads we´ll see.
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They should just remove tier 2 and 3 bloodlust since those are only used by bad killers to cheese good survivors who are looping them forever.
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Bloodlust is garbage and takes so long that you already lost the game if you spent that long in a chase anyway
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Just break the safe pallet bloodlust III gamer.
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Most good killers don't rely on bloodlust. They break pallets that need to be broken.
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Couldn't be more accurate. Those frame drops makes me lose my position every time hahaha
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I honestly doubt red rank killers rely on Bloodlust to catch survivors, and if they do they shouldn't be red ranks anyway.
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git gud and learn to mindgame like the right of us
if you only win chases against good survivors cause of blood lust then you got a lot to improve on
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You get a fat frame drop everytime you get bloodlust 1 on console,which makes you miss sooo many hits it's infuriating.
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It'll highlight issues with certain maps, like the middle of Suffo Pit. Nobody good is getting caught there without bloodlust unless they make a mistake. But for the most part bloodlust isn't necessary for good killers. The bigger issue is whether BHVR is capable of identifying problem areas in maps, because they're often unable or unwilling to address them (middle of Suffo Pit, Haddonfield existing, Ormond tile orientation, etc.)
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There is some point when they have good window that bloodlust t1 can make a difference otherwise it will bee really hard.
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Imagine using blood packed now or hope
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Oh my god that is so true, every time Bloodlust tiers up it's at the worst time so I miss a hit and/or drop so many frames that the survivor literally disappears and the chase is just over, I have no idea where they went. I can't count the number of times I've complained about it on these forums.
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Same for me.Can't count how many chases/games i've lost because of bloodlust frame drops.
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Why can't the survivors go slower instead of the killer going faster? I mean they're both running around but the survivor is still human.
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Do all the people saying "if you're getting blood lust your chases are too long" really expect us all to believe they are downing every survivor under 15 seconds?
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Hmm I usually don't ger blood lust because I break pallets or have potatoes sometime and I play huntress soo get rekt
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Removing BL but keeping god windows? lmfao why this is even an experiment is actually laughable. Bruh there is so much more important stuff that could be experimented with other than something that can be dealt with by simply throwing down a pallet and forcing the killer to kick it before you leave.
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So spend minutes running from safe pallet to safe pallet, breaking them, and then lose the game?
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If it is, it'll show over the test, that's the point of a test like this. BL was always a band aid system for poor map design, and if we can get rid of it it will probably allow for more flexibility with killer powers/items.
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thats true
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Let me explain why removing bloodlust is a good thing overall:
- Bloodlust was introduced before Exhaustion perks were even a catagory. It was literally needed to compensate. At this point, Bloodlust was balanced.
- Bloodlust got a massive buff when all exhaustion perks stopped regenerating while running.
- Bloodlust became quite strong on Dead Dawg Saloon because of breakable walls
- Breakable walls are retro-actively implemented to shorten bigger loops even further, making Bloodlust practically impossible to counterplay and tunneling really easy because there are shorter loops.
All in all, Bloodlust has recieved so many buffs that it's existance is overpowered to the point of carrying people who rely on it, but its so unnecessary for good killers that they barely even get to use Bloodlust.
Besides, removing bloodlust allows them to add things to individual killers who still relied quite heavily on bloodlust. The only reason I see why they turn it off temporarily is to adjust killers who need it before removing it completely. Because if they removed it before adjusting, those killers would be practically impossible to play as.
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Okay, try that tomorrow. RIP
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well, it will be only a test and that must be testing on Live servers to catch the current data. We will see
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Then you should have no problems with them removing it.
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That ... that was what i'm implying when i said it's pretty terrible
I indeed don't
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Bloodlust only helps when the survivors hold W.