Apparently Bloodlust is getting disabled temporarily for this weekend?



  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2020

    I believe this is a good way to see just how far off we are from achieving proper map balance, especially on newer/re-worked maps.

  • koalacola
    koalacola Member Posts: 12

    So they are saying it will be even more easy for survivors to escape (in case of most killers) .... neat. (not rly)

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Review the numbers for how inflated the KR rates become if survivors and killers DC at the same rate and not counting the DC as a kille:

    12 out of 16 survivors or 75% get doomed to die from one survivor DCing on average

    While only 4 survivors escape if the killer DCs

    So in a world where survivors and killers DC the same rate its 12/20 survivors die from the DC alone is 3/5 or 60% KR base line.

    Also lets not kid ourselves: Survivors DC more then killers do and the KR could be counting the DC survivor as a kill which would make 70%(No killer is even near 80%) pretty normal along with the average killer hovering around 65-68%(2k average favoring killer)

  • memento
    memento Member Posts: 158

    I won't play any killers for this weekend, moreover, apparently survivors queue will become terrible so I don't play survivors too.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004
    edited November 2020

    Yeah, as a new killer this is just going to make things harder. Matchmaking already screws low-level killers over. I had just made rank 16 before the reset and I normally face at least a few purple or red ranks per game and things like the cow tree, Ormond hotel, the long fences at Haddonfield etc are hard enough for killers trying to learn.

    How about tying it to your rank? Lose the highest tier when you "graduate" up a colour in ranks so it's there for low-level killers but gone by the time you hit higher skill levels?

    Edit: To add a point, when I watch people with thousands of hours like Otz and Tofu having serious issues getting looped at Haddonfield houses or Ormond jungle gyms with two pallets and two windows (both recent streams) what hope does a beginner like me have?

    Post edited by Bardon on
  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    When bloodlust is gone, they'll still find killers are overpowered especially in higher ranks. At red ranks where the killrates are the highest, killers that don't use bloodlust will be unaffected and still be winning most of the time. Removal of bloodlust only prevents a noob from catching an experienced survivor.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Your calling me out for using my personal perspective(Which its not) then base your entire argument around your own perspective?

    "Those in glass houses should not throw stones"

    Also from all realistically gather-able evidence(we don't have exact numbers) survivors DC vastly more on average then killers proportionally do.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No, I didn't call you out for it.

    I asked if that was your experience.

    As for me, I don't see it that often.

    But , I do agree survivors DC more than killers.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    I guess it's time to run Brutal Strength because we're breaking every pallet.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Bloodlust isn't for strong loops, it's for catching up to survivors who just hold W away from you and keep running. If they've got space to do that, they can reliably waste enough of a killer's time to be effective without even looping.

  • Megaris
    Megaris Member Posts: 105

    then, why need to remove bloodlust even though veterans aren't affected and beginners need it.

  • nickofford
    nickofford Member Posts: 105

    They haven't include matches with DC's for the past two rounds of statistics

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    maybe we could test an FoV option that doesn't require a perk slot, a colorblind mode, or disabling all dark blendable outfits on both survivor and killer to see how they impact the game? or disabling the killer's red glow?

    Its almost like we already know the answer to those things, but changing them would ruin the game for a few days. imagine that.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    You should be breaking the very few safe loops that are left however. Not bloodlusting around every single loop and refusing to break pallets.

    Any killer who has any sort of secondary power or antiloop looses their bloodlust when they use it, so it's basicalyl encouraging killers to use their powers rather than hold w.

    Look at those rock loops on yamaoka for example. Have you ever come across a bloodlust killer at those loops? Ur basically dead before you even get to the loop, and as if those loops weren't unsafe as heck already.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    They didn't actually say they removed DCs for this round and this round has a much higher KR so....

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Dw i can guarantee you asylum will be fixed with the graphical update, and the funbus is alot smaller and weaker with azarov's recent graphical update.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I disagree. A killer moving at 115% or more can easily catch up to a survivor running straight. A survivor running laps around a killer in a strong loop however, desperately needs a bit of a disadvantage.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814

    They're not exactly infinites if breaking a wall destroys them. You may as well call normal loops infinites while the pallet is still up.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    Thank you for doing live test so console is included.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited November 2020

    i come to the forum to stay abreast of things such as this, as a reminder to not bother with this kind of garbage

  • natbornkilla
    natbornkilla Member Posts: 25

    the cow tree loop is going to be just oh hey ran there ok bye im just going to fuk off cause its pointless most killer cant do anything here now let alone without bl unless ur runing bambolzle just ingore it let the r1 sit point and t bag u there. the 2nd thing that concerns me is the 2 window gyms. where u dont have the speed to really go around and reforce the window in some cases then again some cases is as it is some, now this could go back to the weird 6 window vault loop which is not in it sense a infinate it never was but it is a 2-3 min time sink. its to safe with out bl 1 or again bambozle notice a theme devolping here

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    An infinite is one where the time gained by the survivor vaulting a window is equal or greater to the amount of distance the killer is able to close by pursuing them, with both players having optimal pathing. Loops should NEVER have that be possible, as it completely defies the universal "strength" of killers (being faster than survivor when just moving forward,) and especially shouldn't be possible when some killers are slower than others, making god loops hit them even harder.

    infinites shouldn't exist period, and breaking walls to remove infinites would be fine.... if it wasn't for the fact that the infinites had previously been removed, then readded specifically to use the wall break mechanic. Makes me wonder if we'll get a killer perk that removes the possibility of sound bugs from occurring 🤔

    I mean hell, they already did it with perks being the only way to get a decent FoV and actually have a chance to see blood if you're colorblind, why not right?

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    bye bye bloodlust, hello nurse 120% walking speed 🤣

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    Remove all windows, remove all pallets, open up even the last single loopable jungle gym. This will be so much fun and finally the game that killer players will complain about only 98 % of the time.

    Since it came out it has been patched to ridiculously easy mode for killers with every patch a bit more.

    Pallets/Walls/Windows for survivors to have a means to get a killer off their back ? Lets bring out the nurse to who all this has no deeper meaning. This is how it started.

    Today we have a game where not a single wall does NOT have a passable section for the killer, plenty of wallhack perks and add-ons so killers can see survivors even behind cover etc. etc. etc.

    When I play killer it takes a very well coordinated SWF group to beat me. Everything else is 3-4 k without even anything that resembles some effort.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    This change would further the divide between the top-tier Killers and the rest, so I see it as a step backwards. They should either nerf the speed boost or rework the mechanic instead of scrapping it entirely.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    You guys can enjoy your test and I will enjoy not playing killer this weekend lol. Sorry but as long as god loops exist I have no plans on dealing with yet another thing to make it even harder to catch a good survivor. I wouldn't care if god loops didn't still exist but they do, in fact some of these windows are so strong that this change will turn them into an infinite (groaning storehouse is a good example) where you literally cannot mind game it only follow the survivor and without BL you will end up losing chase because you fall so far behind and even the window won't block because the game thinks you aren't chasing someone. Thanks for no, this is a terrible idea.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    unnecessary, nowadays if you need bloodlust to down the first survivor you already lost the game because 3 gens will pop before you hook the guy lol

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    maybe undetectable status during all the match? "The Status Effect is removed once you lose Bloodlust."

    If there is no bloodlust, how will the undetectable end? LOL

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Will the data then result in maybe changing the default speed of both killer and survivors then? I thought it was implemented because there's situations where survivors are too fast

  • nike
    nike Member Posts: 280

    Bloodlust disabled is blood lost

  • UGWRayne
    UGWRayne Member Posts: 15

    I slightly agree with this. The Greta skill check is ehhh... The only thing i really want is to speed up the wiggle. It seems like no matter where you go down there is always a hook within close range. Most can never wiggle out. Like ever. Just have the wiggle build up faster or take out like 6 hooks out of the 20 it seems they have.

  • UGWRayne
    UGWRayne Member Posts: 15

    Do you think its easier with cross play on or off? Just asking... I want to k now how much of a difference there really is.

  • Well i wont be playing this weekend then because tired of them nerfing stuff. Tired of them making MAJOR changes to the game after purchase

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814

    I don't see how it's really worse given the other changes to the maps, though. For example, Groaning Storehouse had a pallet removed from the main building when the breakable wall was added. I would personally rather have what is essentially a pre-dropped pallet than have two pallets to deal with, even if that pre-dropped pallet is in a really strong loop.

    The only breakable wall that I really dislike is the one at the top of the Iron Works, because the killer is never going to go up there until they're in a chase, so it's basically a one-time-use god window. It's not the end of the world in a nutshell, but it's a massive time waster for killer on a map that I don't feel needed it. I don't really like breakable walls in general btw; I just don't think they're the balance issue that some would say.

    I agree with you about the lack of colorblind settings, though... that's gotta be really rough for people. The FoV is small for balance reasons, though, so I'm actually fine with them not adding a slider.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Obviously the DC rate is going to be higher for survivors than killers because there's four survivors and one, count em, ONE killer per game. The DC rate has a chance of going up exponentially for the side that has more opportunities for DCing in any situation like this, that's just basic logistics. This is also assuming every DC is purposeful and not a result of game errors.

    I've had a game recently where there were hackers that broke the game so badly that every spot there could be a pallet there was, all the gens popped less than 30 seconds into the match starting and the two that caused it left immediately leaving the killer and two console players (me and one other person) stuck in an infinite EGC. The killer ended up having to DC to end it, he and I got a 5 minute matchmaking penalty even though I didn't DC and the poor other console player got a 15 hour ban from the game entirely. Would only the killers DC count towards those rates? Would mine be included even though I didn't actually DC? There's too many variables to rely on those statistics for any kind of argument. Although they may not make up a majority of cases, these are not isolated incidents and infinite EGC's that force DC's appear to happen frequently.

    As for the people whining about a two or three day TEMPORARY TEST and saying they 'just won't play', you're not helping your case. That's literally idiotic.

    If you think the game still needs bloodlust, you'd THINK you all would play to show the devs how worse off you'll be without it. That's what the test is for, to gather data. The only reason not to play during this change is because you're afraid to show them that you don't need it anymore and validate everyone's concerns. If you need it, show them you need it and maybe they won't get rid of it entirely or at all.

    I personally like a suggestion I saw earlier in the thread that could make everyone happy. They can rework Beast of Prey and make bloodlust a component of it so that it's still available to those who need it, aka the inexperienced players, and if you want to use it even though you're experienced it comes at the cost of a perk slot so that it's not abusable. It's the same reason perks like kindred, deja vu, visionary and windows of opportunity are perks and not base kit. At the very least bloodlust should not be base kit the same way any other advantage isn't.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    This might come as a surprise, but most people aren't vindictive enough to be miserable just to spite the devs. If changes are made that they disagree with, they'll usually just avoid subjecting themselves to it, and play other games instead. Maybe Civ.

  • zelda
    zelda Member Posts: 28

    Killer is so OP, this is why survivors queue more than 5 minutes everynight.

    Maybe bug factory can consider not only remove the bloodlust, but also remove the killers.

  • zelda
    zelda Member Posts: 28

    Bug factory thinks that it is so many killers in this game, so devs nerf it.

    Please coordinate with official, don't play killer in these 3 days, let the number of killer decrease, so R20 killer will not queue a long time.

  • zelda
    zelda Member Posts: 28

    No, devs of bug factory don't play killer only, they all are baby survivors main.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Whats bloodlust? Been playing this game without knowing what bloodlust is.

  • Purple_Orc
    Purple_Orc Member Posts: 225

    I like that you are trying this but with the way matchmaking is right now how good can the data be.

  • WorstKillerNA
    WorstKillerNA Member Posts: 22

    This is why its a friggin test bro. Calm down. Its a test. The numbers will decide the truth.

    The question: Do we really still need bloodlust?

    This test will provide an answer. If youre a killer main this would be even more in your interest to play to either prove that the game still needs bloodlust OR realize that maybe you can do alright without it.

  • Halbix
    Halbix Member Posts: 42

    So they force it on everyone else, during the weekend when most people have time to play the game

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    When I had crossplay on the game felt worse, like it was more laggy/stuttery on top of the triggers that already cause fps drops. I wouldn't say it's easier off, it's just better experience for me because performance is worse with crossplay on and I get matched with better randoms for teammates than I did with it on.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    I think it only demonstrates the incompetence of the team, and am desperately hoping they use the information to buff low tier killers, instead of nerf the stronger ones. However, given the track record of decisions made after gathering data, im not too hopeful.