Implementing a perk loadout save

I was thinking the other day if Behaviour Interactive would implement a save system for load outs.
For ex: Stealth layout: Urban evasion, Inner strength, Iron Will and Calm spirits. Then you click save after you labeled it. So you get in a game and tab down to a build you want to play like up to 3-4 builds. I was just curious if this was a future thing maybe.
This would be cool. I think were more likely to get a search bar for perks tho.
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I would be all for it
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Is that necessary? Aren't they in alphabetical order? (Granted, I'm on console, so typing out a perk name with a controller would take longer than just searching for it.)
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Would honestly be the most pointless addition to the game ever lol. Like there’s max 3-4 pages of perks and you can easily navigate to any perk in under 5 seconds on any platform.
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Would just be a quality of life pretty much. I'm just saying would be nice. If your new you could save a build your friend tells you because you won't remember half the perks in the beginning.