Am I missing something, or is Nurse slightly overrated?

I decided to try playing Nurse and it's been... an experience. I'm well aware of her learning curve and this isn't about that.
It's just that it seems so... easy to screw her over. Not the survivors, mind you. Rather, she has so many maps that pretty much render her null and void.
You have maps like Cold Wind that you can not see through unless you're a god, Pale Rose is the same but with a massive ship, places like Haddonfield/Badham have buildings that screw with your blinks, and Entity have mercy if you get Lery's.
And that's not even accounting the bugs. My LORD, she is buggy as hell. Even for this game, the bugs get absurd. Like that spot in Badham where you can blink out of the map.... if your blink even lets you enter the building instead of hitting the wall. Don't even get me started on how bad Midwich was at release...
I'm not saying she's bad. In fact, in terms of sheer power, she is the strongest but I keep finding myself wondering if she really is the best killer in the game. Her 1v1 is great but her mobility is lacking (unless you use add-ons), her power is unreliable, and so many maps just nullify her—all this on top of being the hardest killer in the game to use.
Is there something I'm missing? Are these maps just something you get used to with time (and bugs you just learn to deal with)?
dude she is a monster in the right hands and her rework hasn't changed how she is used it just delayed her by a second from using her blinks.
sure extra blinks are no longer around(since her UR addon is TRASH) but good nurses didn't need more than 2 blinks anyway.
the main thing to understand is that a good nurse is either on the same level or higher as spirit and god nurses are way above spirit since you won't avoid getting downed in 3 blink secessions. she is undeniably the best killer for downing a survivor because she ignores the environment and her mobility is about the same as any killer if you use blinks to move around.
As for bugs yeah they hinder her but that doesn't mean she sucks and dead zones are uncommon enough that you can often down a survivor before they get to one and if they do get to one then you just leave them and quickly down someone else. they can also be patched sooo.
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I don't think she's overrated at all. There are definitely some maps where I'd rather be Spirit, but as a whole, Nurse is the best killer in the game. You'll eventually learn to deal Coldwind and other map idiosyncracies. She requires a massive time and effort investment, and there's no skill cap.
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I personally think nurse is insanly overrated. I feel people are still thinking about old 5 blink nurse when they talk about her.
She's strong ofcourse but i feel people put her on the top with little to no thought. People only think about god nurses that end matches in 5 minutes.
And the only god nurses i've ever seen are the people who play this game for a living who can also 4k with perkless addonless trapper with little effort. And it's not recently too
A spirit in my oppinion can do most things nurse can do with half the effort and with not nearly as manny bugs.
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I agree I've made it to red ranks multiple times and I still haven't found that godlike nurse that you hear in the legend. Maybe its not a legend and more of a myth.
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The difference between a good nurse player and an amazing one is criminal. You have to invest lots of hours to become one. It's faster to try to find one in the wild. Play survivor in red ranks and you will eventually find one, but it takes a long time after the nerf.
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Because lack of players. There are good nurses who only lose to gen rush. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't real. Marth88 or whatever his name was and blinkybill all sorts of people were KNOWN for nurse before they left the game. This isnt like god or Greek gods, this is a game.
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Its almost like nurse requires skill
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Twisted on that one.
If you want to put in the effort and learn Nurse, you can basically become unstoppable. If you become good with her, you will lose a pretty low amount of games.
But I would agree that it is not needed anymore. Lets say you win 99 out of 100 games with Nurse, you would probably win 90-95 games with Spirit, if you become good with her, while not putting as much effort in learning Spirit. Heck you can even go for Freddy and win like 85-90 games, without much effort at all.
But if you want to play the best a Killer can play, you want to learn Nurse. But now there are more options available.
But I wont say that she is overrated, she is without a doubt the strongest Killer.
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Yeah,she probably is but i have yet to see it.
It's hard to believe nurse being the strongest killer when i can count the number of times i died to her on one hand.
More telling of the skill of the nurse players i played against then the actual strength of the nurse but the point still stands.
Are there even recent video's of nurse doing really well against good players? None of the content creaters i watch play her much anyway.
I would love to be proven wrong but from my own personal experience I've never encountered a god nurse and the last time i saw a good nurse on video was shortly after she was reworked.
Purelly in theory it's obvious she's really strong cause she ignores most of the survivors defences. I just don't believe she is the unstoppable force most people claim her to be.
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Léry is OP with nurse, you don't have to bother with walls
And I do play nurse very often, I know what I say
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Shes overated unless you play like a high skilled nurse and slug, like most killers even if theyre strong and you get fast downs the other 3 can power through gens so unless you use gen defense and slug you will lose against high skilled players and its as simple as that sadly. you have to remember picking up, carrying, hooking and then going to another survivor is all time gens are being worked on and if theyre split up then guess what the other 2 will still be doing... GENS. for moderate to less skilled players shes a god yeeee
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You're missing a lot.
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I started playing this game less than a month ago and Nurse is what kept me from uninstalling lol. This is mainly because, obviously, as a new player, I didn't know ######### I was doing, didn't know maps, had no clue about perks and add-ons and what any of it really did. I was getting stomped as a survivor and run in circles as a killer.
I quickly grew tired of the typical games survivors play, and tried out the Nurse, which negates most of the core survivor strategies, and I began winning and ranking up pretty quickly. I have so many hilarious saved clips of survivors pulling their bs tactics, teabagging thinking they're cool just before I blink over to them and down them. It's very satisfying. I have all purple perks on her now but am still lacking what people here consider the "meta" perks, yet it's still pretty easy to play at this stage and I've since moved on from her as the blinking gets old and her play strategy in general just isn't that interesting or fun.
You're right though, if it's an indoor map, or just any map with lots of obstructions you can't see over or around, the difficulty is definitely higher. You REALLY need to know the map, AND the paths a survivor is likely to take, otherwise you risk easily losing the chase by blinking yourself into a spot that's nowhere near where the survivor went.
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I went against Jdawg's Nurse earlier on Thompson House and he played extremely well and slugged for pressure. However, gen rushing is so strong that in the end he only achieved a 2K.
Great Nurse players are a rare sighting, and even then they don't steamroll like one would expect against near optimal teams.
Survivors are the real unstoppable force in this game, but the vast majority (like 99%) play like potatoes. Okay, maybe not that many play like potatoes, but not at the optimal level to win against a god tier Nurse player.
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Im aware I don't actually think this is like greek gods I was jokingly making a comparison about how its been spread around that nurse destroys but me and a lot of other players haven't seen that yet
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Nurse main here. Everything you mentioned is a skill based thing. If you play nurse for a lot of hours (like hundreds of hours) you get a lot of experience and can deal with any of that. A good nurse, will always get a hit from a blink. If you are good a chase can end in 10 seconds and survivors can't keep up.
Nurse is simultaneously the best killer in the game by far and needs to be reworked, but also the only viable one at high level play.
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Do you play on console or PC? I play on console and god tier nurses are very rare but they're nasty when you find them.
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But.... what's the point?
She requires hundreds of hours of investment just to be competent with her, but why suffer through that when there are other killers who can get the same results with much less effort?
Sorry, I'm just finding it hard to continue even trying to learn her when the road is so demotivating, I find myself wondering what its even worth.
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I play on PC but with crossplay on
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you're totally missing why she is strong: she destroys the game canons, while every other killer has to respect. She can totally avoid looping and has enormous map pressure, at the cost of being very slow and high risk.
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Been playing less than a month and Nurse was the first killer I committed to. I'm certainly no professional, but, in my opinion, claiming Nurse requires hundreds of hours is a bit of an overstatement. In my time with Nurse, yeah, I spent a brief amount of time whiffing my blink strikes, but it didn't take that long to improve and get the hang of things. Now, I have all my preferred purple perks (which aren't even any of the so-called meta Nurse build perks discussed on the forums) and it's not even fun to play her anymore. Granted, this is all dependent on the kinds of survivors I'm playing too, I get that.
It's just, in my mind, when I hear people refer to "god tier" skill for Nurse, I think of it as mastering that last 10% of whatever skill ladder you want to use to measure mastery with - THAT'S what takes hundreds of hours - but getting to 90% mastery? That's doable in 10% of the time (imo), at least, in my experience, it certainly felt that way enough to make me bored and move on to another killer.
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I mean, the number of Nurse-players went down. One of the reasons is clearly her Bugs, it is laughable. BUT BHVR seems to be working on them and it is not like you get a Bug in every Nurse-game.
But I am also pretty sure that many Nurse-players cannot compensate their lack of Skill by adding more Blinks or Range. Like, there was one Nurse-player I went against quite frequently and he was always either using 3 Blinks with Range or Omegablink. Basically, whenever a Black Ward or a Azarovs Offering were used, it was THIS Nurse-player. Had him like 2 times each day, most of the time.
But since the Add Ons got reworked, I have never seen him again. Neither as Nurse nor anything. Could be possible because he quitted (maybe he wasnt that good) or could be because of Dedicated Servers (since those are active I have not seen quite a bunch of people I used to see quite often).
So most of the Nurses you see are not good. But I also dont think that many will learn her, because, as you said before, it is not really worth it, when you also can just play Spirit. Which is basically "Use Stridor and you are fine".
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anyone who says nurse is overrated are just bad at nurse
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I get that, but it just seems like people wanna downplay her or something. Hell the best nurse I've gone against was console and I had to have a hatch escape ON GIDEONS funny thing is he was rusty and I went against him before for the first time on that SAME map. He was better than although rusty. It is pretty freaking scary man